BIG Festival Awards 2019 is taking place next month and the event finalists have been announced by the organizers which will be competing for the top prize. Brazil Independent Games (BIG) Festival is hosting its 7th edition next month. This year, 460 games were submitted for the event from around the world. Most of the titles submitted were on the Windows PC platform.
Coming to ratios, 62% of games submitted were on PC, 29% on mobile and 8% games were on VR. Console games were the lowest of the bunch which amounted to 1% of the total games submitted in the event. Out of these games, 257 titles came from Brazil which is the highest number of games submitted from any country.
The second most number of games came from the United States while the third most games came from France. This year, three brand new countries have also joined the BIG Festival Awards 2019 with their submissions as they had never submitted a game before. These countries include Algeria, Hungary, and Jamaica.
This year also sees an increase in the submissions of Student titles. Last year only 73 Student titles were submitted to the event but this year the number has climbed to 108. The only number to stay constant is the VR submissions which are 38 for both this year as well as the previous year. In BIG Festival Awards 2019, the games are divided into 20 categories. These categories include:
- Best Game
- Best Brazilian Game
- Best Latin American Game
- Best Sound
- Best Art
- Best Narrative
- Best Gameplay
- Innovation
- BIG Impact: Educational Category
- BIG Impact: Social Matters Category
- BIG Impact: Diversity
- Best Multiplayer Game
- Best Student Game
- Best Extended Reality Game
- Best Mobile Game
- Best Game for Children
- BIG Brands (Best Commissioned Game)
- The People’s Choice Award
- The Humble BIG New Talent Award
- The Nordic Game Pitch Award.
You will find the complete list of BIG Festival Awards 2019 finalists below according to the categories they are nominated in.
Best Game
- Gris from Nomada Studio (Spain)
- She Dreams Elsewhere from Studio Zevere (US)
- Burning Daylight from Miyu Distribution (France)
- Do Not Feed the Monkeys from Fictiorama Studios (Spain)
- Cyber Ops: Tactical Hacking Support from Octeto Studios (Chile)
- Spaceline Crew from Coffeenauts (Brazil)
- Pixel Ripped 1989 from Arvore immersive experiences (Brazil)
Best Brazilian Game
- Mana Sparks from BEHEMUTT / Kishimoto Studios
- Starlit on Wheels from Rockhead Studios
- Spaceline Crew from Coffeenauts
- Sky Racket from Double Dash Studios
- Bedtime Fright from RevSutdio
- Adore from Cadabra Games
- Goroons from Epopeia Games
- Pixel Ripped 1989 from Arvore immersive experiences
- DeMagnete VR from BitCake Studio
- Fake News, isto nao e um jogo! from Patada! Studio
Best Latin American Game
- Fate of Kai from Sunflower Game Studio (Argentina)
- Cyber Ops: Tactical Hacking Support from Octeto Studios (Chile)
- Quadradit from Killabunnies (Argentina)
- Gravity Lane from Johannes Ghiletiuc (Colombia)
- Quantum League from NGD Studios (Argentina)
Best Art
- Gris from Nomada studio (Spain)
- Forgotton Anne from ThroughLine Games (Denmark)
- Creaks from Amanita Design (Czech Republic)
- Unruly Heroes from Magic Design Studios (France)
- Burning Daylight from Miyu Distribution (France)
- The Blind Prophet from Ars Goetia (France)
- Adore from Cadabra Games(Brazil)
Best Narrative
- She Dreams Elsewhere from Studio Zevere (US)
- Pikuniku from Sectordub(United Kingdom)
- Forgotton Anne from ThroughLine Games (Denmark)
- Creaks from Amanita Design (Czech Republic)
- Burning Daylight from Miyu Distribution (France)
- Do Not Feed the Monkeys from Fictiorama Studios (Spain)
- My Child Lebensborn from Sarepta studio AS (Norway)
Best Gameplay
- Nimbatus from Stray Fawn Studio (Switzerland)
- Speed Brawl from Double Stallion Games (Canada)
- JUMPGRID from Ian MacLarty (Australia)
- Do Not Feed the Monkeys from Fictiorama Studios (Spain)
- Mana Sparks from BEHEMUTT / Kishimoto Studios (Brazil)
- Sky Racket from Double Dash Studios (Brazil)
- Cyber Ops: Tactical Hacking Support from Octeto Studios (Chile)
