Human Within Review

Review: Human Within – A Thrilling VR Experience that Narrows the Boundary Between a Video Game and a Movie

As VR headsets are becoming better and more powerful, we are starting to see some solid releases that are making full use of these powerful virtual reality headsets. Human Within…

Human Within Review

New Human Within Dev Diary Explores Player Interactions and Unique Storytelling Mechanics

Publisher and co-developer Signal Space Lab and development studio Actrio Studio have released the first dev diary for Human Within, their upcoming multimedia sci-fi VR experience. Slated for release on…

NVIDIA GPU Shortages

New NVIDIA GeForce Hotfix Version 461.33 Fixes SteamVR Stuttering

NVIDIA has a released a hotfix patch update for its Game Ready driver version 461.09 which was released on 7th January 2021. The GeForce Hotfix 461.33 addresses a number of…

Dash Dash World

Fast-Paced VR Karting Game Dash Dash World Revealed, Launching Next Week

MotionX Studio has revealed its brand new fast-paced VR karting title Dash Dash World releasing next week. MotionX Studio is known for its VR/AR games and simulators so tackling VR…