11 bit studios Gives Us New Trailers For The Invincible and The Alters

11 bit studios trailers

11 bit studios has released two brand-new sneaky peeks at two of its upcoming titles as it continues on its quest to deliver meaningful entertainment. The new titles to receive the sneak peek trailers by 11 bit studios are The Invincible and The Alters. The Invincible is a story-driven adventure by Starward Industries and The Altars is being developed by an in-house team that aims to provide players with the thoughtful and in-depth gameplay that 11 bit studios is known for. Without further ado, let’s just look into the new trailers and details shared by the publisher.

Starting with the first title, The Invincible is a first-person narrative game that is based on the iconic novel of the same name by world-renowned sci-fi author and Polish futurologist, Stanisław Lem. ‘Human nature is to conquer and leap cognitive boundaries. We strive to reach the highest peaks, discover the deepest parts of the oceans, and reach for the furthest corners of the universe. This unshaken belief led Yasna, a sharp-witted astrobiologist, and her crew to a mission on Regis III. Her expedition will force them to realize that perhaps not everything, everywhere, is for us.

The new trailer contains footage of actual gameplay and in-game footage and it arrives before the game’s closed-door demo will be showcased at this year’s GDC between March 20 and 24, 2023. Check out the new trailer below:

Moving on, the second game featured by 11 bit studio is The Alters which firmly aligns with the publisher’s development and design philosophy. It is a unique narrative, driven forward by the interactions of altered versions of the same genetic human. Jan is an everyman trapped during a space mission gone awry and he is trying to find a way home and repair his shattered life in the process. It will be up to you to understand the weaknesses and strengths of Jan’s tweaked identities – his altars- and resourcefully balance the dynamics between them.

Related: The Invincible Gets a Stellar Upgrade with the Voyager Update

Each alter’s life branches at different stages and ages, and it makes them different people despite their identical DNA. They are, by every measure, individuals driven by their own motivations and torn by their own emotions. They’ve made different decisions, maybe one made mistakes that another did not, and by looking at who each alter ultimately becomes, perhaps players will question who they could have become if they’d done things differently themselves. Check out the new trailer for The Alters below to see what we really mean:

11 bit studios will be sharing additional details on both titles in the coming days. The Invincible is slated for release later this year for PC and consoles while there is no word on a possible release window for The Alters. The official Steam pages for both games, The Invincible, and The Alters are now live where you can add them to your wishlists if you want to stay updated on them.

Make sure to check out our review of The Invincible in which we explored Regis III and loved every bit of it. Our previous The Invincible coverage includes the Chronicle Vol 2 Dev Diary, and the initial announcement of the game.

What are your thoughts on the new teaser trailers released by 11 bit studios for its upcoming titles The Invincible and The Alters? Let us know in the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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