New Xenon Racer Trailer Shows Boston and Lake Louise Tracks

Xenon Racer Boston

SOEDESCO has released a new trailer for Xenon Racer which showcases tracks set in Boston and Lake Louise. This is the third trailer in the Xenon Racer City Showcase series and just like previous trailers, this new trailer reveals new tracks across two brand new locations.

The two new locations under focus are Boston and Lake Louise. Boston has three tracks which are called Boston 1000, Boston Port and Boston Downtown. Players will race in blazing fast speeds across all three tracks. These tracks are based between high rise skyscrapers, huge stadiums and brightly lit tunnels.

Lake Louise comes with its own two tracks, Lake Louise Bridge and Lake Lousie Forest. Tracks in Lake Louise will take players through scenic routes as the tracks weaves in between lush forests and beautiful lakes.

Just like all previous tracks, players can choose their preferred direction for these tracks as well. Players can play them forward or reverse according to their own choice. Check out the reveal trailer below.

Also featured in the above video is a new car called HYS. HYS is a part of Hybrid Speed racing team which is one of the teams featured in the game. You can check out HYS in detail in its own Car Showcase video below.

Earlier we got to see Miami and Tokyo in detail. Both of these locations come with their own set of tracks where players will battle others in futuristic cars. We are now left with one last video to come in the ongoing Xenon Racer City Showcase series. Since the game is coming out later this month, we can be sure that the video will arrive in due time before its release.

Xenon Racer is a new upcoming futuristic racing game set in the year 2030 by SOEDESCO and 3DClouds which features highly advanced racing machines. The game also features a very unique visual theme which looks great in the game’s engine.

Xenon Racer is slated for release on PS4, Xbox One, PC via Steam and Nintendo Switch on March 26, 2019.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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