Hitman 3 Dubai Walkthrough Guide – How to Complete All Missions

Hitman 3 Dubai Walkthrough Guide

In this Hitman 3 Dubai Walkthrough Guide, we will guide you on how you can complete the story missions in the very first level Dubai in Hitman 3. Each level in Hitman 3 has multiple missions for you to complete in the game. Each mission brings unique targets and challenges for you to complete. This walkthrough focuses on the easiest ways by which you can complete each mission in Dubai in Hitman 3.

Dubai Walkthrough Guide – Hitman 3

Our Hitman 3 Dubai Walkthrough Guide lists the easiest way of how you can complete all three missions based in Dubai in Hitman 3.

Dubai Walkthrough

Dubai is the very first location that you will visit in Hitman 3 and you will get three story missions here. We have detailed all three missions below on how you can complete them.


This is your very first mission of the level and in this mission, you basically have to become a new recruit by eliminating one and taking his place and also impressing your potential target to get close to them. Right at the start of the level, make your way onto Floor Level 2 where you can hear two guards speaking with each other about a new recruit who is about to join their security ranks. After listening to them, make your way to the very first floor Floor Level 0, and make your way inside the changing room. Once inside the changing room, get the papers and follow the recruit around.

Keep following the recruit and once you find the opportunity, knock him out and quickly hide the body after getting his disguise. Make sure that no one is around while you are dragging the body around because this will giveaway your uniform Once you have your papers and the disguise, head back up to the guards and interact with them to report to them. Wait there until our target Marcus is called inside the guard room to check your papers. Hand over your papers and he will accept you as his bodyguard.

Now that you have earned your spot near the target, killing the target is not difficult. However, keep following him around until he asks you to throw knives at some targets. Hit the targets to prove your skills to your client and once he is satisfied, he will send his other guard away. Once this happens, quickly push your target over the edge and you will kill your target while completing your mission.

Bird of Prey

For this mission, your first have to obtain a particular disguise of a target known as Zana “The Vulture” Kazem. Zana is found on Floor Level 01 and you can begin by turning on the sound system in the garden as this will distract him and he will move towards the sound system to check it out. Once he is out of sight of other people in the area, knock him out, hide the body and take his disguise. Once you have acquired the disguise, your next marker is shown on the screen but before heading there, make sure that you drop all illegal items in your inventory as you will have to go through a frisk checkpoint. Get yourself frisked and once you are clear, enter the area and use the stairs located ahead to go up and speak with your target’s personal assistant. She is in the yellow dress. She will ask you to follow her to the meeting room so keep at her tail. Once you are in the meeting room, wait for the target and then talk with him. You will now get a new picture and a target for the next phase. To find the target, head back out and make your way to the area in front of Black Gold Bar. The target is found here and wears a purple jacket.

You do not have to kill this target for completing the mission. Once you have located the target, talk with him and he will follow you around. Go to a secluded location, knock him out and take a picture of the target’s head as proof. Now go back to the assistant and give her the picture who will then take you back to your main target for the mission. Once she leaves you with the target, wait until the target is standing in front of the small Oil Rig model, push the target from behind which will cause you to smash his head into the model, killing him. Deal with the guard in the room in any way you like and then escape the area.

How the Mighty Fall

You start the mission at the Atrium. Use the stairs on the left side of the room and ahead interact with the terminal located at the top. Once you’ve done this, an opportunity will be marked for you that you can accept. This will trigger the mission. Watch the cutscene that will explain to you what needs to be done.

For this mission, you have to secure a server room however first you have to find where this particular server room is located. As a matter of fact, this terminal is located right where the mission begins in the same Atrium so go to the map terminal located on the right side of the Atrium and access it. This will give you the location of the server room. This will mark a new opportunity marker for you as well near the stairs.

Now make your way to the staff area however you will need a passcode for accessing it. The passcode for this door is 7-7-0-6 and it will open the locked door, giving you access to the staff area. Next, keep on moving forward until you spot two NPCs ahead. If you look to the left side of the area, there is a vacuum cleaner that you can use to distract the NPCs. Turn it on and one of the staff members will come to check the vacuum cleaner. Knock this one out and the other one will be ripe for the taking as well.

Once both of the staff members are knocked out, hide their bodies at the side and wear one of their clothes as a disguise. Now you are one of the event staff members and can access many areas without causing suspicion. Move further down the hall and you will spot two guards up ahead near a vending machine. With your disguise on, you can still slip past them but do not get too close as they can notice you and become suspicious if you linger around them for too long. After entering the next room, stop and look for the guard next to a window. This window is your goal and that guard near the window has to go.

For distracting him, head back to the hallway and look for a bathroom. Enter the bathroom and turn on the sink which will cause it to overflow. Once it is done, hide anywhere near and wait until the guard comes and notices the water flowing. The guard will go inside the bathroom to check it out and when it happens, leave your cover and quickly go after him. Once inside, knock out the guard and take his disguise. Hide the body in the corner and go back to the window. Scan the window and you will gain access to it. Once the guards are out, open it up and vault onto the ledge.

Keep following it until you come to a pole and use it to climb up. Look for the scaffolding once you are at the top and follow the path to scan another window and open it to get inside the building. Your current disguise will not work here so make sure that you stay crouched and stick to the shadows. After climbing in, make your way for the storage room located on the far left of the hall and knock out the maintenance crew member inside. Hide their body after taking their disguise and enter the server room in your disguise. Inside, you will find the server that you are looking for. Once inside, you will find that the server is locked to unlock it, you have to manually override the security system. Pull any of the server racks and hide anywhere quickly because two guards will enter shortly because an alarm is always activated when it happens.

Once the guards leave, you will be required to find a keycard next. The keycard is with maintenance work in the hall located on the right side of the server room. You will need to move really quickly here because your disguise will not work here so quickly head for the maintenance work and silently, when you get a chance, quickly subdue the worker and take the card from him. Once done, head back to the server room quickly and quietly and complete the objective. Your next goal is to meet with the partners but first, you must acquire a penthouse guard disguise.

To find the disguise, leave all the guards and look for the lone guard standing right outside the maintenance room. Your best bet to knock them out is when the guard goes into the corner with the water jug. Quickly knock out the guard and hide the body inside the maintenance room. Take the disguise and now you are all set to meet with the partners. Go upstairs to the meeting room but make sure that you do not blow your cover in front of the senior guard present on the way to the meeting room. For bypassing the guard, make sure that you use the turn left to enter the meeting room after climbing up the stairs near that guard’s location.

After reaching the partners, follow them inside and once you are inside, shut down the room by interacting with the security console for the door. Once inside, you can finish the job in peace and then leave the room for exiting the level by any of the exit points now marked on your screen. That is all for this mission of Hitman 3.

For more Hitman 3 walkthroughs and guides, check out our Hitman 3 guides list.

This concludes our Hitman 3 Dubai Walkthrough Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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