Fallout 76 Workshops Guide – How to Claim, Defend, Mine Resources

Fallout 76 Workshops Guide

In this Fallout 76 Workshops Guide, we will guide you on how you can claim different workshops scattered around Appalachia and claim them as your own in Fallout 76. Workshops act similar to camps but you cannot move them around like your own camps and anyone in the server can claim a workshop as their own if the current owner fails to defend it. Workshops help you collect resources automatically in their radius.

We have curated this Fallout 76 Workshops Guide in which we have detailed how the workshops work, and how you can claim them and defend them from other players in the server. We have also listed all the workshops which are located in Fallout 76. Apart from this, we have also detailed how you can use these workshops to mine resources automatically in their vicinity.

Workshops Guide – Fallout 76

In this Fallout 76 Workshops Guide, we have detailed everything that you need to know about using workshops in Fallout 76.

Workshops are similar to Camps in Fallout 76 but they cannot be packed up and moved around. Also, you will need to claim a workshop and they are mostly held temporarily because everyone is always looking to claim one for themselves. If you fail to defend one, the winners will claim it as their own.

These are public, stationary camps that offer all the features of the camps. They are big and could be industrial, agricultural, or military depending on the area where they are present. They have a large red workbench which acts as the main hub of the workshop. We recommend that if you are not familiar with building and managing a camp, do that first and later claim a workshop.

Before you start claiming workshops, we highly recommend that you get up to speed with how camps work in Fallout 76 and other important camping details in our Fallout 76 Camping Guide. Understanding how camping works will help you with how workshops work. We will not go in too much detail about the mechanics which have been already explained in the camping guide.


There are 22 different locations of Workshops spread around the game. Each comes with its unique resources for you. We have detailed their locations below.

Region Name of Workshop’s Location
The Forest: Zone A Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm
The Forest: Zone B Tyler Country Dirt Track
The Forest: Zone C Gorge Junkyard
The Forest: Zone D Billings Homestead, Poseidon Energy Plant Yard
The Forest Zone E Charleston Landfill, Wade Airport, Lakeside Cabins
Toxic Valley Hemlock Holes Maintenance, Grafton Steel
The Ash Heap: Zone A Beckley Mine Exhibit, Mount Blair
Savage Divide: Zone A Red Rocket Mega Stop, Monongah Power Plant Yard, Converted Munitions Factory
Savage Divide: Zone C Spruce Knob, Federal Disposal Field HZ-21
The Mire: Zone A Thunder Mountain Power Plant Yard, Berkley Springs West, Daily Sods Campground
The Mire: Zone B Dabney Homestead
Cranberry Bog: Zone A Abandoned Bog Town

Understanding How Workshops Work

These workshops will allow you to extract food, water, and minerals from the ground. Each workshop has a certain radius around it and it will continue to extract these three things from all resource options found in these locations. If you have a workshop under your claim, you can use them to collect resources pretty easily and you do not have to collect each of them manually.

Some of the workshops will also offer you rare minerals and rare items depending on their location. All you need to do after claiming a workshop is keep the power flowing to them and well-defended so that other players can neither steal your resources nor claim the workshop as their own.

Inside the workshop, you will find a workshop workbench. This is the main item of the workshop and it acts like a camp but it is not mobile. Here, you can access the build menu, resources stored at that workshop, and other important information about the workshop. Next is the Food and Water Resources.

Here, you will find the number of food and water resources that the workshop will provide to you if they are listed there. This depends on the workshop’s location and if there are no food or water resources near the camp, the workshop cannot provide you with them.  If a specific number of items are listed here, you will automatically obtain them after a certain in-game cycle.

Next, we have the Resource Deposits. This section will show you everything about the resources that specific workshop is able to mine for you. Before you can actually start mining, you will need to build collectors that work automatically once built. Check which resources can be mined in the workshop and build their respective collectors to start automated mining.

Some workshops also offer unique resources to you if you complete a task for them. Complete the task and once it is done, you will start getting a steady flow of the unique resource as well. Each workshop also has some specific enemy spawns. You can check the area to see which type of enemies are spawning there and then claim the workshop if you want to farm a specific item from that enemy type.

Power is important for all of these workshops. While some workshops come with their own power boxes, you might sometimes need to turn them on or find a decent power source for a workshop. You might need to turn on nearby power plants in order to get some juice for your workshops to start mining and collecting procedures. Certain workshops also provide you with a Vertibot Landing Pad. This is an autonomous attack craft that is good against ground targets. To call one, access the Signal Grenade Box and fire a grenade to summon it.

Defense is very important for all workshops. Some workshops come with their own turrets however most of the time, you will need to construct your own security measures such as turrets and walls. You can check the boundary of the workshop by the green line around it. You can set up your own camps around the workshops to further strengthen the defenses.

