In this Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Miniboss Guide, we will detail all the boss fights in the game, and how you can defeat all the enemies in the game. Though you can take on the enemy with your own way of combat, we have detailed the best tactics to win each miniboss fight.
we have covered all the main Bosses in our Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Bosses Guide.
The minibosses that appear in this guide are in order of the gameplay of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Having said that, some bosses can be played in a different order depending on what area you visit first.
As with any miniboss in the game, its best to understand what pattern of attacks the enemy fights with. Going in without preparing will only get you killed in the most unimpressive way.
Preparations include upgrading your character to the best and collecting resources like health and armor items. This is why its best to look into all areas and collect such useful items and upgrades. However the only way you can level up your character is by beating bosses in the game. On that note, you should read this guide in order to defeat all the bosses in the game.
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Miniboss Guide
Below we have listed all the minibosses, where they are located, and how you can defeat each of the boss in the game.
General Naomori Kawarada
This miniboss is location in the Ashina Outskirts, at the Outskirts Wall Gate Path. You will encounter him after the sculptor’s idol where he will be in a courtyard alone, waiting for you.
The best way to take on this enemy is to go towards the rooftops on the left without the General spotting you. Then you can sneak up behind him and stab him in the back to take one of his lives away.
Now all you have to do is proceed with your sword attacks, while blocking any of his incoming attacks. Blocking his attacks is not that risky, and after a chain of attacks that you block, you can attack him again. Repeat this process until his guard breaks and you have taken him down.
The rewards you get after defeating this boss is Prayer Bead and Gourd Seed.
Chained Ogre
This miniboss is found in the Ashina Outskirts, Wall Stairway. He will be right after the sculptor’s idol and upstairs.
The best way to defeat this enemy is to first take out the smaller enemies in the area, before you turn all your attention to the Ogre. Once you reach upstairs, turn left to kill an enemy with a spear. Now you can fight with the Chained Ogre 1v1.
The best way to attack is to first dodge the Ogre’s attacks in such a way that you stand behind him. this way you can land at least two to three hits on its back. Repeat this step until you have killed the Ogre.
After the fight, you are rewarded with Shinobi Medicine Rank 1, and Prayer Bead.
General Tenzen Yamauchi
This miniboss can be found in the Ashina Outskirts, Wall Stairway. This area will be after the place where you fought the Chained Ogre.
With this fight, its best to have the smaller enemies taken care of first, before you jump in to fight with the boss. Do not lose a lot of health here, and save your heals for the bigger fight.
After you have defeated the smaller enemies, get out of the battle area, and out of the General’s sight. Now you can sneak behind his back and attack from behind to take one of his lives out instantly.
Now your attacks should be with the same technique you applied in combating with the Chained Ogre. Dodge and get behind the General’s back and attack two to three times. Repeat this until his defense breaks off.
After this fight you will be rewarded with a Prayer Bead.
Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen
This enemy can be found in the Hirata Estate, and towards the Estate Path. At the location you have to use the Bell that you get from the old woman in Ashina Outskirts. She is the one that you encounter between the fights of the Chained Ogre and General Naomori.
Use the bell at the Altar in the Dilapidated Temple where the Sculptor is. Next you have to follow the Estate Path until you come across two shield enemies at the bridge. After this area will be a garden where you finally get to meet the boss in a white robe.
The best way to fight this boss is to first take out the smaller enemies around. Stealth kill the torch enemy nearest to the bridge, then go ahead to take out the archer with two other melee enemies.
Now you should run away, until the boss loses sight of you. This way you no longer have to deal with the smaller enemies. Sneak back along the grass that will be on your left, and stealthily attack the boss. This will take out two of his lives.
Now for your attacks, you should dodge twice until you get behind him, and are able to hit him twice. Repeat this step until you defeat this boss. The reward for defeating the Shinobi Hunter is Prayer Bead.
