According to leaked Information, WhatsApp Web may receive audio and video call support soon. According to the report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has been working on its next update which would enable the user to make voice and video calls on its web version. The feature is still under development and will be made available soon.
Users have been using Audio and Video call features for years on the mobile version of WhatsApp and it looks like soon, it will be available on WhatsApp Web as well. And the leak is also coming from trusted WABetaInfo, and they reveal that the latest 2.2043.7 version of WhatsApp web/desktop client is going to enable the feature for audio and video calls, however, it might take some time before this feature is available for everyone to use.
In the report, they say:
We have already announced that WhatsApp was working on Calls. Today we are happy to announce new details, provided from the WhatsApp Web 2.2043.7 update! WhatsApp is considering the idea to offer Voice and Video Calls in the next few weeks, even if the development is in a beta-stage.
According to WABetaInfo, the beta will be available to a small group of people in the coming weeks. WABetaInfo also provided some screenshots of what the Audio and Video call buttons will look like on WhatsApp Web. Aside from making calls to just individuals, you will also be able to make calls to groups from WhatsApp Web.
Image Credit: WABetaInfo
According to the report, the feature is currently under development and will start rolling out to limited users in the coming weeks for beta testing. Aside from this feature, WhatsApp is also getting support for Linked Devices in the near future which will allow WhatsApp users to send and receive messages from their computer, Facebook Portal, or their web browser.