In this Dragon Quest Builders 2 Puzzles Guide, we will show you all the locations of the puzzles, with their solutions for you to earn all the Mini Medals in the game. the game offers several puzzles in the various regions in Dragon Quest Builders 2. Complete each to earn a mini medal.
There are several shrines and puzzles hiding in the world of Dragon Quest Builders 2. Each of the puzzles you solve will reward you with a Mini Medal. These medals can be traded in for rewards and upgrades.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 Puzzles Guide
Below we have listed all the puzzles in each of the regions on Dragon Quest Builders 2.
Furrowfield Puzzles
There are 10 puzzles in Furrowfield, which means that you can get 10 Mini Medals as a reward for solving all the puzzles in this region alone.
Mini Medal Puzzle #1
This puzzle can be found east of the Furrowfield Farm. All you have to do to solve the puzzle is to destroy the dirt block to restore the flow of water again.
Mini Medal Puzzle #2
This puzzle is located south of the Furrowfield Farm. You have to solve the puzzle by taking the two blocks that are on the floor, and then placing them on top of the shorter brick post. This is to match the same height of the post to the blocks. Once you are done, you will be rewarded with a Mini Medal.
Mini Medal Puzzle #3
This puzzle location can be found northwest of the first puzzle we have detailed. The puzzle is hidden quite well and can be tricky to locate. The area is on a cliffside near the water. To solve the puzzle, you have puck up the dirt block and place it in the empty space in the shrine.
Mini Medal Puzzle #4
This location can be found east of the previous puzzle location. It will be in the green space next to the sea and surround by a chalky mountain. To solve the puzzle, you need to restore the water supply by unclogging it. the water is being blocked behind the mountain wall. Start climbing the mountain wall and destroy the dirt blocks to restore the water flow.
Mini Medal Puzzle #5
From the location of the third puzzle, you need to go to the northwest where the puzzle is found inside a mountain. To solve the puzzle, you have to clear out the water flow on the left side of the room. This is where the source of the water is.
Your next task is to build a path for the water to reach the pool. You cant just make a simple path as the water flow needs enough momentum to reach the pool. To counter this, you need to elevate the path by a couple of blocks to increase the reach of the water.
Mini Medal Puzzle #6
This puzzle can be found south of the map, and by the beach that is to the southwest of the Hargon Church warp crystal. You need to clean the shrine and remove all the junk, To this until you have matched the left side exactly like the right side.
Mini Medal Puzzle #7
From the previous puzzle location, head to toe other side of the mountain to the north. This puzzle also requires you to clear a dirt block that us clogging the water flow. Now that you have access to the bottomless water pot, use it to pour out the water as you add more of it to the source. This will allow the water to travel further.
Mini Medal Puzzle #8
This puzzle can be found at the south east part of this region, and west of the destroyed church orb portal. This location is a mountain range with blue plants. You have to pick up a couple of these blue plants and place them on the empty grass patches. This will complete the puzzle.
Mini Medal Puzzle #9
From the last location, you need to head west, where it will be just south of the tomato loving orc. There is a white chalky mountain that you have to climb, and then reach the puzzle shrine. To solve the puzzle, you need to pick up the blocks on the ground and use the dirt blocks to reach the top. Fill the gaps with the brick blocks that you find nearby.
Mini Medal Puzzle #10
This puzzle shrine can only be found when you have the ability to glide in the air. It is on the mountain rang that is southwest beach where a giant crab resides. Once you are the top of the mountainm face west and jump and glide towards the small island.
This island has a large white mountain and a tree on top of it. Now you have to face west and jump again to glide to another island. This is also the island where you will find the Coraline Flower seeds. The puzzle shrine will be on the northwestern side of the mountain and facing the sea.
To solve the puzzle, you have to remove the dirt block and use the bottomless water jug to fill the pool with more water from the top.
Khrumbul-Dun Puzzles
There are 10 puzzles in Khrumbul-Dun, which means that you can get 7 Mini Medals as a reward for solving all the puzzles in this region.
Mini Medal Puzzle #1
This puzzle location is at the most northwest corner of the map, right at the top left side. The puzzle shrine looks like a graveyard with the crosses and gravesites. To solve the puzzle, all you have to do is go to the main area of the shrine at the end and place the boulder on the right to complete the gap.
Mini Medal Puzzle #2
This puzzle location can be found straight north from the center of the map. and to the east from the last location of the puzzle. Here at the shrine, you will find two large white blocks with gaps in the center of each side of the squares.
To solve the puzzle you need to place the yellow, green and red blocks on the white block on the left side, and in the correct order. The yellow block goes in the gap that is facing south. The red block goes right at the top, while the green block needs to be placed on the side facing west.
Mini Medal Puzzle #3
This location can be found at the most northeast corner of the map. For this puzzle, you need to reach the large shrine area that can only be reached by riding a trolley on the rails.
