Sega has finally confirmed the launch of the Mega Drive Mini, or the Genesis as known in the US. The mini game console will feature many classic games and is set to be launching on 19 September of this year.
The Mega Drive Mini will feature 40 different games, though the titles will differ for North America, Europe an d Japan. A list of 10 games confirmed to be coming for the Japanese version was revealed by Gematsu.
The games confirmed so far include Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Puyo Puyo Tsu, Shining Force, Vampire Killer, Wrestleball,, Gunstar Heroes, Comix Zone, Rent A Hero, Space Harrier II, and Madou Monogatari I
The console is going to cost $70 in the US for the standard version, while a two controller version will be priced at $90. The system uses HDMI video output and is powered by a USB.
Sega did not provide any information about the Mega Drive Mini in its stage presentation where it announced the launch date of the console. However, it did say that the 6 button controller will be the same size as the original’s and that the games would have a save anywhere function.
Sega’s Mega Drive Mini was announced last year at the Sega Fes and was supposed to launch the same year. it was also only coming out in Japan. While launch date was pushed further for a year, Sega also confirmed to be bringing out the console for a worldwide release.
More details are expected to come out next month during the Famitsu live stream on 18 April. Details about the system along with additional games might be the focus of the stream. All we can do is wait for more details with what Sega has in plans for the console and the list of games included in the Mega Drive Mini.
What do you think of the list of games coming in the Mega Drive Mini? Let us know in the comments below.