In this Metro Exodus The Caspian Collectible Guide, we will detail all the locations where you can find the collectibles in The Caspian region of the game. The Caspian is the sixth story chapter of Metro Exodus that is filled with several collectibles.
There are 22 collectible locations in The Caspian. These include Suit Upgrades, Diary Pages and Post Cards. If you miss a collectible, you can replay the chapter anytime to locate the remaining items.
Keep in mind that the items are in order which they are found while playing the chapter from the beginning.
Metro Exodus The Caspian Collectible Locations Guide
Below you can find all the collectibles in The Caspian region of Metro Exodus. You can find all the Suit Upgrades, Diary Pages, and Post Cards’ location detailed below.
Collectible # 1 – Postcard
The first collectible you come across is a postcard that you will spot right after you get control as Artyom and about to leave the train. From here , continue straight towards the building ahead. Turn around and this is where you will find the postcard on the wall of the doorway.
Collectible # 2 – Diary
This diary is on the slave camp ship, which is also a story driven objective destination. The ship is also visible on your map on the left side of it. when you enter the slave camp ship, go up the stairs and at the end of the corridor take a right. Then look towards your right again where you will spot this diary sitting on a table. This diary is called ‘First Mate’s Diary’.
Collectible # 3 – Diary
Another diary can be found on the same slave camp ship. Continue from your last collectible location and proceed to climb a ladder that takes you to several enemies in a room. Defeat them, and then continue up the stairs where you will find this diary on a table with radio devices. This diary is called ‘Leader’s Letter’.
Collectible # 4 – Suit Upgrade
From your last position where you found the diary, climb up a ladder and proceed out the doorway. Turn right and go around the corner where you will find a Motion Scanner suit upgrade on a table hidden in the dark.
Collectible # 5 – Suit Upgrade
When you go out of the slave camp ship, and make your way towards the lighthouse, you will find the path splitting in the road, where a small boat will be on the left. Inside is an Extra Bright Flashlight suit upgrade waiting for you.
Collectible # 6 – Diary
When you are on the way to the lighthouse, you will com across a caves that you have to go through. Here you will find an enemy dragging a body. Kill him and loot the letter from the ground. This diary is called ‘Letter to Son’.
Collectible # 7 – Postcard
When you enter the lighthouse, you will have to fight off man enemies. Once you are about to go where Giul is, turn around immediately to find the Postcard on the left side of the doorway.
Collectible # 8 – Diary
This diary can be found when you drop down a hole in a bunker that will have many spiders inside. Proceed forwards, and then take a left. Next take the first right where you will enter the office cubicle with the diary sitting on the table. This diary is called ‘Memo’.
Collectible # 9 – Diary
From your last position where you got the previous collectible, and when you come to a long corridor that has two blue doors at the end of it. Damir will instruct you to crouch and crawl through a small doorway on the right. Here you will find the diary on the desk to the right. This diary is called ‘Image Analysis’.
Collectible # 10 – Diary
This collectible can be found after you drop down to the map room from the vent. Turn around and enter the doorway that will be to your right. Here you will find a diary called ‘Last Orders’ at the end of the table.
Collectible # 11 – Diary
Upon leaving the bunker that you were in, you will spot a “?” on your map. This location will lead you to meet with Anna who will mark more locations on your map. before you go, head to the ruined ship that is at the center of the map, and make your way to the top to meet Hermit. Here you will find the ‘Diary Fragments’ placed on a crate to the left.
Collectible # 12 – Diary
This collectible can be found on the way to Oasis when Baron will make an announcement followed by a marked location on the map. go to this place, where the collectible will be on the table just outside of the entrance
Collectible # 13 – Diary
From your last position where you got the previous diary, go into the camp and kill all the enemies. Then climb the rope ladder that is lowered for you at the end of the arena. Climb it where you will find the ‘Death Note’ diary on a barrel to the right.
Collectible # 14 – Suit Upgrade
From your last collectible location, turn left and you will find the Armored Glass suit upgrade on a crate.
Collectible # 15 – Diary
When you slide down a rope with Damir, go straight and then left towards a makeshift ramp all the way to the top. Here you will find the ‘Letter to the Artist’ diary.
Collectible # 16 – Postcard
From your last collectible location, climb down from the makeshift ramp and use the rope ladder. Then go ahead and turn left into the rusty cabin right in front, turn around and you will see the postcard of the left.
Collectible # 17 – Diary
For this collectible location, Anna will mark the location of an abandoned ship bandit camp. Go to this ship, pull the lever to free the slaves inside, and you will find the ‘Shopping List’ diary sitting on a console.
Collectible # 18 – Postcard
From your last collectible location, in the same abandoned ship, you will find this postcard on the wall just to the right of your previous diary collectible.
Collectible # 19 – Diary
For this collectible, head outside of the abandoned ship and go east to a nearby camp. At the camp, climb the small ladder and you will find the diary ‘Charred Note’ to the right.
Collectible # 20 – Postcard
This collectible can be found at the hanger that is south east of the map. Anna will mark this location for you. Once you are inside the hanger on the right, go towards the end of the room where you will be attacked by ghouls. The postcard will be next to a blue crate on the right.
Collectible # 21 – Suit Upgrade
In the same hanger, climb through the ruined building filled with many ghouls next to the crashed helicopter. Here you will find NVD Amplifier on a chair in the top room.
Collectible # 22 – Suit Upgrade
This suit upgrade can be found when you are on the way to the oil rig objective, to the left side of the main road. A pathway by the end of the cliff will lead you into a small cave where you can find the Consumables Carrier upgrade.
Check out more Metro Exodus guides below.
- Metro Exodus PC Optimization Settings Guide
- Metro Exodus Weapons Guide
- Metro Exodus Upgrades Guide
- Metro Exodus Moscow Collectible Locations Guide
- Metro Exodus Winter Collectible Guide
- Metro Exodus The Volga Collectible Locations Guide
- Metro Exodus Spring Collectible Locations Guide
- Metro Exodus Yamantau Collectible Locations Guide
This concludes our Metro Exodus The Caspian Collectible Locations Guide. Feel free to comment below.