In this Spyro Reignited Trilogy Skill Points Guide, we will guide you on how you can complete all the Skill Points in Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Each game in Spyro Reignited Trilogy comes with its own unique Skill Points. These Skill Points can be considered as an in-game achievements or trophies which are unlocked once their requirement has been fulfilled.
We have curated this Spyro Reignited Trilogy Skill Points Guide in which we have detailed all the Skill Points across all three games in Spyro Reignited Trilogy and explained how you can complete them. As you earn these Skill Points, you will be rewarded with game life, concept art and character stories. All the bonus content makes it worthwhile to achieve these Skill points.
Skill Points Guide – Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Our Spyro Reignited Trilogy Skill Points Guide details everything that you need to know about completing Skill Points in Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
Spyro the Dragon
This section of the guide lists all Skill Points in the first game, Spyro the Dragon.
Right at the start of the game, run towards the hilltop in front of you where two Gnorcs are present. From here, glide to the platform opposite you and you will earn the Skill Point once you land there with some gems and a treasure chest.
Stone Hill
When you reach the area with the shepherd, stop and look behind yourself and then up. You will see a tulip there. Reach the tulip and burn it down to get the Skill Point.
Town Square
You will notice many bulls running around in the Town Square area. Charge through them and their horns will get stuck in the ground. Do not flame them. Charge through all of the bulls here to get the Skill Point.
You will encounter many Foot Soldiers in the area which will run into their tents when they see you. Flame one of them and the rest will run into their tents. Keep doing it until you earn the Skill Point.
Dr. Shemp
Defeat the Dr. Shemp boss without getting hit to earn this Skill Point.
High Caves
In the level High Caves, once you have killed the Green Druids, you will arrive in a new area. As soon as you arrive in the new area, turn around and head to the left side of the entrance to find the hidden painting and burn it down to get the Skill point.
When you reach the part where the druids are on the moving platforms, stay on one of such platforms for 10 seconds to get this Skill Point.
Terrace Village
In the level Terrace Village, complete the level without touching the electrified area of the grounds. During the second half of the level, some of the floors will be electrocuted by Gnorcs. Avoid them and you will earn this Skill Point.
Defeat the Metalhead boss without getting hit and you will get this Skill Point.
Dream Weavers
While heading to Icy Flight, when you reach the spot where you have to Clock Fools to activate two platforms, head to first pillar. On the opposite side of this pillar, there is an invisible wall. Enter it and walk towards the dark green circle inside the wall. You will earn the Skill Point.
Haunted Towers
In the Haunted Towers, when you take the first whirlwind, go up the stairs and reach the last step of the stairs. Here, stop and you will see a castle in the distance and a small platform where you can glide to. Get to this island and you will see the blue wizard hat. Burn it and you will get the Skill Point.
Lofty Castle
Once you have freed the first set of fairies in the Lofty Castle, you will arrive in the Central Area after using the whirlwind. Turn left and you will see a tower. Behind a tower, a small cliff is located which has grass on it. The stump is located here but you cannot get here at this moment.
To get here, play the level and when you reach the indoor walkway, jump on the right side where you will reach a platform with a tree. From here, you can glide over to the tower. Glide around it and you will reach the stump. Ramp it and you get the Skill Point.
Defeat the boss Jacques without taking damage to get this Skill Point.
Gansty Gnore
Defeat the boss Gnasty Gnorc without taking damage to get this Skill Point.
Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage
This section of the guide lists all the Skill Points in the second game, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage.
For this Skill Point, you need to win perfectly in both modes solo and bear one. By winning perfectly, you cannot suffer from any goal in both games.
Idol Springs
While playing the Hula Girl Release challenge, you can fly to a small idol. Get to a higher area and land at its top to get the Skill Point.
In Hurricos, you will see many small windmills scattered around in the level. Flame all of them to destroy them and get the Skill Point.
Aquaria Towers
In the level Aquaria Towers, you will find seaweed which can be destroyed with the Superflame power-up. Destroy all the seaweed in the level and you will get the Skill Point. You might to go back to get the power-up again if you run out of it.
Ocean Speedway
Complete the speedway in under 1:10 to win a Skill Point.
Defeat the boss Crush without taking any damage to win this Skill Point.
Metro Speedway
Complete the speedway in under 1:15 to win this Skill Point.
Skelos Badlands
- At the end of the level, you will find a rocket sitting on a higher platform. You can use this to destroy an iron chest and a set of 4 catbats. Simply spit a rock at each of these to unlock the Skill Point.
