This Little Nightmares 2 Hats Location Guide will show you how you can get all the Hats in the game and where you can find them. In total, there are 12 Hats that you can obtain and equip them on your character.
Hats are collectibles that you can find in the game. While you start with the default Hat to begin with, there are others that can be found in the chapters of the game, while others are obtained via the DLC.
Little Nightmares 2 Hats Location Guide
Below we have detailed how to get all the 12 Hats in the game.
Hat #1 – Paper Bag
This Hat is the starting hat that you get right from the starting of the game. It is the Hat that Mono has already equipped when you begin the game.
Hat #2 – Mokujin Hat
This Hat can be bought as a downloadable content from the store.
Hat #3 – Fur Hat
The Fur Hat is made of raccoon fur which can be found in the first chapter of the game called The Wilderness. The hat itself can be found inside the first house in this chapter. After you go past the kitchen in this house, continue down the hallway and then turn left towards an open room. The Hat will be on top of a mat, under the light above.
Hat #4 – Nome Hat
This Hat can be found in the attic of the house in the same first chapter and is a pretty tricky one to catch. When you find the key to the attic, you will find a small nome wearing the hat and scampering around trying to flee your grasp. All you have to do is follow him around, jump on things that he is hiding under to scare him. Eventually, the nome will lead you to this hat.
Hat #5 – Yellow Rain Hat
This Hat can be found in the first chapter, right after your first encounter with the first boss, The Hunter. After the boss, you will come to an area where you have to jump across a bridge. After you jump across the bridge, you will find small cages next to a tree, while another cage tied up from the tree will contain the hat.
Hat #6 – Football Hat
This hat can be found in the second chapter of the game called The School. The hat will be outside the main entrance of the school on the right side of the stairs leading inside the school. You can find it on top of the boxes next to the stairs.
Hat #7 – Metal Bucket Hat
The Metal Bucket Hat can be found inside the Library of The School, which comes after you face The Teacher boss. When you enter the library, go towards the shelf with the ladder, move the ladder to the right and climb up to get the hat in one of the spaces of the bookshelf.
Hat #8 – Bear Hat
This hat can be found in the third chapter of the game, The Hospital. The hat will be on top of a book shelf in the room next to the X-Ray room. Simply climb up the bookshelf all the way to the top to get the hat.
Hat #9 – Mummy Hat
This hat can be found in the same Hospital, after the first encounter with the Doctor. The hat will be inside one of the body storage lockers.
Hat #10 – Postman Hat
This Hat can be found in Pale City, where it will be in the mailroom. Go to the left of the pile of letters and this will take you inside a small hole leading you to the postman hat. The hat is pretty easy to miss as it is placed in a very dark area.
Hat #11 – Baker Boy
This hat can be found in the toy store of Chapter 4, where it will be on top of the shelves on the top floor. Use the shopping cart to climb up the shelf and reach the hat
Hat #12 – Cowboy Hat
This hat is obtained after you complete the final chapter of the game.
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This concludes our Little Nightmares 2 Hats Location Guide. Post your comments below.