Ubisoft Vice President of partnerships and revenue Chris Early talked about Epic Games Store and Steam. He mentioned that Valve does not have a realistic business model and that Epic Games Store is doing an impressive job.
Many game developers already prefer the Epic Games Store because of the higher revenue share that they get. It is safe to say that Ubisoft games are not going to come back to Steam unless Valve offers developers more money. Here is what he had to say about Steam’s business model:
It’s unrealistic, the current business model that they [Valve/Steam] have. It doesn’t reflect where the world is today in terms of game distribution. I think the 70/30 revenue split is outrageous. I think the platform holders are taking too much money. Everyone in the press here, just quote me on that.
Ubisoft is a massive company but there are other developers and publishers that feel the same way. Valve could change its revenue split down the line but gamers favor Steam because of the features and support the platform has to offer. Not to mention the massive library of games that you can play and the fact that it has been around for a much longer time.
Dan Da Rocha, the founder and game director at Ten Hut Games also touched on the matter. Here is what she had to say regarding the matter:
That [the 88/12 split] is a huge boon. It’s a huge advantage. In some cases, that 30% taken is more than the profit for a small studio. That’s just crazy, right? So that [distribution on Epic Games Store] is a huge incentive for some of us.
Let us know what you think about Ubisoft and other companies supporting the Epic Games Store and whether or not you think Steam should change its revenue split. This could happen in the future but the company has not said anything in this regard as of right now.