Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Magic Materia Guide – All Magic Materia, How to Obtain

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Magic Materia Guide

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Green Magic Materia lets you give party members new magic spells to use in battles. This adds more ways to attack, defend, or strategize, but it costs MP (Magic Points). In this Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Magic Materia Guide we will tell you about the Materia and how you can get them. Naturally, if you are planning to avoid spoilers, you should know that this guide includes major spoilers to the main story since different events and Where to Find are mentioned below.

Magic Materia Guide – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Below, you will find different types of Magic Materia along with information on how you can obtain them, where they are located, and how you can use them in the game.

Healing Materia

  • Vendor Price: 600 Gil
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

Healing Materia lets you cast Cure spells and Regen spells. The more magical power you have, the more HP the Cure spells can restore.

Healing Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 4 Cure – Restore a small amount of HP.
Level 2 300 9 Cura – Restore a moderate amount of HP.
Level 3 450 6 Regen – Restore 10% HP and gradually restore HP for three minutes.
Level 4 450 12 Curaga – Restore a large amount of HP.

Where to Find

Location Description
Cloud Healing Materia Lv. 1 – In Cloud’s possession at the start of Chapter 1.
Vendors Healing Materia Lv 1 – Available from Vendors for 600 gil.
Combat Simulator Healing Materia Lv. 2 – Complete “Grasslands Region Intel: Level 1” in the Combat Simulator.
The Gold Saucer Healing Materia Lv. 1 – In the Cast Break Room of the Gold Saucer, the room after the purple cable car’s arrival room.
Cave of the Gi Healing Materia Lv. 3 – In the Cave of the Gi’s Hall of Diversion with the state in the middle. Climb up the southern wall and return the Faded Materia to Bugenhagen.
Dorian Healing Materia Lv. 4 – A-Rank all six Sheet Music pieces on a piano, then talk to Dorian.

Cleansing Materia

  • Vendor Price: 1,500 gil (Ch. 6 onwards)
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

Cleansing Materia works like Healing Materia but in a different way. Instead of doing spells that heal, it lets you use magic to remove bad effects like Poison. This is really important when fighting specific enemies and bosses. Unlike healing spells, the power of the magic doesn’t depend on how strong your magic abilities are. So, anyone in your group can use it effectively.

Cleansing Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 3 Poisona – Cures the Poison status effect.
Level 2 300 12 Esuna – Cures any negative status effect.
Level 3 900 8 Resist – Grants the target immunity to any negative status effect.

Where to Find

Location Description

Where the Wind Blows Cleansing Materia

Lv. 1 – Dropped by the windmill at the end of the “Where The Wind Blows” Side Quest.

Vendors Cleansing Materia

Lv 2 – Available from Vendors for 1,500 gil.

Combat Simulator Cleansing Materia

Lv. 2 – Complete “Junon Region Intel: Level 2” in the Combat Simulator, starting in Chapter 12.

Revival Materia

  • Vendor Price: 3,000 gil (Ch. 9 onwards)
  • Passive Buffs: +4 MP, +2 Magic Attack, +2 Magic Defence, +1 Magic, +1 Spirit

The Revival Materia is super handy because it lets you bring knocked-out teammates back to life during battles, similar to using a Phoenix Down item. But, it’s really hard to find or costs a lot because it’s not common.

Revival Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 7 Raise – Revives a party member with a moderate amount of HP.
Level 2 5,000 14 Arise – Revives a party member with full HP.

Where to Find

Location Description

Vendors Revival Materia

Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 3,000 gil, starting in Chapter 9 once you reach Gongaga.

Combat Simulator Revival Materia

Lv. 2 – Complete “Nibel Region Intel: Level 2” in the Combat Simulator, starting in Chapter 12.

Reraise Materia

  • Passive Buffs: +4 MP, +2 Magic Attack, +2 Magic Defence, +1 Magic, +1 Spirit

The Reraise Materia is like a better version of the Revival Materia. It gives a special power to the person it’s used on. This power makes them come back to life with half of their health when they die in a fight. But it’s expensive to use, needing 35 points, while the regular Revival only needs 7 points.

Reraise Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 35 Reraise – Grants the Reraise status effect, reviving the target automatically when they fall.

Where to Find

Location Description

Data Points Reraise Materia 1

Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 5 Meridian Ocean Data Points, starting in Chapter 13.

Data Points Reraise Materia 2

Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 20 Meridian Ocean Data Points, after developing the first one, starting in Chapter 13.

Fire Materia

  • Vendor Price: 500 Gil
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

This Materia is for using Fire Spells.

