World War Z Perks Guide – How to Unlock Perks
In this World War Z Perks Guide, we will show you all the perks that are tied to each of the character classes in the game. As you begin the…
World War Z: How to Level Up Fast
In this World War Z guide, we will guide you on how you can level up fast in World War Z. Each class is different in the game and you…
World War Z Weapons Guide – All Tiers, Best Weapons
In this World War Z Weapons Guide, we will guide you on all the different types of weapons present in World War Z. World War Z is a zombie-survival game…
World War Z Character Class Guide – All Types of Character Classes Detailed
In this World War Z Character Class Guide, we will show you all the character classes there are in the game, and what they specialize in. In total, there are…
World War Z Zombies Guide – How to Kill Zombies, Types of Zombies
In this World War Z Zombies Guide, we will detail all the types of zombies there are in the game. Zombies come in various types that you will likely encounter…