Interview: Mixed Realms

Party-Based Deckbuilder Game Gordian Quest Kickstarter Announced for Console Launch

Developer Mixed Realms has announced the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for the console release of their party-based deckbuilder game Gordian Quest. Gordian Quest was released out of its early…

Interview: Mixed Realms

Gordian Quest Full Release Brings Act 4, Endless Mode, New Hero and More

Mixed Realms has announced the full release its party-based RPG deck-building game, Gordian Quest, as it left Steam Early Access last month. The full release of the game has not…

Gordian Quest

Epic RPG Deck Builder Gordian Quest To Launch Next Month

After the game’s successful Early Access run, Mixed Realms has announced the full launch date ot its epic RPG deck-builder adventure, Gordian Quest, on 23rd June 2022. If you can’t…