Marvel’s Avengers Story To Focus On The Human Part Of Heroes

Marvel’s Avengers Story

Marvel’s Avengers was one of the major highlights of E3 2019. Square Enix showcased the game and fans have had some mixed reactions. I for one did not like the character models. We have some new insights regarding the story of Marvel’s Avengers.

When you have been watching Marvel movies for so long, you do not expect to see someone else get out of the Iron man suit. Director and Writer Shaun Escayg, who also worked as the Creative Director at Naughty Dog on Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, mentioned the following about the story of Marvel’s Avengers:

A lot of the story is about the human element of these heroes. How do they deal with guilt? How do they deal with loss? Can they put their differences aside? Bruce Banner is one of my favorite characters because he’s always in conflict with who he is. He’s a scientist, very intelligent, and very docile in a way. Then all of a sudden he has this part of himself that’s enraged, that can destroy anything with a flick of his hand. Is he dangerous? Is he really a hero? He’s battled that his whole life.

Escayg went on to talk about Iron Man and how he is human. He wants to protect the world by using technology. He is also arrogant, which pushes him to take chances that other Avengers might not. Hence there is a bit of conflict.

Conflict is going to play a major role in the story of Marvel’s Avengers. Escayg went on to mention the following:

It’s all about the conflict, right? What happened on A-Day? Who was at fault? Black Widow was in charge of the bridge. Did she fail? Should we have gone back and helped Cap? These are the human things that we wrestle with as well, and that’s what grounds this and makes this different from any other Avengers story. Also, it affects some of our heroes in other ways. I can’t give away details, but they’re affected by their mental state.

Marvel’s Avengers did get some mixed reactions but we are going to wait until we have played the game before coming to a verdict. Marvel’s Avengers will release on May 15th, 2020 for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia.

let us know what you think about Marvel’s Avengers and whether or not you are interested in playing the game when it comes out next year.

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