In this Far Cry New Dawn Specialists Guide, we will show you where you can find all the Specialists in the game. These Specialists missions are part of the Prosperity Specialists main story missions
There are 5 Specialists locations and missions which are related to the Prosperity Specialists story missions in the game. These specialists are needed in Prosperity for In the missions you are asked to retrieve certain items or assigned to tasks. When you successfully complete their missions, the Specialists join Prosperity.
Far Cry New Dawn Specialists Guide
Below we have listed all the Specialists and their locations, plus how you can complete all the missions related to them.
Specialist # 1 – Losing Streak (Bean)
Bean is a specialist required for Prosperity and he can be found at the Wiki-Bean-ia. Successfully completing this mission will allow Bean as a Prosperity Specialist, and unlocks the Cartography center in Prosperity where you can buy all sorts of maps of the game.
To star this mission, head to Wiki-Bean-ia which is just north of Prosperity. Here you will find Bean standing around in the open, and talking about his business plan being stolen by his former employee by the name of Richard
You have to locate Richard to get back the business plans. Follow the objective marker leading to Gambler’s Run where you will find Richard playing cards. Shoot all the highwaymen and make sure you do not kill Richard.
After you have killed all the enemies, Richard will run away. Chase after him and he will lead you to his stash. Talk to him and he will give you the location of the bunker where the business plans are located.
Follow the new objective marker and reach Dick’s Hole location. You will find a couple of enemies here that you need to kill. After you are done, get in the bunker and take the business plans carefully navigating through the fire inside the bunker.
Return the business plans to Richard, and talk to him to complete the mission. this will allow Richard to join as a Prosperity Specialist.
Specialist # 2 – Deep Dive (Selene)
Selene is another Specialists required in Prosperity and she can be found at The Inquisitor’s Grave. Successfully completing this mission will allow Selene to join as a Prosperity Specialist, and unlock the Infirmary where you can get Health items.
Go to The Inquisitor’s Grave where you will find Selene standing by a large well type hole. She will ask for your help to retrieve her field kit that contains all the herbs and medicines.
Climb down this hole and jump onto the platform that has the field kit. When you fall down. You can dive down for some more items, and then go for the hallway near the end of the shaft.
Follow the waypoint and reach the search zone that will be at the end of the hallway. Here you are supposed to turn on both the valves to increase the water pressure, and eventually flood the tunnel.
With the rising water level, you can swim up to another hallway. Continue straight, kill the wild dogs and go underwater again. Here you will come towards a ladder taking you to Silo B. you will again need to open another pressure valve, and then shoot it.
This will smash open the door to the north, and giving you access to the next room. In this room there are five pipes with valves. You need to close every valve leading out of the water tank, and open every valve that is leading in.
Now you can escape again with rising water, and climb up the ladder to enter the hallway to the top. Here there will be a large valve that needs to be turned. Swim after you are done towards the door that leads back into the main shaft.
Wait for the water level to rise and retrieve the field kit. Climb up and talk to Selene to finish the mission. This will allow Selene to join Prosperity as a Specialist.
Specialist # 3 – Buzz Kill (Grace)
Grace is another Specialist required in Prosperity and she can be found at the Scrapfarm. Successfully completing this mission will allow Grace to join Prosperity as a Specialist, and will unlocking new upgrades
In this mission, head to the old train yard and talk to Grace. She will want you to retrieve some items for her that has been stolen by the Highwaymen. Follow the marked objective location.
Once you reach Buzzard’s Hoard, Grave will ask you to look for Highwaymen’s Stash in the train cars. There are two search zones that you need to look the items for. Kill the Highwaymen and look for the pick car with the closed door. Inside you will find an open safe with the Titanium inside that you need to take.
To get to the second bundle, you need to climb the water tower and zip line to reach the pink railcar on top of another car. Climb up the roof and enter through the hole to collect the second bundle of Titanium.
In the middle of the trainyard is another railcar with the last bundle of Titanium. Take the Titanium from the safe that is inside.
Lastly, you need to collect the Saw Launcher for Grace, which is in the warehouse on the west side of the tracks. Flip the switch which will open a door containing the Saw Launcher.
Return to Grace and talk to her to end the mission. This will allow Grace to join Prosperity as a Specialist.
Specialist # 4 – The Great Escape (Nick Rye)
Nick Rye is another Specialist needed at Prosperity and can be found at the Greasemonkey’s Cage. Successfully completing this mission will allow Nick Rye to join as a Specialist.
Reach the Greasemonkey’s Cage area and be careful not to alert the enemies nearby. Save Nick who is bleeding on the ground an talk to him to begin the mission. Follow Nick by taking the zipline to his vehicle. Get in the car and wait for Nick to sit on the passenger seat.
Follow the objective marker to deliver the vehicle and land it to the dock on the shack on the river. When you have successfully delivered the vehicle, the mission is completing and allowing Nick to join Prosperity.
Specialist # 5 – Adventures in Babysitting (Sharky)
Sharky is another Specialist needed at Prosperity and can be found at the Chateau Boshaw. Successfully completing this mission will allow Sharky to join Prosperity.
Go to Chateau Boshaw and talk to Sharky who will ask for your help to defend the site from the enemies, and to defend his cousin Hurk’s child safe.
He will ask you to arm all the pressure pipe traps in the area, which will all be marked with the objective marker. Arm them and then turn on the large valve to send the pressure to the traps.
Talk to Sharky when you are done, and drink some wine with him, which will cause you to black out and wake up to enemies attacking the area. Defeat the enemies and stop them from reaching the tower. You need to defend the west pressure pipe from the first wave of enemy.
The second enemy wave will go for the east pressure pipe that you need to defend. Once all the enemies are defeated, the mission will be complete and Sharky will join Prosperity as a Specialist.
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- Far Cry New Dawn Dear Photograph Locations Guide
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- Far Cry New Dawn Side Missions Guide
This concludes our Far Cry New Dawn Specialists Guide. Feel free to comment below.