Juzou the Drunkard
This enemy can be found in the Main Hall of the Hirata Estate. Go back to the bridge where you had to defeat the two shield enemies, just before the fight with Shinobi Hunter. Jump down into the river, and swim upriver until you spot a branch on your left that you can grapple on to.
Now follow this new path until you reach an area where you need to wall jump a well and reach burning mansions. This is the area where you will encounter the boss.
Before the battle, you need to talk to the Samurai that is standing in the shallow water. This Samurai will be wearing a blue dress and standing by a rock. Talk to him and he will aide you in this fight.
With his help, you can distract Juzou enough to keep the attention off from you, and allowing you to take down the other smaller enemies around. The Samurai dies off but leaves you enough time for a 1v1 fight with the boss in the end.
The best way to attack is to lock onto the boss, and dodge towards his direction. By ensuring that you dodge towards him, he wont be able to hit you, and in turn allows you to get behind him. Hit him when you are behind and repeat the process until you have defeated him.
After the fight you will be rewarded with Prayer Bead and Unrefined Sake.
Blazing Bull
This miniboss can be found in the Ashina Outskirts of the Ashina Castle Gate. The Blazing Bull can be found after you defeat Gyoubu Oniwa and inside the main castle.
The Blazing Bull has a fiery hay as its horn that it uses it as its primary assault weapon. the bull has two ways to attack you and both are powerful enough to take a good amount of health from you. The two main attacks involve one where the bull charges towards you, and the other when it sweeps to your position with its fiery horns.
The bull’s attacks can be blocked, but they still deal damage because of their immense power. Having said that, the best way to avoid the charging bull is to dive forward towards the bull. This will not only avoid the damage, but place you behind the bull which is the best place to slice the bull for damage.
From behind the bull, away from its horns, you can at least guarantee at least 3 to 4 hits to its back or to its sides. But the best place is t dodge behind it as its sweeping horns can take you out from the sides.
When you have enough distance from the bull, it always charge towards you. You can also practice a bit to dodge the charge with the perfect timing. Once the bull’s health drops low, you can start attacking with the Shiruken to add up to the damage from a safe distance.
The bull only has one life, and defeating it will complete this boss battle. The reward for defeating the Blazing Bull is a Prayer Beard, and Shinobi Medicine Rank 2.
General Kuranosuke Matsumoto
This miniboss is located at the Ashina Castle, where he can be found after defeating the Blazing Bull. Once you have defeated the bull, head on upstairs straight ahead from you. Up top you will find 4 riflemen along with General Kuranosuke Matsumoto
This boss and his combat style is the same as the first boss you encounter in the game; General Naomori. However the only difference is that he has more health, and deals more damage to you with hits.
The best way to fight this boss, is to first deal with the other smaller enemies around the General. Kill all the 4 riflemen and then run back so that the General loses sight of you. Then your focus should be to sneak up behind the General to take one life away from him.
Grapple on the rooftops to get behind him and to do a stealth takedown, as this will take away one of his life. now you can begin your fight with General, and the best way to do it is to dodge his attack towards him and then use a Whirlwind Combat Art attack. you should do this every time he launches at attack, and repeat until he is defeated.
Defeating this boss will reward you with Prayer Bead.
Seven Achina Spears – Shikibu Toshikatsu Yamauchi
This miniboss can be found in the Ashina Castle, from the Ashina Reservoir idol or fast travel. Once you enter the Ashina Castle, turn left and climb the wall that will have a long drop down below. Your destination is the area across that you can reach by grappling to a tree branch.
Once you reach across, kill a small enemy to the left, and then go to the right towards the temple. In order to make things easier for you, you have to take down one life from this boss. You can do this by sneaking behind him by taking the left secret path behind the temple, and through a hole in the wall of the temple. Its best to keep out of sight from other enemies or they will chase after you.
This will place you right behind the boss allowing you to take down one of his life.
The battle is different with this boss, because of the way he uses his spear to sweep the ground. This makes dodging his attacks impossible. The best way to fight this enemy is to use your Firecracker Prosthetic Tool, and the Ichimonji: Double attack.
