Publisher Competition Company has announced that its upcoming hardcore ultra-realistic racing simulator RENNSPORT is aiming for a 2023 release. The publisher kicked off the testing phase of the alpha version of RENNSPORT with an exclusive event held back in May 2022. The closed event called RENNSPORT Summit invited over 150 selected guests to try out the alpha version of RENNSPORT and officially kick-start the testing phase of the game.
RENNSPORT Summit was attended by over 1550 exclusive guests ranging from racers, team managers, influencers, and content creators. The alpha version of RENNSPORT gave the visitors an insight into the current state of development of the title. Competition Company has been working on the title for over 2 years now and it was still pretty early for the alpha to be tested out by someone who was an official part of the company, and it shows the publisher’s courage and transparency in the development of the title. Morris Hebecker, CEO of Competition Company, explained:
That’s the path we’ve chosen and what sets us apart from other players on the market. We don’t want to displace competitors or impose ourselves on the fans, rather we want to give all motorsport enthusiasts the opportunity to be part of the further development through our community approach.
Competition Company is developing RENNSPORT with the motto ‘Community first’ and the purpose of the event was to focus on the guests and how they feel about RENNSPORT. The event also featured a well-balanced mixture of eSports competitions and discussion rounds on topics such as ‘Digital Ownership’, “What’s needed for a state-of-the-art sim?” or “Future of Sim Racing Esports. The program was led by ESL commentators Matthew “Sadokist” Trivett and Wil Vincent who led through the program and commented on the competitions in the traditional way.
As of now, RENNSPORT has featured two brands in its Alpha version. Apart from Porsche, BMW was showcased at the summit along with its three partner teams. Two original racing cars of the brand partners were also on display at the event, and it proved to be a popular photo motif for all event visitors. ESL Gaming was also officially unveiled as a partner in Munich however additional details about the partnership will be revealed in the coming months. Morris Hebecker further detailed:
Here, too, we are pursuing a very integrative and transparent path. I’m sure that through these valuable partnerships we can create something really substantial and valuable. Always together with and for the RENNSPORT community.
The developer details that the evolution of RENNSPORT will be community driven at all times. RENNSPORT will be an ultra-realistic sim racing but also fun to drive. The game will use technological advancement and modern software architecture to take the next step in the virtual racing experience and create stunning behind-the-wheel graphics along with a wide range of interactive options for user-generated content. Apart from software, the development of the title is also complimented by driving physics developed and validated by automotive experts using Unreal Engine 5.
RENNSPORT also is the official partner of ESL which will be diving into professional sim racing with this title. Everything in the game has been developed with eSports in the mind from the very start and ESL and RENNSPORT will offer low entry barriers perfect for a good sporting system. The game will aim to offer athletes and teams pure sportsmanship, long-term perspective, and economic appeal. The developer is also aiming to introduce modern technology for audience interaction, professional broadcasting tools, and easy-to-share highlight clips.
RENNSPORT will also have a deep level of customization and it will have individual cars, custom tracks, and much more. Each creation in the game will be owned by you and everything added to your account will expand your digital legacy. If you want, you can trade them through the marketplace of your choice as well. The game will provide a platform for like-minded people, who share a common passion whether they are professional athletes, amateur racers, sports enthusiasts, collectors, and many more.
After concluding the very first RENNSPORT Summit on May 29, 2022, the publisher Competition Company is currently busy with a roadshow to promote RENNSPORT. The roadshow started back on May 31, 2022, and it will go through Germany and Europe and will allow eSports fans to test RENNSPORT at various spots and share their feedback with the developer. A closed beta for RENNSPORT is planned for summer 2022 while the official launch of the title is currently planned for the end of 2023. Additional details are currently available on the official website of the game and more will be revealed in the future.
What are your thoughts on RENNSPORT and what do you think about RENNSPORT going in the direction of an eSports-oriented, hardcore racing sim? Let us know in the comments section below.