How to Claim a Workshop

When you see a workshop and approach it, it might be ‘Unowned’ or ‘Contested’. If the workshop is unowned, you can simply walk to the workshop, kill all enemies in the area, and then head to the red Workshop Workbench and claim it as your own. This will make you the owner of the workshop.

If the workshop is already under someone’s claim. It will enter the ‘Contested’ state. In this state, you can either fight them to claim ownership or run away if they are more powerful than you. Owned workshops usually have a lot of defenses around them such as turrets, traps, and enemy players. Go in prepared if you want to claim a workshop.

Expanding your Workshop

Once you have successfully claimed the workshop, you can start to build around it and expand it into a proper structure. Repair what structures are already built in the workshop and build new ones. The process of building here is the same as that of camps. You can build your workshop any way you like however the building is limited to the green boundary line. You cannot go beyond this line unless you set up your own camp beyond this line.

Defend your Workshop

After claiming and expanding your workshop, one of the most important things to do is to defend your workshop. You can do that with a number of different defensive structures such as turrets, traps, raised turrets, and other defensive tactics. A workshop without properly built defenses will fall very easily.

To do this, get rid of any trash lying out in the area. Scrap whatever is blocking your ideal building plan. If something is blocking the area and not allowing you to place turrets, scrap it. Also build walls, doors, turrets, high floors, and other buildings around your collectors and generators.

It is one of the best ways to defend these vital structures from becoming the first casualties of any enemy attack. Try to place your generators in high-to-reach areas such as rooftops and hidden behind walls and doors. If your generators are out, your workshop might lose power and your collectors and turrets will also not work.

You can opt for different purpose-built defensive structures to guard your workshops with. We have detailed some of the below.

  • Wall Defenses – Build high walls and create special high attack perches so that you have higher grounds when the enemies attack.
  • Choke Points – Create a seemingly easy entry point into the workshop and then hide a lot of turrets behind walls so that whenever an enemy enters through here, they are instantly welcomed by the turrets.
  • Turret Towers – Built towers specifically for turrets. Build a tower and place turrets on every floor of the tower.
  • Stations and Workbenches – Craft them in easy-to-reach places so that you quickly craft items and ammo during attacks
  • Switched Defenses – Link turrets and traps to switches so that you have more control over your defenses
  • Distractions – Create some distractions so that your enemies are distracted by them such as putting creature heads on walls while you move in behind them to take them out silently
  • Random Buildings – If nothing else works, build random structures just to confuse your enemies. Keep them circling in mazes and more.

Watch your Budget

Although the options for creating the perfect workshop are plenty, you will need to watch out for your budget. Workshop offers a lot more budget than a camp but still, the budget is limited and not infinite. Bigger workshops have more budget while smaller workshops have lower budget but they are generally more than camps.

For workshops, your main expenses are going to be defenses. So make sure that you are putting down plenty of defenses in the area. Make sure that you have enough power for all the defenses and your collectors as well.


Once you have set up your workshop all well and done with the defenses, you will need to be ready for enemy attacks. Stack up on ammo, weapons, and good-quality armor and gear. You will need to fight wave after wave of enemy attacks. However, looting the enemies will give you some really solid loot such as new plans.

You cannot keep the workshop forever. Eventually, you will be run over by creatures or someone more powerful than you. If such a thing happens, do not forget to take blueprints of the workshop and move on. Also, you can only claim a workshop until you are online. If you quit the game, the workshop is automatically lost.

For additional Fallout 76 guides, make sure to check out our Antibiotics Guide, Deathclaw Eggs Farming Guide, Fact Finder .44 Pistol Guide, Wastelanders Romance Guide, Wastelanders Allies Location Guide, Wastelanders Hunter for Hire Guide, Wastelanders Strength in Numbers Quest Guide, Weapons Guide, Perks and Special Attributes Guide, Power Armor Guide, Camping Guide, Apparel Guide, Best Characters Build Guide, Aid Items Guide, Main Quests Guide Part 2, Main Quests Guide Part 1, Chemistry Guide, Cooking Guide, Crafting Guide, Event Quests Guide, Daily Drop and Repeatable Quests Guide, Nukes Guide, Diseases and Mutations Guide, Miscellaneous Quests Guide, Magazines Guide, BobbleHeads Guide, Power Armor Locations Guide, Combat Guide, Side Quests Guide, Beginner’s Guide, Aluminum Farming Guide, Final Word Weapon Guide, Weapons and Armor Mod Guides, and 8 Basic Steps After Setting Out the Vault in Fallout 76 Guide.

This concludes our Fallout 76 Workshops Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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