- Skelos Badlans is full of cacti. Find them all and flame them to win a Skill Point.
In Scorch level, you will find palm trees with coconuts on them. You can either flame or charge through them to knock them off. Do this for each palm tree and you will earn a Skill Point.
Fracture Hills
During the level where you need to free a Faun locked inside a temple, when you use the Supercharge power-up, run one to free the Faun and then continue to do 2 more laps to earn this Skill Point.
Icy Speedway
Complete this speedway in under 1:15 to win a Skill Point.
- Defeat the boss Gulp without taking any damage to win a Skill Point.
- During the boss fight, you will see that Ripto is sitting on a throne behind. You can aim and fire any of the weapons found in the level which the pterodactyls drop in the level.
Canyon Speedway
Complete this Speedway in under 1:10.
Beat the boss Ripto without taking any damage to unlock a Skill Point.
Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon
This section of the guide lists all the Skill Points found in the third game Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon.
Sunny Villa
- You will see many trees in the Sunny Villa. Flame them all to win a Skill Point.
- For this, you will need to complete both egg challenges first and then you must play the course again and beat the record of 3,200 points before the time runs out to win a Skill Point.
Molten Crater
- Unlock Sgt. Bryd and start his challenge. To complete the challenge, you will need to put all heads together in a circle. You must do this before placing them on the tikis’ bodies. You will see a larger platform in the beginning of the area where they can be placed.
- You can Supercharge through a wall in the egg thief area. Find the cracked wall here and Supercharge through it to unlock a Skill Point.
Seashell Shore
You will find a special chicken right before you open the gates to rescue the seals. Charge through it to win a Skill Point.
Icy Peak
Catch the Egg Thief in Icy Peak and use the whirlwind inside the mountain and aim for the pedestal sitting in the middle. Land on the pedestal and you will unlock a Skill Point.
Enchanted Towers
Beat the record of the Skateboard course to win a Skill Point. Beat the egg challenges and the play the course again to beat a total score of 10,000 points to win a Skill Point.
Spooky Swamp
You will find many piranha signs in the Spooky Swamp. Destroy them all to win a Skill point.
Sgt. Byrd’s Base
During Sgt. Bryd’s Base, you will encounter some gophers. Kill all of them with bombs to earn a Skill Point.
Frozen Altars
During the Boxing Challenge with the Yeti, defeat it within two rounds so that you do not go to the third round to win a Skill Challenge.
Fireworks Factory
During Agent’s 9 mini game in Fireworks Factory, start the level and continue playing until you destroy the enemy dispenser. Now go back to the first area and shoot down the red box here. You will win a Skill Point and Agent’s 9 power up.
Charmed Ridge
- In Charmed Ridge, head to the Superflame power-up gate and get the climbable wall next to it. At the top, kill the Cat Wizard you see and then fly to the platform in front of you. Here, charge again and jump so that you can reach the tower on your left side. Land on it and you will earn a Skill Point.
- During Sgt. Byrd’s minigames, when you are tasked with killing the flying cat withes, you will see four windows here as well. Destroy them to earn a Skill Point.
Lost Fleet
Beat the record of 1:45 at the skateboard course to win a Skill Point., Complete both egg challenges and then return to play the level again and beat the record.
Bentley’s Outpost
During Bentley the Yeti’s level, you must check the box sitting right next to the gateway. This is the area where you kill the seals throwing snowballs at you. Push the box off the cliff to earn a Skill Point.
Desert Ruins
You need to destroy all the seaweed in the Desert Ruins in the underwater area to win a Skill Point.
Haunted Tomb
Keep playing the level until you notice that one of the water streams has an empty area on its side. Swim to this area to get a Skill Point.
Dino Mines
- In the Dino Mines, while playing the minigame where you must save the dragon egg after swimming through the mine, you will see some sea horses shooting at you. Hit all of these sea horses to win a Skill Point.
- Free Agent 9 and then you can play Agent 9’s mini game in the Dino Mines. While shooting the dinos, at the end you will notice that while all dinos are attacking you, one red one will be posing. Shoot it to win a Skill Point.
Agent 9’s Lab
While playing Agent 9’s level, you will see many palm trees. Collect some bombs and destroy all of these palm trees to get a Skill Point.
- Spyro The Dragon Trophy/Achievements Guide
- Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage Trophy/Achievements Guide
- Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon Trophy/Achievements Guide
- Spyro Reignited Trilogy Cheat Codes Guide
This concludes our Spyro Reignited Trilogy Skill Points Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.