In recent development, it has been revealed that FromSoftware is currently working on two new titles that have not been announced yet by the developer. This was revealed by Hidetaka Miyazaki who is the company president in an exclusive interview to 4Gamer.net.
FromSoftware is currently working on Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a title which was revealed back in June 2018 during the E3 2018 event. The title is slated for release in March 2019 but it turns out that this is not the only title the studio is busy working on.
In the interview, Hidetaka has stated that the studio is currently working on two more titles which have not been announced yet. The reveal date for these titles were not revealed by him at this point. In addition to this, no further details about the titles were also shared by him.
Recently, the studio also released their first VR only game Deracine which was a much appreciated change of pace from the developer’s normal games. Before Deracine, FromSoftware had only released the Dark Souls franchise and Bloodborne which is also a spiritual successor to the Dark Souls franchise.
Hidetaka mentioned during the interview that these two titles were part of the 3.5 product lines that were earlier mentioned by him in another interview in 2016. According to the developer, the 3.5 product line refers to Deracine, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and the two unannounced titles which are to be launched in some time in the future.
He also mentioned that recently released Dark Souls Remastered for Nintendo Switch and the upcoming title Metal Wolf Chaos XD are not part of this 3.5 lineup and these two titles are completely different. Fans are keeping their hopes high that one of these titles could be Bloodborne 2 because the studio has been awfully quite about any sort of sequel to the game.
Bloodborne is one of the best titles that came out of FromSoftware’s studio and fans are waiting patiently for any sort of announcement for a next title. Since Dar Souls III is the last title in the Dark Souls franchise, all hopes are now tied to Bloodborne for continuing the souls legacy.
We are hoping that these titles will be revealed sometime in 2019. Both the titles are already in development and according to Hidetaka, the studio will reveal them once they have a solid shape in development.
If you want to read the full interview, here’s the link. It is in Japanese but Google Translate works fine to translate it into English.
What do you think FromSoftware is working on? Feel free to share with us in the comments section below!
Article Source: Gematsu