Fire Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 4 Fire – Deal a small amount of Fire damage.
Level 2 300 10 Fira – Deal a moderate amount of Fire damage.
Level 3 900 21 Firaga – Deal a large amount of Fire damage.

Where to Find

Location Description

Cloud Fire Materia

Lv. 1 – In Cloud’s possession at the start of Chapter 1.

Vendors Fire Materia

Lv 2 – Available from Vendors for 600 gil.

Combat Simulator Fire Materia 1

Lv. 2 – Complete “Combat Training: Cloud” in the Combat Simulator.

Combat Simulator Fire Materia 2

Lv. 2 – Complete “Corel Region Intel: Level 2” in the Combat Simulator, starting in Chapter 12.

Ice Materia

  • Vendor Price: 500 Gil
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

This Materia is used for Blizzard Spells.

Ice Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 4 Blizzard – Deal a small amount of Ice damage.
Level 2 300 10 Blizzara – Deal a moderate amount of Ice damage.
Level 3 900 21 Blizzaga – Deal a large amount of Ice damage.

Where to Find

Location Description

Cloud Ice Materia

Lv. 1 – In Cloud’s possession at the start of Chapter 1.

Vendors Ice Materia

Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 500 gil.

Combat Training Ice Materia 1

Lv. 1 – Complete “Combat Training: Tifa” 

Combat Training Ice Materia 2

Lv. 2 – Complete “Grasslands Region Intel: Level 2” in the Combat Simulator, starting in Chapter 12.

Fire And Ice Materia

  • Passive Buff: +3 MP

The Fire and Ice Materia lets you use either Fire or Ice spells by picking one from the Commands Menu. It’s handy for Magic party members because you can have both sets of spells using just one Materia Slot instead of two. But it takes a lot more AP to level up. Just so you know, you can’t cast both spells at once with this Materia.

Fire and Ice Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spells
Level 1 4 Fire – Deal a small amount of Fire damage.
Blizzard – Deal a small amount of Ice damage.
Level 2 1,200 10 Fira – Deal a moderate amount of Fire damage.
Blizzara – Deal a moderate amount of Ice damage.
Level 3 2,400 21 Firaga – Deal a large amount of Fire damage.
Blizzaga – Deal a large amount of Ice damage.

Where to Find

Location Description

Data Points Fire and Ice Materia

Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 10 Grasslands Data Points.

Lightning Materia

  • Vendor Price: 500 Gil
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

It allows us to use the Thunder line of spells.

Lightning Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 5 Thunder – Deal a small amount of Lightning damage.
Level 2 300 11 Thundara – Deal a moderate amount of Lightning damage.
Level 3 900 22 Thundaga – Deal a large amount of Lightning damage.

Where to Find

Location Description

Barrett Lightning Materia

Lv. 1 – In Barrett’s possession in Kalm at the end of Chapter 1.

Vendors Lightning Materia

Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 500 gil.

Combat Simulator Lightning Materia 1

Lv. 1 – Complete “Combat Training: Barrett” in the Combat Simulator.

Mythril Mine Lightning Materia

Lv. 1 – In the Mythril Mine, immediately after helping Cloud and co. cross the ravine while playing as Barret.

Under Junon Lightning Materia

Lv. 1 – In the upstairs lounge of the Under Junon Inn, next to the fireplace.

Combat Simulator Lightning Materia 2

Lv. 2 – Complete “Junon Region Intel: Level 1” in the Combat Simulator, starting in Chapter 4.

Wind Materia

  • Vendor Price: 500 Gil
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

It is for using Aero Line of spells.

Wind Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 4 Aero – Deal a small amount of Wind damage.
Level 2 300 10 Aerora – Deal a moderate amount of Wind damage.
Level 3 900 21 Aeroga – Deals a large amount of Wind damage.

Where to Find

Location Description

Mt. Nibel Wind Materia

Lv. 1 – In Chapter 1 during the Clear the Way objective, on the southern cliff wall of Mt. Nibel’s Mountain Path area, just before the bridge that’s out.

Vendors Wind Materia

Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 500 gil.

Combat Training Wind Materia 1

Lv. 1 – Complete “Combat Training: Aerith” in the Combat Simulator.

Combat Training Wind Materia 2

Lv. 2 – Complete “Corel Region Intel: Level 1” in the Combat Simulator, starting at Chapter 7.

Lightning And Wind Materia

  • Passive Buff: +3 MP

The Lightning and Wind Materia lets you use Thunder and Aero spells during battles. This is good for Magic party members because it saves space – you only need one Materia Slot instead of two for both sets of spells. But, it needs a lot of AP to level up. It doesn’t let you cast both spells together, though!

