In this Spider-Man: Miles Morales Skills Guide we will guide you on all of the skills that you can unlock and purchase in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. There are four unique skill trees in Spider-Man: Miles Morales and each skill tree has its own unique set of skills for you to unlock and use in the game. Apart from the three main skill trees that include Combat, Venom, and Camouflage, there is an additional skill tree located at the bottom of the Skills Menu that requires a little extra work to be unlocked. We have detailed everything below for you.
Skills Guide – Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Our Spider-Man: Miles Morales Skills Guide details everything that you need to know about skills in Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
Skills in Spider-Man: Miles Morales
There are four unique skill trees in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. It goes without saying that you will need Skill Points to unlock these skills except for the Challenge Skills which also require challenge completion before you can actually unlock them and use them in the game. We have detailed all of the skill trees below for you.
Camouflage Skills
One of the abilities that Miles Morales possesses in the game is Camouflage which allows Miles to become invisible. In order to further enhance this ability and make it more effective in combat, you can purchase some skills in this tree and reap the fruits later in the game. All skills in this tree will cost you 1 Skill Point except the Unseen Force skill which is unlocked for you when you start New Game +. We have detailed all skills in this tree below for you.
Skill | Required Level | Description |
Concealed Presence | Level 7 | Your Camouflage Energy refills 20% faster with this skill |
Measured Response | Level 7 | Your attacks consume less of your Camouflage Energy |
Unseen Strike | Level 8 | Your final Venom attack does not consume Camouflage Energy |
Never See it Coming | Level 11 | If you are Camouflaged, Venom Punch will land bonus damage to enemies |
Patient Spider | Level 12 | Increases your overall Camouflage Energy Bar |
Web Cocoon Bomb | Level 13 | Allows to pull stealth cocooned enemies to the ground and causing them to trap nearby enemies as well |
Blinding Light | Level 14 | Adds a powerful blinding light attack to your arsenal that can stun enemies around you. Activated by pressing L3+R3 |
Unseen Force | N/A | Your combo counter no longer resets as long as you remain Camouflaged and every attack adds a bonus point |
Venom Skills
Similarly to Camouflage skills, the Venom skills actually enhance your Venom attacks in the game. All of them cost 1 Skill Point as well while Bio-Electric Instincts is unlocked when you start New Game+. We’ve detailed them below as well.
Skill | Required Level | Description |
Venom Smash | Level 1 | Pressing L1+Square+X will unleash a powerful attack that will damage and stun nearby enemies |
Venom Jump | Level 3 | You can launch enemies into air, disarm then and stun them by pressing L1+X |
Synaptic Breakdown | Level 4 | Increases the time your enemies remains in Venom Stun state |
Floodgate | Level 5 | Increases the splash area damage for Venom Punch |
Miles Smash! | Level 9 | Increases Venom Smash’s area of effect |
Venom Dash Launcher | Level 12 | While landing on enemies during Venom Dash, pressing X will allow you perform a Venom Jump which launches enemies into the air as well |
Venom Rocket | Level 16 | Every 5 seconds, your off the wall attacks can cause Venom Stun |
Bio-Electric Instincts | N/A | During every combat sequence, a random Mega Venom Blast occurs before a fatal hit at no additional cost |
Combat Skills
Combat plays an important role in the game and you will be taking down bad guys all the time here and there, so it is important that you keep your combat skills ready for every sort of danger. This skill tree directly makes your combat more effective in the game. All skills cost 1 Skill Point to unlock while Let’s Go! is unlocked for you when you start New Game+. Rest is detailed below:
Skill | Level Required | Description |
Energy Syphon | Level 3 | Your Bio-Electric Power is generated much-quickly from attacking and dodging |
Web Yank Opportunist | Level 4 | Holding triangle after sending an enemy flying from a melee combo or a Venom attack will allow you to land a Venom Yank attack |
In For a Shock | Level 5 | Venom stunned enemies take increased damage from basic attacks of up to 50% |
Spread the Love | Level 6 | Enemies stunned by Venom Stun will stun other enemies as well if they hit them |
Trained Technique | Level 8 | Allows you to store a second Finisher and the requirement is lowered to 10 combo hits as well |
Gunslinger | Level 10 | Pressing and hold triangle will allow you to yank and throw guns with Bio-Electric Power that explode on impact and stun enemies |
Final Countdown | Level 15 | Landing finishers will allow you to fill 40% of your Venom bar |
Let’s Go! | N/A | You can store a third finisher |
Challenge Skills
Unlike the first three skill trees, you actually have to complete some challenges before you can unlock and purchase these skills. After you have completed their challenges to unlock them, you can buy them for 1 Skill Point each. All of them are available in the first playthrough of the game as well.
Skill Type | Skill Name | Requirement | Description |
Combat | Spin Cycle | Complete Combat Challenge 1.0 | Rapidly pressing Triangle while throwing an enemy will allow you to spin the enemies instead of throwing them |
Payback | Complete Combat Challenge 2.0 | Pressing Triangle after a Perfect Dodge against Rifle and Pistol enemies will allow you to instantly take them down | |
Air Marshal | Complete Combat Challenge 3.0 | Your air attacks deal more damage and generate more Venom Energy | |
Traversal | Point Launch Boost | Complete Traversal Challenge 1.0 | While zipping, press X as soon as come in contact with a surface to gain a massive boost for your next launch |
Quick Recovery | Complete Traversal Challenge 2.0 | Allows you to get back in the air quickly by pressing X during a roll as soon as you touch down | |
Quick Zip | Complete Traversal Challenge 3.0 | Allows you to Web Zip a second time with X without losing altitude | |
Stealth | Silent Step | Complete Stealth Challenge 1.0 | You get a much larger window with enemy detection |
Scare Tactics | Complete Stealth Challenge 2.0 | You get more Venom from Stealth takedowns | |
Surprise Attack | Complete Stealth Challenge 3.0 | Adds a powerful stun attack to you Web-Strike Takedowns |
Best Skill to Buy First in Spider-Man: Miles Morales
While all of the skills are pretty useful in the game, the ultimate choice ultimately boils down to your own preference of how you play the game. Before investing in these skills, you first have to find out which gameplay style you like the most. Do you prefer stealth, or do you prefer head-on combat? Based on this decision, you can opt for the following choices.
For starters, you should try to get the Challenge Skills Point Launch Boost, Quick Zip, and Quick Recovery as soon as possible. These will help you in your movement around the map quickly. While you should keep your stealth skills at hold at first, you must upgrade your combat skills first and try to unlock Venom Rocket, Synaptic Breakdown, and Floodgate first because they are excellent in crowd control and will give you a much-needed space in combat.
For more help with the game, check out the guides listed below:
This concludes our Spider-Man: Miles Morales Skills Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.