Fortnite Ice Storm Challenges Guide – How to Complete, Ice Fiends, Ice Brutes

Fortnite Ice Storm Challenges Guide

In this Fortnite Ice Storm Challenges Guide, we will guide you on how you can complete all the Fortnite Ice Storm Challenges in Fortnite. Icy Storm is a limited timed event in Fortnite and all players would know that Ice King has unleashed a mighty icy storm on the map because of which the entire map is now covered in snow.

With Icy Storm, Epic has introduced a new set of challenges for players to complete which will result in players getting awesome winter themed gear to use in the game. The Icy Storm will come with 13 challenges and each day, new challenges will be unlocked in the game. As players complete these challenges, reaching milestones will unlock special rewards for them.

Fortnite Ice Storm Challenges Guide – How to Complete

Our Fortnite Ice Storm Challenges Guide will ensure that you complete all challenges easily and unlock the rewards without any problems. You will unlock two special rewards for completing these challenges. After 6 challenges, you will win the Blue Metallic Wrap and once all 13 challenges are complete, you will win the Winter’s Thorn Glider.

Destroy Ice Fiends

For this challenge, you will need to find and kill 250 Ice Fiends. With the Icy Storm active, several Ice Shards are now present around the map and Ice Fiends spawn around these Ice Shards. When you come to an Ice Shard, you will automatically find Ice Fiends. Kill 250 total to complete this challenge.

Deal Damage with Explosive Weapons to the Ice Legion

Ice Legion comprises of Ice Fiends and Ice Brutes. Both of them spawn near Ice Shards. Ice Fiends are smaller and Ice Brutes are their bigger brothers. To complete this challenge, you will need explosive weapons and some Ice Legion. Simply find an explosive weapon and make your way towards the closest Ice Shard and go crazy. You need to deal 5000 damage to Ice Legion to complete this challenge.

Destroy Ice Brutes

Ice Brutes are bigger and badder brothers of Ice Fiends. They take quite a lot of beating before dying. They spawn near the same Ice Shards where the Ice Fiends spawn so you can easily find them and recognize as well because of their bigger size. Since they are tougher to beat, each Ice Shard will spawn less Ice Brutes at the same time. To complete this challenge, you will need to kill 100 Ice Brutes.

Deal Damage with Assault Rifles or Pistols to the Ice Legion

To complete this challenge, you will need any Assault Rifle or Pistol. Once you have the required weapon, find your nearest Ice Shard and unload all the ammo on any Ice Fiend and Ice Brute that you find there. To complete the challenge, you will need to deal 10,000 damage with any pistol or assault rifle to the Ice Legion.

Destroy Ranged Ice Fiends

Ranged Ice Fiends are taller than normal Ice Fiends and they can attack you from a decent range. They will throw snowballs at you which deal quite a lot of damage. They are also present near Ice Shards and you can easily identify them because of their tall height. To complete this challenge, you must kill 150 Ranged Ice Fiends.

Destroy Golden Ice Brutes

Golden Ice Brutes are the hardest to kill and they are also easily recognizable due to their golden color. They spawn near Ice Shards in latter parts of the match so you will need to survive after at least the first circle shrinks and stops to make them spawn. Kill 20 of them to complete this challenge.

Deal Damage to the Ice Legion in a Single Match

For this challenge, you can use any weapons that you like but this challenge has to be completed in a single match. You must deal 2000 damage to any of Ice Legion units to complete this challenge in a single match.

Destroy an Ice Shard in Different Matches

To complete this challenge, you must destroy 10 Ice Shards in different matches. Simply find an Ice Shard and destroy it but you should know that Ice Legion will stop spawning in that location if you destroy an Ice Shard.

These are the challenges currently unlocked in Fortnite relating to Icy Storm. New challenges are coming every day and we will make sure to update this guide whenever new challenges come out so keep checking back for more challenges added to this guide.

If you are looking for Season 7 Battle Pass Challenges Guide, check out the links below.

This concludes our Fortnite Ice Storm Challenges Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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