Super Smash Bros Ultimate Poke Balls & Master Balls Guide  

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Poke Balls & Master Balls Guide

In this Super Smash Bros Ultimate Poke Balls & Master Balls Guide, we list all the Poke ball and the Master balls in the game, and highlight what each offers during a fight. Poke ball and Master balls release Pokémon that can give you an advantage over the opponent, with the attacks the Pokémon offer after being summoned.

Poke balls release Pokémon that can offer a range of attacks that are special to them. While Master balls release only legendary Pokémon. When a Poke ball or Master Ball is thrown, it releases a Pokémon upon landing. Each Pokémon offers a different effect such as attacking your opponents, changing the physical properties of the stage, or even include status effects.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Poke Balls & Master Balls Guide

Below we have listed all the Poke balls and the Master balls in the game, followed by its description of effect it has to offer you if you decide to use it on your opponent.

Poke ball


Alolan Raichu Raichu will deal a surfing attack using his tail. The tail attack deals elemental electric damage to anyone nearby the surfing attack.
Vulpix Vulpix will shoot the fireballs. Wherever the fireballs land they will create a pillar of fire and anyone nearby will be affected by the attack.
Alolan Vulpix Vulpix will deal an ice-breathing out attack. The ice blast attack can freezes a single or multiple opponents nearby the range of attack.
Meowth Meowth deals a wide range attack by throwing Pay Day coins coins. The coins deal little damage but they will interrupt opponent attack.
Abra Abra uses teleportation offensive attack on the opponents and lands them usually on platforms that do not have ground beneath. Abra can teleport repeatedly and can change the place where he drops the opponents.
Electrode It explodes when thrown on enemies. However, before an Electrode explodes, its body becomes glowy red and that is only time window you can grab it and throw it back at your opponents.
Alolan Exeggutor Has a humongous large body which it uses to attack and get in the way of fighters.
Goldeen Like a fish it flops around dealing damage. Goldeen can KO everyone with Splash attack.
Staryu Staryu can attack by means of shooting stars at very high speed.
Ditto Ditto will transform into the fighter who throws the Poké Ball. It can then attack back at enemies.
Eevee Eevee can attack using Take Down ability on any fighters nearby.


Snorlax Snorlax will use jumping ability to jumps high and come back down with at the very spot, only larger than when it went up.
Moltres Moltres will send legendary Pokémon with a fighter flying.
Mew Nothing happens except a realization that you’re quite lucky to have seen one
Togepi Togepi will use the hand to land a variety of attacks with a wave of its hand. It will vary differently on each attack.
Bellossom Bellossom will put you to sleep if you get close to it.
Scizor Scizor uses steel claws to land finesse attacks. It will dash into the air toward opponents for strong attacks.
Entei Fire Spin attacks with a gravitational force impact. Anyone who will be near the force field will be impacted by the attack. Once the fiery pillar captures you, you will deal massive damage.
Suicine If you are hit by Aurora Beam, it will give you a chance to cool off. This applies even when you touch Suicune right after when it appears, it will freeze you.
Lugia Lugia will attack with an Aeroblast. It is a wide-range attack and he comes from the back of the stage. You cannot block the attack. You are left with one option to get clear away from the back stage attack.
Gardevoir Gardevoir has a force field barrier which it uses and reflects projectiles. Upon summoning it, your own projectiles will not be affected. They will go right through it.
Metagross Metagross does Earthquake attack. If you are fast you will run away and avoid it, but if you are slow, you will likely be impacted by the attack.
Latias & Latios Latias and Latios both attack while flying across the extremes of left and right side of your screen. They will damage and hit anyone who comes between them.
Kyogre Hydro Pump will knock off fighters from the stage. If you are attacked by it, the escape chance will be hard to get.
Deoxys Hyper Beam will draws the fighters in. It will not hurt you when you launch it towards Deoxys.
Abomasnow Abomasnow deals with a Blizzard ability attack move and it will pull you toward the Pokémon. Once Blizzard ability ends, Abomasnow will unleash a barrage of Ice Punch.
Palkia Everything will be flipped by 180 degrees, the landscape too will change. The key difference here will be the controls, in spite of changed landscape the controls will remain the same. You will be made to fall by confusion.
Giratina Giratina does an unavoidable attack, a gust of wind if attacked will impact you multiple times. You should be careful and avoid it all costs before it happens, the wind move will send you flying to extremes of the screen.
Darkrai Darkrai has a Dark Void move which will have an impact of strong gravitational pull. If it touches you it will put you or anyone else who came into contact to sleep. Avoid it all costs and do not get caught while mid-air, you will fall to ground in sleep.
Arceus Arceus’ attacks will sends you airborne opponents and you will crash to the ground. The attack deals minimal damage but you will be left on the ground.
Victini Victini will give any fighter a Final Smash chance only if they threw it a Poké Ball.
Snivy Snivy deals a Razor Leaf attack and it rapidly fires at short ranges. However, if the opponent is caught in it will get hit over and over and over. Avoid it all costs.
Oshawott Oshawott will deal an attack that can affect multiple opponents. It Surfs on a wave and will try its best to drag opponents off the stage.
Zoroark Zoroark will throw any grounded opponent back to the air, the attack will be followed by then slashes of its claws. It has a Fury Swipes attack, which will potentially smacks any opponent down and hard. You can only attack after the attack ends at the ground, which is your only window to attack back.
Kyurem Kyurem’s Icy Wind attack will freezes nearby fighters in one single hit. The attack is unique in style, it has a very wide range and it can be kept going for a longer time.
Keldeo Keldeo has a Secret Sword, if it is used, he will rush up to a fighter and will strike a wide-range and powerful slash attack with its extended horn.
Meloetta Meloetta’s uses the song attack and it bounces off from walls and platforms, doing a continued attack. The attack can be avoided easily in bigger stages, however, if the space is tight like in smaller stages, the song will bounce very fast and you will find it hard to evade or avoid.