Lightning and Wind Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spells
Level 1 5 Thunder – Deal a small amount of Lightning damage.
4 Aero – Deal a small amount of Wind damage.
Level 2 1,200 11 Thundara – Deal a moderate amount of Lightning damage.
10 Aerora – Deal a moderate amount of Wind damage.
Level 3 2,400 22 Thundaga – Deal a large amount of Lightning damage.
21 Aeroga – Deals a large amount of Wind damage.


Location Description
Data Points Lightning and Wind Materia Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 30 Junon Region Data Points, starting in Chapter 4.

Poison Materia

  • Vendor Price: 1,500 gil (Ch. 4 onwards)
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

The Poison Materia lets you cast spells like Bio that can make enemies sick. When you put it with the blue Warding Materia in a connected slot, you become harder to poison.

Poison Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 3 Bio – Deals a small amount of damage and inflicts Poison.
Level 2 300 8 Biora – Deals a moderate amount of damage and inflicts Poison.
Level 3 900 15 Bioga – Deals a large amount of damage and inflicts Poison.

Where to Find

Location Description
Red XIII Poison Materia Lv. 1 – In Red XIII’s possession after he officially becomes a party member at the start of Chapter 2.
Vendors Poison Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 1,500 gil, starting with Chapter 4.
The Dustbowl Poison Materia Lv. 1 – In The Dustbowl’s Bandit’s Bluff – Upper Level. It’ll be in the northeastern area, southeast of where you fight two Sandhog Pies.
Combat Simulator Poison Materia Lv. 1 – Complete “Gongaga Region Intel: Level 1” in the Combat Simulator.

Petrify Materia

  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

The Petrify Materia lets you cast spells that turn enemies into stone, dealing big damage and making them slower. When you put it together with the blue Warding Materia in a linked slot, it helps protect you from being turned into stone yourself.

Petrify Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 13 Quake – Deals a large amount of damage and inflicts Petrify.
Level 2 300 20 Quakera – Deals a very large amount of damage and inflicts Petrify.
Level 3 900 25 Quaqa – Deals a huge amount of damage and inflicts Petrify.

Where to Find

Location Description
Data Points Petrify Materia 1 Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 40 Gongaga Region Data Points, starting in Chapter 9.
Data Points Petrify Materia 2 Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 60 Gongaga Region Data Points, after developing the first one.

Poison and Petrify Materia

  • Passive Buff: +3 MP

Poison and Petrify Materia lets you cast both Bio and Quake spells using just one Materia instead of two. But, it needs a lot more experience points to get stronger.

Poison and Petrify Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 3 Bio – Deals a small amount of damage and inflicts Poison.
13 Quake – Deals a large amount of damage and inflicts Petrify.
Level 2 1,200 8 Biora – Deals a moderate amount of damage and inflicts Poison.
20 Quakera – Deals a very large amount of damage and inflicts Petrify.
Level 3 2,400 13 Bioga – Deals a large amount of damage and inflicts Poison.
25 Quaqa – Deals a huge amount of damage and inflicts Petrify.

Where to Find

Location Description
Data Points Poison and Petrify Materia Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 70 Cosmo Region Data Points, starting in Chapter 10.

Gravity Materia

  • Passive Buffs: +4 MP, +2 Magic Attack, +2 Magic Defence, +1 Magic, +1 Spirit

The Gravity Materia lets you cast Gravity spells. These spells are very strong because they hurt the enemy based on how much health they have. For instance, if an enemy has 300 health, the Gravity spell will take away 15% of it, which is 45 health. If the enemy has less than 45 health left, they’ll be defeated!

Gravity spells like Gavira and Graviga are even stronger. But there’s a catch: most bosses can’t be hurt much by Gravity spells. They’re only useful against regular enemies. Plus, even some tough enemies might not take full damage from them.

Gravity Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 18 Gravity – Deal 15% of the target’s total HP.
Level 2 1,200 25 Gravira – Deal 50% of the target’s total HP.
Level 3 900 40 Graviga – Deal 75% of the target’s total HP.

Where to Find

Location Description
Data Points Gravity Materia Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 15 Corel Region Data Points, starting at Chapter 7.

Comet Materia

  • Passive Buffs: +4 MP, +2 Magic Attack, +2 Magic Defence, +1 Magic, +1 Spirit

The Comet Materia lets you use the Comet spell. This spell makes fiery comets burst across the battlefield, starting from where you aim. It’s special because it can’t be sent back at you by reflecting it.

