Forza Horizon 5 Practical Metal Treasure Hunt Guide – Clue Solution, Chest Location

Forza Horizon Series 10 Update is halfway gone and we are now in the Winter season. With the new season, we have a new Festival Playlist to complete filled with various rewards, and this time we have a new treasure chest to find and unlock as well. We have curated this Forza Horizon 5 Practical Metal Treasure Hunt Guide for you in which we will guide you on how to solve this week’s treasure hunt easily.

Practical Metal Treasure Hunt Guide – Forza Horizon 5

Before you find the treasure chest, you have to solve this week’s clue which unlocks the treasure chest for you. The clue for solving the Practical Metal treasure hunt is ‘Copper wins in electric conductivity and is used a-cross country’. A few things are very clear in the clue including the location of the challenge which is the Copper Canyon, and you have to complete an A-Class Cross Country race in an electric vehicle. Now, this is not just any race that you must complete because there is actually a race in Forza Horizon 5 which fits perfectly with this description. The race is called Copper Canyon Cross Country and it is also one of the races of this week’s Extreme E Copper Prix II.

Forza Horizon 5 Practical Metal Treasure Hunt Guide

All you need to do is win the race in any electric vehicle of your choice and once the race credits scene is over, you will get the message that the clue is solved, and the chest is now unlocked for you to find it. It is located on the location below on the map:

You need to get off a little the road and make your way to the end of the cliff to find the treasure chest. Make sure that you do not go there too fast, or you might overshoot and fall down on the other side of the cliff without hitting the treasure chest. Hit the treasure chest and you will solve the treasure hunt by earning 100 Forzathon Points and 3 Points towards your Festival Playlist completion.

If you need help with the photo challenge for this week, check out our dedicated CopperChase Photo Challenge Guide. For even more help with the game, check out the guides linked below:

This concludes our Forza Horizon 5 Practical Metal Treasure Hunt Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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