Ark Genesis Part 2 Astrodelphis Guide – How to Tame, Saddle Astrodelphis

Ark Genesis Part 2 Astrodelphis Guide

This Ark Genesis Part 2 Astrodelphis Guide will show you how to tame, saddle up, and use this creature to travel in the space biome. The Astrodelphis is a new Killer whale-looking creature that is pretty easy to find and doesn’t require anything special to tame.

However, the taming process can be quite lengthy and tedious, especially considering the level of the creature you have chosen. Having said that, this guide will show you the only fast way in the game to tame an Astrodelphis.

Ark Genesis Part 2 Astrodelphis Guide

Below we have detailed how to tame an Astrodelphis, craft a saddle, and ride this creature.

How to Tame Astrodelphis

The only item you need for taming is a lot of Element. Fortunately, this is a material that can be found in abundance. Especially, in the space biome, between the bridges where there are a lot of Astrodelphis. If you are low in supplies, you can farm Element from the orbs using a pickaxe, but make sure you have enough Element as the process of taming is a long repeating process.

Once you find a suitable Astrodelphis, you need to get up close to it and pet it. This will trigger it and make it violent. All you can do in this first reaction is to pet it and feed it element. This will begin the taming process, which can be tracked with the taming progression bar on the Astrodelphis.

The Astrodelphis will stop being violent but will swim away at a distance, leaving behind glowing trails. You have to follow it around, pet it, and then feed it with Element again, Every time you do this, the Astrodelphis will swim away and stop nearby waiting for you to repeat the process again.

You will also see that the taming bar going up pretty slow, at times only 3% to 4% up from the last time. Do not be discouraged by this, as this process is multiplied when the Astrodelphis eats up more Element than before each time you follow it around. If you stop following it, or if for some reason the Astrodelphis flees far away from you resetting the taming process, that will, unfortunately, mean you have to restart all over again. The main thing to focus on is to have enough Element on you, pet the Astrodelphis head one, and feed it Element.

Once the creature has been tamed, you can craft the saddle, and then mount the creature. The Astrodelphis can be used to slow hover, but you can turn it into a fast-moving jet with wings. This gives you speed with the blue jets, and also maneuverability like doing barrels rolls. You can also use the creatures homing missiles and shockwave blast by using Element.

Read more Ark Genesis Part 2 guides:

This concludes our Ark Genesis Part 2 Astrodelphis Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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