Fortnite has just added a respawning feature into the game as Reboot Vans have started to appear in the game. These are special vehicles that let you spawn your eliminated teammates to bring them back into the action.
Int this guide, we will show you how Rebooting works, what you need to do in order to respawn your teammates, and where you can find Reboot Vans that are placed in special locations all around the map.
The reboot or respawning feature works just like you expect it to be, and a feature that is very similar to what Apex Legends has in the game. Epic had previously stated that they are interested in bringing such a feature, along with a ping system that is in Apex Legends. The ping system has already made its way into Fortnite since last month, while the Reboot Vans have just been introduced to players.
Fortnite Reboot Vans Guide
Below we have detailed where you can find the Reboot Vans, and how you can respawn your team mates to bring them back into the action.
Where to Find Reboot Vans
In total, there are 10 Reboot Vans that have been added all throughout the map. There is at least one near a named location, or near many points of interest of the map, which makes sense. Refer to the map below as we have marked all the locations of the Reboot Vans.
How Reboot Vans Work
When a squad member dies or is eliminated. They now drop a Reboot Card that can be picked up by other squad mates that are alive. This Card can be used to bring back the eliminated team mates when they use it at a Reboot Van. The good thing about the feature is that regardless who picked up the Reboot Cards, the cards can be turned in by any squad member and be taken to the Reboot Van.
Reboot Cards remain in the world for 90 seconds after they have been dropped. Bringing the Reboot Cards to Reboot Vans will bring each squad member whose card has been collected back into the battle. After a successfully Reboot of your squad mates, the Reboot Van goes on a cooldown, and can only be accessible again in 120 seconds for all players of the match.
Rebooted players who return do not come empty handed like in Apex Legends. Squad Members return with 1 Common Pistol with 36 light ammo, 100 health, and 100 wood.
This concludes our Fortnite Reboot Vans Guide. Feel free to comment below.