Still Wakes the Deep might not be a very complex game, but it comes with its fair share of explorable locations. One such location is a set of cabins that you can enter and explore to learn more about the lore of the game and also earn an achievement while doing so. This achievement requires you to enter every accessible cabin in the game. To help you out, we’ve put together this Still Wakes the Deep Enterable Cabin Locations Guide listing all ten cabins you need to visit to earn the Snoop trophy.
Enterable Cabin Locations Guide – Still Wakes the Deep
During the game’s opening scene, you can explore the first five cabins. The other five cabins become accessible later in the main story, as you escape the Accommodation floor near the end of the game.
Cabin #1 – Cabin 107, Campbell
After checking out the items in Caz’s cabin at the start of the game, leave Caz’s room through the door nearby. This will bring you to the Cabin Floor (Deck 3). On the wall opposite your room, there is a map of the Accommodation Cabin Floor that you can look at.
In addition to the map, you can also explore room 107, which is Campbell’s room.
Cabin #2 – Cabin 110, O’Connor
Starting from cabin 107, exit the room and proceed down the hallway towards the woman on the ladder. On your right, there are two rooms you can open as you go.
Cabin #3 – Cabin 111, Henderson
As you step into Henderson’s room, located right next to O’Connor’s down the hall, you’ll notice it’s been emptied.
Cabin #4 – Cabin 104, Gibson and Dobbie
After speaking with Finlay about the rig’s general state, take a shortcut through the showers. Instead of turning right towards the Canteen, head left down the hallway to check out the room 104.
Cabin #5 – Cabin 106, Addair
If you turn right after the showers, you’ll notice Addair’s room with the door slightly open. Inside, there’s a political flyer on the wall that you can take a closer look at.
Cabin #6 – Cabin 114
After escaping the flooded Engineering floor towards the end of the game, you’ll eventually find yourself back on the Accommodation floor, where your objective will be to reach the Roof Access exit.
Climb into the roof vent and follow it until you see Trots patrolling the area below. When you can’t proceed further, drop down to the floor below, quickly run to the left, and slip into the gap between the broken cabin door.
Once you are safe from Trots, examine the dead crew member on the chair and then climb into the ceiling vent.
Cabin #7 – Cabin 117
Head to the end of the vent and drop down into the cabin below. Here, you’ll find another crew member, lifeless and seated in a chair.
Cabin #8 – Cabin 119
To avoid Trots, who is guarding the hallway outside the room, open the door and quickly hide under the table behind you until Trots moves away down the hall.
Once it’s safe, leave your hiding spot and enter the hallway. Move forward and crawl through the small gap on your right, which leads to a bathroom. Inside, open the vent at the end of the room, enter the shower area, and use the laundry cart to climb into the ceiling vent.
As you crawl through the vent, Trots will enter the room and start chasing you. Keep moving through the vent until you lose him and drop into another cabin.
Before exiting this room, check the bottom bunk for a deceased crew member.
Cabin #9 – Cabin 120
Exit the cabin, proceed down the corridor, and access the flooded cabin ahead, which is second to last. When prepared, enter through the wall vent.
Cabin #10 – Cabin 121
When you enter Roy’s room, you’ll earn the Snoop achievement if you’ve already explored all the other cabins.
Additional Still Wakes the Deep guides are linked below for you:
This concludes our Still Wakes the Deep Enterable Cabin Locations Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.