Oninaki Null Stones Guide – How to Get, Search Chests

Oninaki Null Stones Guide

In this Oninaki Null Stones Guide, we will show you what the Null stones are, what they do, and where you can find them in the world of Oninaki. Null Stones are items that help you unlock the Daemon’s Skill tree nodes in the Daemon tab of the main menu.

Upgrading your Daemons and leveling them up requires stones, but you also need to unlock the nodes of to the Daemon’s skill tree in order to progress in the skill tree. This is where Null Stones come in to help. As you can see, these stones are very valuable and should be picked up with every opportunity you can get.

Oninaki Null Stones Guide

Below we have detailed how you get the Null Stones in Oninaki.

Complete Side Quests

The best way to get Null Stones is by completing the side quests in the game. These are the Lost Souls side quests that are given to you by the Lost Soul NPCs in the game. With each quest that you complete, you will be rewarded with a Null Stone at the end.

To do just that, head over and talk to any of the Lost Soul NPC you can find. They will give you a task that you have to complete. These tasks are not that tough and can be completed in a short period of time. In the side quests, you will be given an objective in a certain location that you have to go and complete. Once you are done, you will be given a Null Stone.

Search Treasure Chests

The only other way to get Null Stones is to look for treasure chests in the world of Oninaki. Chests contain items like Null Stones and Shadestones, and can be found randomly in the areas of the game.

Chests always contain a kind of stone in them, whether you find a Null Stone or a Shadestone. Though it will not be a waste of time to look for Null Stones in chests, the best way is still to complete the Lost Soul side quests.

Read more Oninaki Guides:

This concludes our Oninaki Null Stones Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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