In this Fire Emblem: Three Houses Motivation Guide, we will show you how motivation works, and how you can increase motivation when teaching, and outside of the teaching system. Motivation is a student’s desire for studying, and it appears as a mood bar on the upper right side of the screen when you are tutoring a student.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses Motivation Guide
Below we have detailed how motivation works, and how you can also motivate student outside of the teaching sessions.
How Motivation Works
When you plan the structure of your lessons every Monday, you will also have to instruct your individual students to work on their skill levels. Instructing them to do so depends on the motivation level.
Motivation level can be identified with a bar that can display 1 to 4 levels of motivation. Depending on the outcome of your lesson, you can praise, console or critique a student. For example, when a student scores perfectly on a test, this will give them one level of Motivation.
If a student does not do too well in a test, you have two options from here. You can either console or critique them for one motivation level. This can vary from student to student and your choices can have different results. To counter this issue, you need to know the personalities of each student to get an idea of how they might take your choice.
If your student has high motivation, you can have four instruction opportunities. On the other hand, if a student has low motivation, this will mean that you can only give one instruction as there is only one opportunity.
How to Increase Motivation
Other than praising them after they score perfectly on tests, you can also increase motivation by bonding with your students. This can be done with a lot of activities that the game offers. From having dinner together to cooking, going for certain activities together, and even solving personal problems of students.
Start off with sharing meals with students. You can also engage in Monastery activities where you can go for choir practice or cook together. Ensuring that your praise your students after every perfect test will also ensure an increased motivation level.
Whatever choices you make, you must make sure that you exhaust all options to increase motivation. This is so that you can max out each student’s motivation bar, which in turn will allow you to give more lessons and raise their skills efficiently and quickly.
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This concludes our Fire Emblem: Three Houses Motivation Guide. Post your comments below.