Destiny 2 Black Armory Volundr Forge is available now and it has quite a number of steps that needs to be completed before you reclaim the Forge. We have curated this Destiny 2 Black Armory Volundr Forge guide for you to provide you detailed information on the requirements you need to complete. We will highlight all the tasks in order so that you do not miss any.
Most of the tasks in Black Armory will require you to be on Power level 595– 600 minimum. If you are below the minimum level, you will do less damage. Destiny 2 Black Armory raises the power cap and it is now been elevated to 650 in Season of the Forge game update.
Whilst it is feasible to persuade reclaim of the forge quest in solo mode, but we will highly suggest you to play it with a fireteam as it will help you achieve your goal much easily. First off, you should reach to a power level of 610 – 630 because Volundr is protected by enemies with level of 610 to 630 Power, you can not do serious damage unless you are up to the power level requirement we mentioned.
If you have not reached the 610 – 630 power level, we suggest you to grind more and then continue with Destiny 2 Black Armory Volundr Forge guide. If you are already there, keep reading.
Destiny 2: Black Armory Volundr Forge – Item Requirements
The Forges were removed from the Black Armory some time earlier, and now you and your team will be tasked to find it and restore the Forge. First off, you need to go The Tangled Shore and pay a visit to Spider. He’ll discuss that some old close friends need a hand as well as provide you a Black Armory Badge to reveal to Ada-1 to gain some of her trust fund.
After speaking to Ada-1, she’ll offer you a quest step called Basic Machine Gun Frame. After that you need to locate a Weapon Core from a Black Armory Pet crate as well as collect 25 Compound Ether.
For the second step, you must go to EDZ and find a particular enemy. He can be found in Outskirts or The Gulch. One you are there you will need to look for a named enemy titled as ‘Forge Saboteur’. You need to be at power level of 600 to defeat this named enemy. He will also be surrounded by two shields. Destroy the shield, defeat the enemy and search for a large black crate with Black Armory symbol on top of it. Collect it and move onto next step of Destiny 2 Black Armory Volundr Forge guide.
Third step will require you to collect a total of 25 Compound Ether which are dropped by Fallen enemies when you kill them. Start killing Fallen enemies and collecting Compound Ether, you will see a progression system which will guide you how much of work is left. Once you have collected 25 of them, move on to next step.
In fourth step, you will be tasked to get 15 multikills and use Power Weapons for 50 Hive Kills. We will suggest you to for Escalation Protocol, since that is the only effective, convenient and easy way to obtain more kills of the number of Hive enemies with Power Ammunition availability.
Avoid using rocket launcher or grenade launcher here, use machine guns for the fourth task in quest line.
Once you have completed the task, you will be assigned another one where you must kill 25 Powerful enemies by using a Power Weapon. After that, you need some Radiant Seeds, so kill 20 more Power enemies.
If you have hard time in finding Power enemies or enemies with yellow health bar, we will suggest you go to Blind Well, Escalation Protocol and complete Spider’s Lost Sector bounties to find and kill as many power enemies as possible in less time. You must be the one to land a kill shot, if not, the kill won’t be counted for you.
After killing enough Power enemies and collecting Radiant Seeds, you must go to Ada-1 to receive final step and the Radiant Machine Gun Frame. For next step, we will suggest you to bring a friend equal to your power level or of you are way above 625 then you can finish the next step all alone.
Destiny 2 Black Armory Volundr Forge Guide – Finding Volundr Forge
After collecting all the items and Radiant Machine Gun Frame now is the time to find the Volundr Forge. Go to the Sunken Isles in the EDZ and seek out Smidur’s Cavern. You need to approach the floating furnace as well as interact with it to start the final mission.
A timer will certainly start and you’ll require to toss 20 Radiant Batteries at the furnace system to light it. For this, you must beat enemies that glow blue to obtain the batteries which you literally chuck at the Forge and charge it. With every time you charge the forge, an extra 10 seconds will be added to your timer.
Yellow bar enemies along with boss will spawn by then. The boss will be guarded by blue shield anomalies around him. The boss will be approximately 630 Power, and if you are already on 625 Power Level, you can take him down easily, alone.
You need to beat the Boss and reclaim the Forge. After you are done with him you will be rewarded the Hammerhead Legendary Machine Gun. The perks on Machine Gun comes random and it is a luck to have a nicely perks rolled Machine Gun.
This summarize our Destiny 2 Black Armory Volundr Forge guide. If you assume we missed out on an action or any type of step we stated could be done easily with less initiative, feel free to comment down below. In the meantime, feel free to have a look at our Destiny 2 Black Armory Gofannon Forge guide.