To solve the puzzle, you need to fix the rail tracks by adding any missing pieces on the track with rails. Once done, take the trolley and ride it until you jump all the way across to the top of the temple area.
Mini Medal Puzzle #4
This puzzle can be found south of the large lake, that is just below the center of the map. This puzzle shrine with has four cactus-like plants on the small platform. All you have to do to solve the puzzle is to correctly arrange the cactus in the order from the biggest to the smallest. Pick up any cactus parts you need nearby.
Mini Medal Puzzle #5
This puzzle can also be found south where you need to glide towards the two islands in the water. To solve the puzzle, you have to arrange the flowers in a way that both the islands match exactly like each other. Pick up the blue flower and place it in the center to solve the puzzle.
Mini Medal Puzzle #6
From the lake, you need to head east to this puzzle location. The puzzle is near the mountain ranges. To solve the puzzle, you need to interact with the magnets to move the red blocks.
Mini Medal Puzzle #7
This puzzle location can be found in the midwest region of the map. this is also at the mountain ranges as well. To solve the puzzle, use the magnet to move the red block, and the water will stop it from falling.
You need to put your own water with the bottomless water pot. The water is there to stop the red block when you use the magnet. Once both the red blocks are placed in the marker, the puzzle is complete.
There are 10 puzzles in Moonbrooke, which means that you can get 10 Mini Medals as a reward for solving all the puzzles in this region.
Mini Medal Puzzle #1
This shrine is located at the east side of the map and a little towards the south. You will notice that this temple will have the shape of the slime. It can also be seen from the map. to solve the puzzle, you need to go on top of the temple and remove the ice blocks. Now recreate the exact face like the one on the ground floor of the temple. Wait for the snow to accumulate and the puzzle will be completed.
Mini Medal Puzzle #2
This puzzle can be found east of Moonbrooke, and you can also fast travel to Moonahan. This shrine is like an open temple that requires you to go to the roof of the shrine and matching the pattern of the roof like how it is on the left.
Place any missing blocks or remove any unnecessary blocks to match the pattern on the left. Once you are done, head on down and wait for the snow to fall down on the floor of the shrine. The puzzle completes when the shrine accepts the snow pattern.
Mini Medal Puzzle #3
For this puzzle, you need to go northeast on the map. The shrine is in a small cave with a green dragon guarding it. The puzzle requires you to reach the top, and you can do this by using the red bouncy jump pads from the right of the entrance. Use these to jump and climb all the way to the top.
Once you reach the top you will find a pot with burning fire. Pick this up and take the stairs leading you down. Place this firepot next to the other similar fire pot on its designated place to complete the puzzle.
Mini Medal Puzzle #4
This shrine location can be found south from the Shrine of Rendarak. This is a pretty straightforward puzzle to solve, where you will see two identical snow buildings. You need to match the left building to the one on the right. Do this by simply placing snow blocks like how they look on the building on the right.
Mini Medal Puzzle #5
From the castle, you need to go up north from Moonbroke until you reach to the edge where the sea begins. The puzzle requires you to arrange the flowers and the rocks in the correct pattern. Just copy the pattern and place the rocks and the flowers in the correct order to solve this puzzle.
Mini Medal Puzzle #6
From the puzzle where you had to put snow blocks in the snow buildings, you need to head south. This will be right at the south side of the map and in the middle. The shrine is a small square filled with colorful flowers. Your task here is to first clear the ice blocks on the right side of the shrine, and then place the flowers in the correct order as the one on the left.
The only thing is that the mirror image should be inverted. Pick up any flowers or bushes from outside of the shrine, as it is filled with flowers and bushes. Arrange the shrine in the correct way and you will be done.
Mini Medal Puzzle #7
This puzzle or shrine location is northeast from Moonbrooke, where again you have to go right at the edge near the sea. When you reach the puzzle, you will see that it is a small shrine. This shrine needs to be filled with water and then cleared from the blocks of ice. Do this and you will complete the puzzle.
Mini Medal Puzzle #8
This shrine can be found if you go south of Moonbrooke, just below the river line on the center of the map. The shrine will have piles of wooden boxes that you have to arrange correctly. Match the pattern on the right and copy it on the left. It is pretty easy and all you have to do is stack up the wooden boxes on the left to look the same as on the right.
Mini Medal Puzzle #9
To find this puzzle, you need to go south of Moonbrooke castle. Here you have to reach a valley that can only be done by climbing the mountain. You will see that there will be statues with candles right in front of them. To complete the puzzle, you need to place the candles on the remaining statues that are not lit.
Mini Medal Puzzle #10
To get to this puzzle, you need to go southeast from the Shrine of Rendarak. On top of the mountain will be a house that you need to reach. This is a small shrine that will contain two identical rooms. The only difference is that the furniture will be placed differently.
To solve the puzzle, you need to enter the room on the right and place the furniture exactly like how it looks on the left room. This is a pretty easy puzzle to solve for a mini medal.
Sources: Gaming with Abyss, Murad Zero
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