Comet Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 29 Comet – Use the Comet spell.
Level 2 3,000 37 Cometeor – Use the Cometeor spell.

Where to Find

Location Description
Mt. Nibel Comet Materia Lv. 1 – In Chapter 1 on Mt. Nibel’s Northern Ridge. In the Appraisal Drilling Site, when you climb up the ladder, follow the railing right and drop down to the lower area.
Data Points Comet Materia Lv. 1 – Develop at Chadley for 40 Nibel Region Data Points.

Binding Materia

  • Vendor Price: 3,000 gil (Ch. 9 onwards)
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

Binding Materia lets you cast three spells to stop enemies from attacking Cloud: Sleep, Silence, and Berserk. If you attach it with the blue Warding Materia in a linked slot, it also helps protect against these spells.

Binding Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 5 Sleep – Causes the target to fall asleep until awoken by a physical attack.
Level 2 300 4 Silence – Prevents a target from casting magic spells.
Level 3 900 5 Berserk – Increases the amount of damage the target receives, but also the damage it dishes out.

Where to Find

Location Description
Old South Corel Mine Binding Materia Lv. 1 – Inside the Old South Corel Mines, on the west side of the Central Colliery room.
Vendors Binding Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 3,000 gil, starting in Chapter 9 once you reach Gongaga.
Aerith’s Theme Binding Materia Lv. 3 – A-Rank Nibelheim’s “Aerith’s Theme” on a piano, then talk to Dorian

Time Materia

  • Vendor Price: 5,000 Gil (Ch. 10 onwards)
  • Passive Buffs: +4 MP, +2 Magic Attack, +2 Magic Defence, +1 Magic, +1 Spirit

The Time Materia lets you cast three different spells that control time. You can make things move faster or slower, which can help you in battles. If you combine it with the blue Warding Materia in a linked slot, you become tougher against spells that try to slow you down or stop you.

Time Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 4 Haste – Speeds up the holder’s movement.
Level 2 300 3 Slow – Reduces the speed of the enemy target.
Level 3 900 14 Stop – Completely stops the enemy target.

Where to Find

Location Description
Costa Del Sol Time Materia Lv. 1 – In Costa del Sol, get Rank III (15,000 points) in the Brigantine minigame of Pirate’s Rampage.
Vendors Time Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 5,000 gil, starting in Chapter 10.
Combat Simulator Time Materia Lv. 2 – Complete “Nibel Region Intel: Level 1” in the Combat Simulator, starting in Chapter 11.

Subversion Materia

  • Vendor Price: 3,000 Gil (Ch. 9 onwards)
  • Passive Buffs: +4 MP, +2 Magic Attack, +2 Magic Defence, +1 Magic, +1 Spirit

The Subversion Materia helps you use spells that remove protective spells from your target, like Barrier and Reflect. When you put it together with the blue Warding Materia in a connected slot, it makes you less likely to be instantly killed, which is something Tonberries are known for doing.

Subversion Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 10 Breach – Removes the Barrier, Manaward, Shield and Reflect buffs from the target.
Level 2 1,200 16 Dispel – Removes any and all buffs from the target.

Where to Find

Location Description
Vendors Subversion Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 3,000 gil, starting in Chapter 9 once you reach Gongaga.
Gongaga Reactor Subversion Materia Lv. 1 – Inside the Gongaga Reactor, at the dead-end next to the Rest Spot in Reactor – B4.
Temple of the Ancients Subversion Materia Lv. 2 – In the second Aerith section, on the eastern side of the east tower in the Salvation’s Altar area.

Barrier Materia

  • Vendor Price: 1,500 Gil (Ch. 6 onwards)
  • Passive Buffs: +4 MP, +2 Magic Attack, +2 Magic Defence, +1 Magic, +1 Spirit

The Barrier Materia lets you use different spells to lower how much damage you get from hits, whether they’re physical or magical. It helps you fight stronger opponents and stay safe from attacks that could hurt you a lot.

Barrier Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 11 Barrier – Halves incoming physical damage.
Level 2 300 14 Manaward – Halves incoming magical damage.
Level 3 900 20 Manawall – Halves incoming physical and magical damage.

Where to Find

Location Description
Vendors Barrier Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 1,500 gil, starting in Chapter 6.
Combat Simulator Barrier Materia Lv. 2 – Complete “Cosmo Region Intel: Level 1” in the Combat Simulator, starting in Chapter 10.
Shinra Manor Barrier Materia Lv. 1 – In the room south of the long curved corridor filled with boxes, in the northeastern corner.

