State of Mind Walkthrough Guide – Chapter One

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

In this State of Mind Walkthrough Guide we will cover all the Chapters that are included in the game for you to progress forward in the game. State of mind is a dystopian game created by Daedalic Entertainment and available for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. The game was released on August 15, 2018.

In State of Mind, you play as two main characters and their stories, Richard Nolan and Adam Newman. Richard Nolan is trying to determine the whereabouts of this wife and son who were supposed to visit their family over for the weekend. In his investigation, Richard comes across information about certain organizations with laboratories that deal with cybernetic implants.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Walkthrough Guide

In this State of Mind Walkthrough Guide, we will guide you through all of the story missions that include in Chapter 1.

Saturday, January 11th 2048, Central Hospital

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

After the initial cut scene, you will wake up to a Doctor’s voice who will ask you to look at the markers to your right and then straight ahead. The doctor will perform a few tests on you and will ask you a series of questions. Follow the doctor to the table, where he will ask you to take the cube and place it on the right side of the table.

In the next test, follow the doctor to the next stall, where he will show you holograms of recognizable people. After the test, leave the stall and go towards the door to meet a medical robot.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Saturday, West Plaza, Richard Nolan’s Apartment

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

In Richard Nolan’s Apartment, you have to listen to the voice recordings of Lydia Craig. Following the voice messages, explore around the house to relive the memories of your family with items available in the house.

After you are done, talk to the robot assistant called Simon who will explain the whereabouts about your son and wife. You will then be notified that Lydia is online. Dismiss your robot assistant before you talk to Lydia. Proceed to Lydia to complete this part.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Monday, City5 Central, Adam Newman’s Apartment

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

You will wake up as a new character named Adam Newman in a similar apartment like Richard’s. Talk to Doctor Sykes who will ask you to bring your son to the hospital. Proceed to examining objects around the rooms in the house. Next, you will need to see the note that your wife, Amy, has left for you.

Then go to your son John’s room and talk to him. He will ask for something to eat. Go to the kitchen and use the food assembler and choose any breakfast. Next prepare something to drink for John. Talk to your John once you have given him the food.

In the end you have take your son to the hospital, but you need to find the remote that is in Amy’s room before you head out.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Monday, City5 Central, Infinity Plaza

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

Outside the plaza, John will suggest you to take the rail train. You can also interact with the people around you in this area. When you head back towards the building’s exit, you will experience an earthquake.

After the earthquake, you will see a device called tracer around you. Pick it up and head to the rail train cart to take you to the hospital to meet Doctor Sykes.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Monday, City5 Union Park, Kurtz Recreation Center

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

When you reach the hospital, take a stroll with your son at his request. Follow the path that goes to the right. Here you can take control of John’s robot friend called Henry. You can control this robot and explore the area quickly.

After you get control back as Adam, reach the end of the path and turn left before the tall statue. This will take you to a deck where you can feed fishes.

Continue forward on the same path where you will reach a bench to sit at. Interact with the person called Wesley de Palm who will be sitting across you.

After the short conversation, head inside of the hospital building and talk to the receptionist who is a robot called Mona. This will complete this section of the story.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Sunday, January 12th 2048, West Plaza Richard Nolan’s Apartment

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

In this section of the story, you wake up back as Richard Nolan. You will get a message from Frank who is Richard’s boss.

Next head to the kitchen where the clean bot is, stuck inside to it will be a business card for you to pick up and read in your inventory.

Simon then suggests you to call your wife’s parents for her whereabouts. When you call Herman, he informs you that Tracy and John aren’t with them. You will next call MediCentral where you learn that Richards relatives aren’t in any of the hospitals.

Speak to Simon again who will inform you about a man who was here before. Richard will ask for Simon for his memory module which the robot will deny. Go get a wrench that is on the table in the living room. Use it on Simon to recover the memory module.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Monday, City5 Union Park, Kurtz Recreation Center

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

This part of the story takes you back to Adam Newman. You start by listening to Minerva after which you need to head back to Mona the receptionist. Next up you will see Doctor Sykes and John. Speak to the doctor and later head for the exit. Once you reach outside you will be able t reach Amy.

Take the railtrain cart back to Infinity Plaza to Adam’s residence. Once you reach home, you can talk to your wife in the room. Go back to the living room, take a look at John’s drawings and go to your bedroom to sleep. This will end this section.

State of Mind Chapter 1 – Monday, January 13th 2048, Richard Nolan’s Apartment

State of Mind - Walkthrough Guide

When you get back in the story of Richard Nolan, you get a call from Richard’s best friend, Steve. Take a look at the holo pin board and check for notes and the business card you found in the clean bot.

Richard will need his friend Steve’s help in getting data out of the memory module to identify the man that was in the house earlier.Head out to the exit. This will complete this section.

This concludes our walkthrough for State of Mind Chapter One. If you wish to add anything to this article, please feel free to write your opinion in the comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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