How to Beat Sprout Captain in Kena Bridge of Spirits

Sprout Captain Kena Bridge of Spirits

Captain Sprout is one of the main bosses you will be fighting against in Kena Bridge of Spirits. You will be facing this boss when you are in the Forgotten Forest, so let’s look at how you can beat this boss and what attacks it will throw at you.

How to Beat Sprout Captain in Kena Bridge of Spirits

When the Sprout Captain appears for the first time, you have enough time to immediately fire some shots at the boss as it tries to get close to you. Once it gets close though, it is all about keeping on your feet and dodging its combo attacks. This is because the attacks that follow are quick and pack a punch, forcing you to keep as much distance as possible.

Having said that, the moment this boss appears, you should use your bow, slow down time with Focus, and shoot at the yellow gem on the boss’ body to slash off a huge chunk of damage from the boss’ health bar.

The best way to counter its attack is to parry and then use the Parry Counter upgrade to follow up with a powerful spinning attack. However, this is a risky move and should only be done if you can anticipate the attack and are good with the timing. This attack is also followed by a lunge towards you after the first couple of swipes it performs with the twin blades.

If you aren’t great with parrying, you need to continue with the normal attacks, dodge away the attacks and combos, and keep enough distance to anticipate the quick attacks Sprout Captain will throw at you. However, if you have Rot Spirits, you can dodge behind the boss when it starts with the combo attack, and use it to hold him down long enough to go for quick melee attacks.

Although the boss is quite tricky and fierce, most of your attacks will deal a good amount of damage, concluding the fight in a few minutes.

Read more Kena Bridge of Spirits guides:

And that’s how you can beat Sprout Captain in Kena Bridge of Spirits. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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