Pokémon Sword and Shield Trailer

Pokémon Sword and Shield Gets a Release Date, Comes with Coop Raids

Nintendo held a Pokémon Direct today which was focused entirely on Pokémon Sword and Shield details and we finally got to know the release date of the title as well….

Pokémon Conference

Nintendo Hosting Pokémon Conference Tomorrow, Pokémon Direct Next Week

Nintendo has announced not one but two Pokémon related events which will be full of Pokémon news. First off, we have a Pokémon Conference which is planned for tomorrow which…

Pokémon Shield and Sword

Nintendo Announces Pokémon Shield and Sword at Pokémon Direct

Nintendo just held a special Pokémon Direct event during which it announced two brand new mainstream titles Pokémon Shield and Pokémon Sword which are coming exclusively on Nintendo Switch. These…