Sony has removed Facebook as a shareable platform when players press the ‘Share’ button on their PS4 consoles. According to the new change, as of yesterday, October 7, 2019, players will no longer able to use any of the previously available Facebook features on their PS4 consoles. This includes sharing screenshots, gameplay videos, and trophy information and other gaming activities directly from their PS4 consoles.
This will also end the support to find and add friends using their Facebook IDs on PlayStation Network. The complete wipeout of Facebook integration might upset some fans which were extremely expressive and liked to share their favorite gaming moments directly from their PS4 consoles. Until now, Facebook integration in PS4 was a plus point over Xbox One because it was much easier to share gameplay screenshots and videos.
Now players will have to resort to other means such as copying screenshots and videos to their PCs via USB drives or portable hard drives and then uploading them to Facebook making it a lot complicated which now gives Xbox One as edge which supports OneDrive which essentially uploads the pictures and videos directly to a supported PC saving players the hassle to plug-in their USBs and portable drives.
This also means that the Profile Picture import is also gone and the profiles will revert back to using the PSN Avatar instead of using the Facebook Profile Pictures they were previously using. However, players can still opt for using custom profile pictures such as using the PlayStation App on their mobile phones or from the Profile tab on the PS4 system. Sony has not gone into details about why the integration is now no longer a part of the console because, at launch, it was a prominent feature in PS4’s connectivity options.
PS4 is also getting a new update 7.00 later this week which will increase the party size and bring Android Remote Play support.
What are your thoughts on Facebook support ending on PS4? Have you ever used the feature to share your gameplay screens and videos on the platform? Let us know in the comments section below.