Cookies Policy

Cookies are an important source of information collection and Sturgeon Media takes great care when it comes to your consent to allow us to use cookies during your visit. We use cookies to help us make your every visit better at Below you will find Sturgeon Media’s Cookies Policy which is also part of our Privacy Policy.

We also provide basic information on third-party services we may use, who may also use cookies as part of their service, though they are not covered by our policy.
You can always opt out of accepting our cookies by refusing them in your browser but please be advised that we will not be able to provide you with certain services if you refuse to accept cookies from our websites. Make sure to check out our Privacy policy as well.

How do Cookies improve user experience?

Cookies are used to enable a set amount of features when you visit a website. It keeps track of site usage, user settings, and the type of content one views. It varies from person to person
who visits the website from the browser.

When you visit a website, it stores data on your device, it categorizes the type of content you visit on the website allowing a better user experience when you return.

Types of Cookies:

First Party Cookies:

The website you visit collects your track usage and the type of content you view. This type of cookie is set directly by the website you visit on the browser.

Third-Party Cookies

Third-party cookies track your data usage on another website, which you visit, only when that website allows its services. Sometimes we may use third-party cookies, which help third-party companies and individuals to collect certain information from these cookies. These include analytics providers and content partners.
They could also be certain service providers. Their cookies will help them provide their service to you more efficiently. Third-party cookies can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service. As we have no control over third-party cookies, they are not covered by Sturgeon Media’s cookie policy.
However, this does not mean that your privacy is compromised with these third-party cookies. We review the privacy policies of all third-party providers before they are allowed on our website. We will never include third-party services that compromise or violate the privacy of our users.

Performance Cookies:

Performance cookies collect the first-hand experience of users on the website. It takes into count how you visited the website, takes your content category and collects any information on problems or errors you faced. The collected information helps in clearing the errors and improves performance for users. Performance cookie does not collect any of your personal information.

Advertising Cookies:

Advertising Cookies collects data from your device and determines the relevance of the promotional content you may view on the website. This type of cookie can be set by the first-party website or third party website and it helps the companies classify the content for you.

Essential Cookies:

These are very important cookies and they directly affect your experience with our website. They allow core features such as logins, account management, shopping carts and payment processing to work. We use essential cookies for a certain number of functions on our website.

Controlling and Rejecting Cookies:

Your browsers are normally set to accept cookies as a default configuration. However, in case you do not need to accept any cookie information from the website. You can go to browser settings and configure to not accept cookies from us. You can also set it to let you know whenever a website wants to put cookies so you can decide each time.

If you browse websites from multiple devices, you may need to update your settings on each individual device. Although some cookies can be blocked with little impact on your experience of a website, blocking all cookies may mean you are unable to access certain features and content across the sites you visit.

Children’s Privacy Policy:

Sturgeon Media takes the privacy of children under the age of 13 very seriously and hence we do not recommend that a child visit our website who is below the age limit. We have a very strict Privacy Policy when it comes to children and it is a part of our overall Privacy Policy.

We recommend that parents engage with us to protect their children’s privacy to ensure that they have a safe online experience.

Collecting Information from Children:

At, we may require some information from children to be able to participate in certain activities such as registering an account, customizing profiles or receiving notifications. In places, where we require non-personal information, we encourage children to never give out their personal information that will allow others to personally identify them or reveal their location.
We never ask for information or contact details from children who are under the age of 13. Although we do not use their information for marketing purposes, we might use them for our own research or internal marketing. This helps us improve the quality of our content, products
, and the services that we offer.

Parental Consent:

In accordance with COPPA, if an activity does require any personal information (such as first name, last name, or email address), we will provide notice to and seek consent from a parent or guardian prior to collecting the information. We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to enable participation in the requested activity.
In the event, we discover we have collected personal information in a manner non-compliant with COPPA, we will either delete the information or seek parental consent. As a parent or guardian, you need to keep an eye on your child and if you think that they are participating in an activity that will need personal information without your being notified, please let us know immediately through our contact details. We never use parent contact details for marketing purposes unless it is explicitly requested.

Safeguarding Children’s Privacy:

Sturgeon Media takes privacy very seriously especially when it comes to children. We do what we can within commercially acceptable means to protect children’s sensitive information from loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. At this point, we would also like to point out that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure, and cannot guarantee absolute data security.

Information Abuse and Community Misconduct:

Sturgeon Media does not tolerate cyberbullying, doxing (publishing of private or personal information about an individual without their approval) or any sort of information abuse on
In case of an event leading to leakage or disclosure of a child’s personal information without their parent or guardian’s consent, we will take strict action against the offending account, which might lead to a warning, suspension or a permanent ban. The content in question will also be removed from the website as quickly as possible.

Third-Party Access to Information:

Sturgeon Media does not knowingly disclose any personally identifying information or personal information provided by children to third parties. We may, however, disclose anonymized and aggregated versions of this information (analytics and statistics) for business, marketing or public relations purposes.

Parental Controls and Intervention:

As a parent or a guardian, you can refuse at any time to let us collect further information from your children for any account or an activity. You have the liberty of logging in your child’s account to review, edit or delete any information provided to use or simply request us to remove certain parts of information from our records.
However, in certain cases, removal of certain information may result in the termination of the associated account, or withdrawal from the associated activity.