Capcom has released a series of new mini-trailers for Resident Evil 2 which show more of the game and its special modes. The new trailers released show The 4th survivor bonus mode, The Tofu Survivor mode along with the Lightning Hawk gun and Flash Grenade.
Along with these trailers, another video was released which shows Shuhei Yoshida who is the Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios playing the Resident Evil 2 ‘1-Shot’ demo. The demo was released last week and it gave players only 30 minutes to try it out.
During this 30 minutes, players were free to either explore the area or progress and reach the end of the demo. At the end of 30 minutes, a special trailer was shown which was earlier revealed Hunk and Tofu’s inclusion in the Resident Evil 2 Remake. Fans are extremely happy over Capcom’s decision to bring them both back.
Let’s look at the mini-trailers below. These are only 6 seconds long but still they are enough to tease us.
The trailer below shows the 4th survivor.
Here’s our look at the Tofu survivor mode.
Trailer below will show us the Lightning Hawk gun in action.
Below you can see the Flash Grenade in action.
The bonus video below will show you Shuhei Yoshida taking a shot at the ‘1-Shot’ demo.
These mini-trailers are part of Capcom’s mini-trailers series for Resident Evil 2 Remake. Since the game is less than a week away, we cannot wait to jump in the action and try out the game without any sort of time limit this time.
The new engine is really doing justice to the remake. The fact that Capcom brought back all fan favorite modes to the remake is also going to make the remake a solid Resident Evil 2 experience.
Resident Evil 2 is slated to release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on January 25, 2019.