We have arrived in the Winter of the ongoing Horizon Extreme update in Forza Horizon 5 and the dryness of the Festival Playlist is increased by the fact that there is no new vehicle to unlock this week as well. As the development team takes a break, we have a full week of challenges to complete however if you are missing some previously added Forzathon vehicles, now is your chance to finally add them to your garage. This Forza Horizon 5 ReachingStars Photo Challenge Guide will help you complete this week’s challenge easily.
ReachingStars Photo Challenge Guide – Forza Horizon 5
This is a simple photo challenge in which you need to drive to a certain location, pick the required vehicle, and take a picture to complete the challenge. The location requirement for this week’s challenge is the Gran Telescopio which is convenient because this week’s treasure hunt also requires you to be in the same location. The Gran Telescopio is located on the Caldera which is the highest volcano in the game. It is located near the lake as well where you will be heading to solve the treasure clue. If you are confused about its location, we have it marked on the map below:
Once you arrive here, get inside any Hypercar that you want. There are tons of options to choose from. Choose your favorite Hypercar and get inside it. Once done, press and hold up on the D-Pad which will enter the photo mode.
Choose the settings and once you are happy, press RB to quickly take a picture and complete the challenge. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with Farid Rueda Lion Sundress and 2 Points towards the Festival Playlist completion.
That is all for this guide. If you need help with this week’s treasure hunt, you can check out our dedicated Forza Horizon 5 Top of the World Treasure Hunt Guide. Additional Forza Horizon 5 guides are linked below:
- Hot Wheels Guide – How to Get Off the Orange Tracks
- Drifting Guide
- Bonus Boards Location Guide
- Barn Finds Locations Guide
- Bonus Boards Locations Guide
- Houses Locations Guide
- Drifting Guide
This concludes our Forza Horizon 5 ReachingStars Photo Challenge Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.