Genesect Two of Genesect’s attacks will penetrate walls. The laser and its Techno Blast attacks can only be avoided if you evade from the direct line of sight of the attack.
Chespin Chespin will use its Seed Bomb ability attack. It will cause explosions around it only. Anyone nearby it will deal a devastating amount of damage. Avoid the attack at all costs.
Fennekin Fennekin will attack while Incinerating and creating a fire pillar. Its attacks will reach out in front of Fennekin. The attack pattern can be connected and extended to longer range for repeated damage to fighters.
Fletchling Fletchling will pecks at opponents with its beak. Once it paints a targets it hardly be avoided. You should strike it while other foes are distracted by this Pokémon’s attacks.
Spewpa It will react with a blast of Stun Spore upon attacking.
Gogoat Gogoat will runs like crazy around the stage and will launch opponents in air as it hits. Fighters can also hitch a free ride on Gogoat
Swirlix Swirlix will surround itself in smoke and effectively slows down any nearby opponents. Players can use it to advantage if you brought it to fight the foes. Those who like to fight up close and personal with opponents will find it hard to do with Swirlix. It slows down their movement momentarily.
Inkay Inkay’s Topsy-Turvy ability attack will knock over single or multiple fighters into air. The skill ability attack will not affect anybody who is in the air. Your best bet is to try and jump around Inkay.
Dedenne Dedenne uses Discharge ability attack to create an electrical burst. The burst surrounds Dedenne in the center and any single or multiple fighters around it are caught in it for multiple hits.
Xerneas Xerneas will turns the user into gold color and it will affect the launching power for a time of user for quite some time.
Bewear Bewear will deal a devastating uppercut to single and multiple foes who are very close to it. The attack will become useless if you are at distance.
Pyukumuku If a fighter steps on Pyukumuku, it will release a punch attack that has launching effect. It can be done repeatedly every time you step on Pyukumuku. Pick it up and throw it at opponents for a strategic advantage.
Togedemaru Togedemaru has amazing lightning bolt attack. It calls on the attack and its body shoots out sparks from its body.
Mimikyu Mimikyu will drag any nearby opponent into its own body. It attacks only after dragging them into itself. The opponent moment inside Mimikyu will be rendered to cease, no one moves inside Mimikyu. Opponent can be KO’d instantly if it is left with only last 10% of health.
Tapu koko Tapu Koko will create an electric field, which in turn can be used to stun opponents. It also shoots the electricity out.
Solgaleo Solgaleo will momentarily enters into a Radiant Sun phase which will damage enemies as he charges at them. They will be left engulfed in flames for prolonged damage.
Lunala Will enters into a Full Moon phase that will shoot a powerful ray from a distance afar. Good use of attack from the distance.
marshadow Marshadow will leaps from opponent’s shadow and attacks with a powerful punch. However, if there are multiple opponents, it will land its punches on different targets.