Empowerment Materia

  • Vendor Price: 2,000 Gil (Ch. 6 onwards)
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

The Empowerment Materia lets you use a magic spell to boost your Attack and Magic abilities. When you combine it with the blue Warding Materia in a linked Materia Slot, you won’t be affected by Debrave or Defaith status effects. These effects usually make your Attack and Magic abilities weaker.

Empowerment Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 7 Bravery – Increases the target’s Attack stat.
Level 2 300 7 Faith – Increases the target’s Magic stat.

Where to Find

Location Description
Mt. Nibel Empowerment Materia Lv. 1 – In Chapter 1 on Mt. Nibel, in the cave after the river cutscene taking you to Gunnthra River Falls. Enter the cave to the mako gas, then head into the side area on your right to find it at the far end.
Vendors Empowerment Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 2,000 gil, starting in Chapter 6.
Coal Mines Empowerment Materia Lv. 1 – On the third floor of the Coal Mines’ Railway Control Tower. From the Rest Spot on 2F, go up the nearby yellow rope, then at the top, look left to spot it on some supplies.
Cait Sith Empowerment Materia Lv. 1 – In Cait Sith’s possession after he officially becomes a party member.
Two Legs? Nothin’ To It Empowerment Materia Lv. 2 – A-Rank Cosmo Canyon’s “Two Legs? Nothin’ To It” on a piano, then talk to Dorian.
Cave of the Gi Empowerment Materia Lv. 2 – In the Chamber of Sacrifice area, at the eastern-most point of the Gate of Grief sector.

Fortification Materia

  • Vendor Price: 2,000 Gil (Ch. 6 onwards)
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

The Fortification Materia helps you become stronger by letting you use Protect, which boosts your defense against both physical and magical attacks. When you improve it, it will let you use Shell, which completely blocks physical and magical damage.

If you use it together with the blue Warding Materia in a connected slot, you’ll also become resistant to anything that tries to lower your defense against physical and magical attacks.

Fortification Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 9 Protect – Reduces Physical and Magical damage.
Level 2 300 9 Shell – Nullifies all Physical and Magical damage.
  • Where to Find
Location Description
Shinra-8 Fortification Materia Lv. 1 – On the southern balcony of the Shinra-8’s Luxury Floor, off the Royal Lounge’s first floor.
Vendors Fortification Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 2,000 gil, starting in Chapter 6.
Cave of the Gi Fortification Materia Lv. 2 – At the bottom of the chasm in the Shrine of Emnity sector, in the Chamber of Observance area.

Disempowerment Materia

  • Vendor Price: 2,000 Gil (Ch. 9 onwards)
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

Disempowerment Materia works opposite to Empowerment Materia: it makes the target’s Attack and Magic stats lower. When you connect it with the blue Warding Materia in a linked Materia Slot, you become resistant to these effects being used on you, similar to how Empowerment Materia works.

Disempowerment Materia
Level AP Req. MP Spell
Level 1 10 Debrave – Reduces the Attack stat of the target.
Level 2 300 10 Defaith – Reduces the Magic stat of the target.

Where to Find

Location Description
Vendors Disempowerment Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 2,000 gil, starting in Chapter 9 once you reach Gongaga.

Enervation Materia

  • Vendor Price: 2,000 Gil (Ch. 10 onwards)
  • Passive Buff: +2 MP

Enervation Materia lets you cast spells that lower the enemy’s Physical or Magical Defense. When you put it together with the blue Warding Materia in a connected slot, you’ll also become resistant to decreases in Physical or Magical Defense.

Enervation Materia
Level AP Req. MP Effect
Level 1 8 Deprotect – Decreases Physical Defense.
Level 2 300 8 Deshell – Decreases Magical Defense.

Where to Find

Location Description
Yuffie Enervation Materia Lv. 1 – In Yuffie’s possession once she joins the party.
Mt. Corel Enervation Materia Lv. 1 – At the Rest Stop in Mt. Corel’s Foothills area. Head left around the corner to find it on the rocks above the river.
Vendors Enervation Materia Lv. 1 – Available from Vendors for 2,000 gil, starting in Chapter 10.

That is all for this guide. If you need help with additional Materia types, check out the guides below:


We have additional Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Guides linked below for you as well:

This concludes our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Magic Materia Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Michelle Siddiq

Guides Editor at GamesHedge, Michelle enjoys playing RPGS like Witcher titles and SoulsBorne among many others like retro games and indie titles. Currently replaying Alan Wake Remastered because why not!

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