Bioware has released a new update for Anthem last night which added new content to the troublesome title including a brand new stronghold along with the news that future content has been delayed. Along with the stronghold, some new Universal Masterwork Components have also been added to the game. The update also brings with it tons of fixes and improvements to the game.
Another big announcement from Bioware came this morning when they announced that all future promised features including the Anthem Cataclysms feature has been delayed. EA and Bioware had announced Anthem’s roadmap right after the game’s release which showed some very cool features and content coming to the game in the future.
However, with the recent announcement, now it seems that Bioware is unable to work on the schedule as mentioned in the roadmap and now all future content has been delayed. This was announced by Bioware on Reddit where the developer explained the major reasons behind the delay. Future does not look too bright for Anthem.
Last night’s update was a huge patch as it added a brand new Stronghold called Sunken Cell to the game. The new stronghold is now available to all players who have completed the critical path of the main story. Another welcoming feature is the ability to start new missions right from the end of the expedition instead of going back to Fort Tarsis.
Along with this, players now have access to new Universal Masterwork Components which include the Extended Sniper Magazine, Rapid Hollow Points and the Extended Special Arms Magazine. The update also brings tons of fixes and improvements to the game overall as well. The latest update makes the game much better than before.
Anthem had a very strong start in terms of sales however it was met with extremely critical reception. Fans and critics were not at all happy with the game and it looks like Bioware and EA announced the roadmap in a hurry just to calm down the storm because now they have announced that they will not be able to deliver on time.
Bioware is trying their best to make the game better but it seems like time has passed for mere promises and apologies and even now Bioware is having some issues fulfilling the promises they made to their fans about fixing the game. The new update is a good update as it brings a lot of fixes and improvements to the game however the delay means that the entire announced roadmap is now useless.
Detailed patch notes for the update 1.1.0 can be read on the official EA website. You can also check out Bioware’s post on Reddit announcing the delay for all future content updates earlier announced for Anthem.
Are you still playing Anthem or are you waiting for the game to reach a stable position before jumping back in? Share your best or worst Anthem experience with us in the comments section below.