Master Ball


Mew Nothing happens except a realization that you’re quite lucky to have seen one.
Moltres This Legendary Pokémon can send a fighter flying upon attacks.
Entei Fire Spin attacks with a gravitational force impact. Anyone who will be near the force field will be impacted by the attack. Once the fiery pillar captures you, you will deal massive damage.
Goldeen Flops around. That’s all. It’s a fish out of water—what did you expect? (If damage were dealt from enthusiasm, Goldeen would KO everyone with Splash. But it isn’t. Not even when Goldeen comes from a Master Ball.)
Suicine If you are hit by Aurora Beam, it will give you a chance to cool off. This applies even when you touch Suicune right after when it appears, it will freeze you.
Lugia Lugia will attack with an Aeroblast. It is a wide-range attack and he comes from the back of the stage. You cannot block the attack. You are left with one option to get clear away from the back stage attack.
Latias & Latios Latias and Latios both attack while flying across the extremes of left and right side of your screen. They will damage and hit anyone who comes between them.
Kyogre Hydro Pump will knock off fighters from the stage. If you are attacked by it, the escape chance will be hard to get.
Deoxys Hyper Beam will draws the fighters in. It will not hurt you when you launch it towards Deoxys.
Palkia Everything will be flipped by 180 degrees, the landscape too will change. The key difference here will be the controls, in spite of changed landscape the controls will remain the same. You will be made to fall by confusion.
Giratina Giratina does an unavoidable attack, a gust of wind if attacked will impact you multiple times. You should be careful and avoid it all costs before it happens, the wind move will send you flying to extremes of the screen.
Darkrai Darkrai has a Dark Void move which will have an impact of strong gravitational pull. If it touches you it will put you or anyone else who came into contact to sleep. Avoid it all costs and do not get caught while mid-air, you will fall to ground in sleep.
Arceus Arceus’ attacks will sends you airborne opponents and you will crash to the ground. The attack deals minimal damage but you will be left on the ground.
Victini Victini will give any fighter a Final Smash chance only if they threw it a Poké Ball.
Zoroark Zoroark will throw any grounded opponent back to the air, the attack will be followed by then slashes of its claws. It has a Fury Swipes attack, which will potentially smacks any opponent down and hard. You can only attack after the attack ends at the ground, which is your only window to attack back.
Kyurem Kyurem’s Icy Wind attack will freezes nearby fighters in one single hit. The attack is unique in style, it has a very wide range and it can be kept going for a longer time.
Keldeo Keldeo has a Secret Sword, if it is used, he will rush up to a fighter and will strike a wide-range and powerful slash attack with its extended horn.
Meloetta Meloetta’s uses the song attack and it bounces off from walls and platforms, doing a continued attack. The attack can be avoided easily in bigger stages, however, if the space is tight like in smaller stages, the song will bounce very fast and you will find it hard to evade or avoid.
Genesect Two of Genesect’s attacks will penetrate walls. The laser and its Techno Blast attacks can only be avoided if you evade from the direct line of sight of the attack.
Xerneas Xerneas will turns the user into gold color and it will affect the launching power for a time of user for quite some time.
Tapu Koko Tapu Koko will create an electric field, which in turn can be used to stun opponents. It also shoots the electricity out.
Solgaleo Solgaleo will momentarily enters into a Radiant Sun phase which will damage enemies as he charges at them. They will be left engulfed in flames for prolonged damage.
Lunala Will enters into a Full Moon phase that will shoot a powerful ray from a distance afar. Good use of attack from the distance.
Marshadow Marshadow will leaps from opponent’s shadow and attacks with a powerful punch. However, if there are multiple opponents, it will land its punches on different targets.

Read more Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Guides:

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Beginners Guide
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Assist Trophies Guides
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Items Guide
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – How to Unlock Characters Quickly

This concludes our Super Smash Bros Ultimate Poke Ball & Master Ball Guide. Feel free to comment below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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