The first stage of the fight should be to do some Mikiri Counters when he uses sweeps you can do a double jump to cause posture damage. other methods to fight is to first stun him with the firecrackers and then immediately following up with the Ichimonji: Double combat art to attack him. this is the safest method and enough to make the whole fight very easy.
With this combo, you can stun him 8 times in a row and keep the combat art attack until his guard breaks. Your focus should be to take down his guard, as he has a lot of health.
Lone Shadow Longswordman
This miniboss can be found in the Ashina Castle, at the Ashina Reservoir fast travel. When you enter the Ashina Castle, take the path to your left, open a gate and drop down. You should find the Reservoir idol here. From the idol you need to jump across to the branches on your left, and land on an enemy camp
There will be two enemies here, a drummer and a rifleman. Behind the drummer will be a cliff that you need to head towards, and then look to the right where you can grapple on to a point across the abyss. This will bring you to an area with a friendly samurai standing above a hole. The boss will be in the area inside this hole.
The best way to fight this boss is to dodge his attack by diving towards him but to his left side. Then use the Whirlwind Combat art. Repeat this step and you can deal good amounts of damage to the enemy. Dodging the attack requires good timing right when he is about to swing his sword or when he is about to begin with another attach. This way you can ensure that he never hits you.
This boss also does not have a lot of health, which makes things easier in defeating the Longswordsman. Once you have defeated this boss, you will receive the Scrap Magnetite and Prayer Bead as rewards.
Ashina Elite – Jinsuke Saze
This miniboss can be found at the Upper Tower Ashina Dojo in Ashina Castle. You can fast travel from the Ashina Castle idol and then take the path on the right to jump on the roofs. Follow these roofs to enter a tall tower in the middle of the area.
Once you are inside, you will find some samurais in blue robes. In a room of the second floor on the right, that you can grapple through a hole in the ceiling. From there you can follow the path upstairs to reach the Ashina Dojo at the top of the tower.
Once you reach the boss, you should know that this enemy has a lot of power in his hits, but has low health. He does however have two lives that he uses to come back again to fight you.
The best way to take on this enemy is to play aggressively, and its by stunning him with your firecracker and then attacking him. other ways you can hit him is by dodging towards him when he strikes and then hit him from behind. his blocks can stop your attack, but you can continue with the Whirlwind repeatedly to deplete his health
Once you have defeated this boss, you will be rewarded with a Prayer Bead.
Armored Warrior
This miniboss can be found at the Senpou Temple – Shugendo where he will be after the second idol in Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo where you will automatically reach this boss.
This boss cannot take any health damage and the only way to defeat him is to break his posture and then grab him to throw him off the balcony. When he falls down, he dies and completes the battle.
The best part is that his posture does not recharge. You can either dodge or block his attacks, as between his attack combos he is unable to move and easy to hit for a few seconds. The Loaded Axe works best here and it does massive posture damage. After a few hits with the Axe, his posture will be depleted.
Now you have to make sure that during his attacks, that he hits the balcony window so that there is an opening for him to fall down. Now you can grab him and throw him down.
Defeating this enemy will reward you with a Prayer Bead, and Breath of Nature: Shadow skill.
Long-arm Gentipede Sen’un
This miniboss can be found in the Senpou Temple of the Temple Grounds. To get to the boss, you need to go to the Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo idol, which is also the third idol in this region.
From the idol, you will see a path with the wolves and some monks that will be throwing bombs towards you. You need to grapple up to the temple roof and then jump down to a temple on the right side below. You can enter the dark chamber through this roof og the temple.
Before you begin the fight in this chamber, you need to take out the 3 small enemies first that are sitting on the beams. Try not to fall down and get the boss’ attention. After you have killed the enemies, jump on the boss for a stealth takedown midair. This will take one life away from the Gentipede.
Now you can purely focus on the battle with the Gentipede. the fight should be all about depleting the enemy’s posture by deflecting the consecutive attacks it throws at you, and then when it stops for a moment, go for the execution.
