Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair Revealed as a New Adventure Sequel

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is a new adventure game that comes as a sequel in the series by Playtonic Games. The announcement comes with a reveal trailer that shows us new levels filled with secrets and surprises, along with puzzles and challenges.

The original game was styled as a 3D platformer adventure, however, the new sequel is going to be something more 2D. the new game will combine 2.5D side-scrolling platforming, with top-down puzzle solving.

The game will see Master Yooka and Laylee traversing through charming and challenging 2D levels packed to the brim with collectibles, vibrant environments, and several enemies in the battle. You will also get to meet familiar faces, and some new characters, as you help Queen Phoebee restore order to the Royal Stingdom.

Playtonic also states that the game is not a direct sequel to the first game, as they have got a lot of things planned for the future of the Yooka-Laylee universe, and that they want to approach each new game with a fresh take. The developers want to use this as an opportunity to add new mechanics and gameplay that is not necessarily limited to what has happened before.

While the game has been revealed, more details about the Impossible Lair will be revealed during E3 along with a bunch of other stuff. The developers did, however, confirm that the game would be launching on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch an PC, both digitally and a boxed version for consoles. Playtonic has not given any release date information but does say that more information about that is coming during the week of E3 and that the game is going to be released sometime later this year.

What do you think of the Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair? Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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