Hogwarts Legacy Plants Locations Guide – How to Get All Plants, How to Grow and Harvest 

Hogwarts Legacy Plants Locations Guide

One of the collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy are Plants that you can grow. In total, there are 8 Plants that you can find, and obtaining all of the eight plants will give you the “Put Down Roots” achievement trophy. This Hogwarts Legacy Plants Locations Guide will show you all the Plants in the game, and how you can get them by showing their locations.k 

Hogwarts Legacy Plants Locations Guide 

Before you set out to collect plants, you have to make sure that you have reached the Herbology Class mission of the game. This is the 12 mission in the game and out of the eight plants, one is unlocked during this mission. All of the Plant Seeds can be bought from Hogsmeade from two different shops that sell seeds at different prices depending on the type of plant you are buying. 

The Magic Neep, Hogsmeade 

There are 4 different plants that you can buy from The Magic Neep in Hogsmeade. This shop is northwest in the location, just after you cross over the small bridge. 

Hogwarts Legacy Plants Locations Guide

Plant  Price 
Knotgrass Seed  350 
Fluxweed Seed  350 
Shrivelfig Seed  450 
Mallowsweet Seed  200 

Dogweed and Deathcap 

This is another shop in Hogsmeade where you can buy more plants from. The shop can be found at the northernmost point of the location 

Hogwarts Legacy Plants Locations Guide

Plant  Price 
Venomous Tantacula Seed  1,050 
Mandrake Seed  800 
Chinese Chomping Cabbage Seed  600 

How to Grow Plants With Seeds 

Growing Plants from seeds will require you to first have access to the Room of Requirements, and then money to buy a Large Plotting Table. This table can be purchased from the Tomes and Scrolls shop, located in Hogsmeade. 

Once you have both the Large Potting Table and access to The Room of Requirements, you can use the conjuring spell to bring out the Potting Table, plant the seeds, and wait for 10-15 minutes for the plant to grow. Once it is done, you can harvest the plant. This can be done for all eight plants available in the game, allowing you to grow and harvest.

Additional Hogwarts Legacy guides are linked below:

That’s how you can grow plants in the game using the seeds as shown in this Hogwarts Legacy Plants Locations Guide. Post your comments below. 

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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