Jean Philippe Grenet, senior director at EA Ireland was fired for mentioning “who has the bigger d#$k” on a video call with a female colleague. She later filed a sexual harassment claim against the EA executive and he might lose his job over the matter.
According to Grenet’s lawyer, the intention behind the remark was not to harass the co-worker. That would make sense keeping in mind that this kind of language is often used in the workplace even though it is not appreciated. These kinds of phrases are often used as a figure of speech but this EA executive is paying the price.
Jean Philippe Grenet is Electronic Art’s most senior executive in Ireland and it has only been six months since he got the job. His lawyer claims that the female coworker has used this claim in order to damage Jean’s image and career so that she can take this position at the company. Jean went to court in hopes that the termination could be reversed and the decision has been taken back temporarily but nothing is for certain right now.
The rapid nature of the termination left little room for natural justice and I think that we should listen to both sides of the story before making a decision. I am sure that Jean has worked for several years in order to get where he is right now and something so small is not worth getting fired over. Right now, Jean is looking to clear his name and to maintain his position at the company. Which is his right.
We will keep you updated regarding the matter. For more information stay tuned. Let us know what you think about this matter and whether or not you think the EA executive deserves to be fired over something this small.