- Liff from Miyu Distribution CFrance)
- Fate of Kai from Sunflower Game Studio (Argentina)
- Alucinod from Thomas Pettus (Australia)
- Weaving Tides from Follow the Feathers (Austria)
- Pixel Ripped 1989 from Arvore immersive experiences (Brazil)
- Gravity Lane from Johannes Ghiletiuc (Colombia)
- Quantum League from NGD Studios (Argentina)
Best Sound
- Gris from Nomada Studio (Spain)
- BLACK BIRD from Onion Games (Japan)
- Burning Daylight from Miyu Distribution (France)
- Marie’s Room from like Charlie (Belgium)
- Unheard from NEXT Studios (China)
BIG Impact: Best Educational Game
- Fake News, isto nao e um jogo! from Patada! Studio
- Cidade em Jogo from Fundacao Brava and Flux Games (Brazil)
- AWAY: The Survival Series from Breaking Walls (Canada)
- ITENO from Why Creative Sdn Bhd (Malasiya)
- Domlexia – Dom e as Letras from Plot Kids (Brazil)
BIG Impact: Social Matters
- She Dreams Elsewhere from Studio Zevere (US)
- after HOURS from Bahiyya Khan, Claire Meekel, Tim Flusk and Abi Meekel. (South Africa)
- Do Not Feed the Monkeys from Fictiorama Studios (Spain)
- Marie’s Room from like Charlie (Belgium)
- My Child Lebensborn from Sarepta studio AS (Norway)
Best Student Game
- Liff from Miyu Distribution (France)
- Intertwined from Miyu Distribution (France)
- It’s Paper Guy! from The Paper Team (France)
- Wahkan from DigiPen Institute Of Technology Europe – Bilbao (Spain)
- after HOURS from Bahiyya Khan, Claire Meekel, Tim Flusk and Abi Meekel (South Africa)
- Burning Daylight from Miyu Distribution (France)
- Spaceline Crew from Coffeenauts (Brazil)
Best Multiplayer
- Goroons from Epopeia Games (Brazil)
- Hookbots from Tree Interactive (Costa Rica)
- Spaceline Crew from Coffeenauts (Brazil)
- Spitlings from Massive Miniteam GmbH (Germany)
- Quantum League from NGD Studios (Argentina)
Best Games for Kids Game
- Starlit On Wheels from Rockhead Studios (Brazil)
- It’s Paper Guy! from The Paper Team (France)
- Inventeca – Uma forma nova de contar historias! from StoryMax (Brazil)
- Pile Up from Seed by Seed (France)
- Timo The Game from Webcore Games (Brazil)
Best Virtual Reality Game
- Moss from POLYARC GAMES (US)
- Pixel Ripped 1989 from Arvore immersive experiences (Brazil)
- DeMagnete VR from BitCake Studio (Brazil)
- Magichestra from Black River Studios (Brazil)
Best Mobile Game
- Starlit On Wheels from Rockhead Studios (Brazil)
- Quadradit from Killabunnies (Argentina)
- My Child Lebensborn from Sarepta studio AS (Norway)
- Inventeca – Uma forma nova de contar historias! from StoryMax (Brazil)
- ITENO from Why Creative Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)
BIG Brands
- Berro, o Crockissimo! from Mukutu Games e Mkt Virtual (Brazil)
- Deadly Arcade from PushStart (Brazil)
- Authentic Game Oficial from Little Giants Studio (Brazil)
BIG Diversity
- Spikes on High Heels from Amandapps (Amanda Sparks) (Brazil)
- after HOURS from Bahiyya Khan, Claire Meekel, Tim Flusk and Abi Meekel. (South Africa)
- Huni Kuin: Yube Baitana from Bobware/Beya Xina Bena (Brazil)
- She Dreams Elsewhere from Studio Zevere (US)
Last year, Frostpunk which is a society survival game won the Best Game Award. It was developed and published by 11 bit studios. The title was released to a critically acclaimed reception last year in April.
The winners will be announced on June 28 during the award ceremony which is taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Alongside these awards, honor, and prizes will be granted to developers at this global event in recognition of their hard work and dedication to elevate the entertainment software industry.
BIG Festival 2019 is taking place from June 27 to June 28, 2019, in Sao Paulo, Brazil next month and it will cover national and international games with cash prizes and exhibition of selected games. Along with the awards ceremony, lectures and business rounds will also be held during the entirety of the event.
For more details on the finalists, check out the official press release. If you want more information on the BIG Festival 2019, check out the official website.