The best skills to have during this battle is the Ascending Carp, Descending Carp, Flowing Water as they make your deflections stronger and increase your posture. Another way you can try to take down this enemy is to grapple on the beams, jump down for a couple of hits and then grappling back up again. This works best if deflecting is not easy or if your posture is draining quicker than anticipated.
Once you have defeated this boss, you will be rewarded with a Prayer Bead, and Yellow Gunpowder Prosthetic Upgrade.
Snake Eyes Shirafuji
This miniboss is location at the Gun Fort of the Sunken Valley. You can go to the second idol or fast travel on the Sunken Valley. From this idol, you need to drop down the cliff by the idol and grapple on the trees as you are falling down. Then you will get to see this boss automatically on the way to the Gun Fort. Ignore confronting him, and go to the Gun Fort idol, and then backtrack behind the enemy to perform a stealth takedown on him.
Its best to reset the enemies and spawn at the Gun Fort idol, and then come back to drop down on the boss to perform a stealth takedown. For the battle, you have to deflect all his attacks and spam with your normal sword strikes after deflecting.
When he has a red icon popping up, that is when you have to dodge away, as this brings out his grappling attach that is unblockable. If you do get hit, you can run to the left side of the area and heal up. you can also alternatively grapple up to the tree branch to get out of this sight.
Once the enemy’s health is depleted more than 2/3, his posture is very easy to break. Once you have it broken, you can execute him in one hit. You are rewarded with a Prayer Bead after defeating this enemy.
Long-arm Gentipede Giraffe
This miniboss can be found at the Sunken Valley – Gun Fort, and will be to the right of the Gun Fort idol, in the next room. This is also after the area where you fought Snake Eyes Shirafuji.
We recommend that you consume an Ungo’s sugar item beforehand as it increases posture for a time. This boss fights in the same exact way that the Gentipede Sen’un fights you. Though with only one exception that you cannot stealth kill him in the beginning, as he is always able to see you.
You need to block its attack, whole trying to hit 1 or 2 hits within its chain of attacks. the best part about this fight is that the boss can be taken down much quickly as compared to the previous Gentipede. Following the deflection of his chained attacks, his posture breaks after the second chain, allowing you to go for an execution immediately.
His attacks involve a red icon attack that you need to double jump to avoid. You need to sync this jump after the deflections to avoid getting hit. The reward for defeating this enemy is the Yellow Gunpowder Prosthetic Tool Upgrade, and Prayer Bead.
Snake Eyes Shirahagi
This miniboss is locatead in the Ashina Depths region, and from the Ashina Depths idol. From this idol or fast travel, you need to head to the next room where this boss will be waiting for you. The room is a chamber with the poison lakes.
To get to this location, you need to go to the old well where you fought the Lone Shadow Longswordsman in the Ashina Reservior. From there you need to swim through the well where that boss fight happened to come to a dark chamber. There will be a purple boss enemy here that you need to ignore for now. Next you will find a woman praying at a cliffside. Jump down to the cliff and follow the cliffs and the dark tunnels on the left.
The battle with this boss is very similar to the boss fight with Snake Eyes Shirafuji, though you need to be more careful about the other smaller enemies, and make sure you do not attract them.
From the Ashina Depths idol, you can drop down to kill the shooter standing on the platform high up. Ignore the rest of the enemies, as they will not notice you.
Now you can grapple to the statue on the right and from there to the trees and the statue near the boss. Now you need to walk down from the statue on his left, and perform a stealth takedown. This will take one of his life away from him.
If you were careful by not dropping down during grappling, the other smaller enemies wont notice you and will not bother you. Truth be told, you should make sure you do not get their attention as they fight becomes that much harder. If you mistakenly drop down and gather the attention towards you, its best to restart all over again from the Ashina Depths idol.
Your battle with this boss should be all about stunning him with the Firecrackers and then hitting him. bring down the boss’ Posture to less than 50%, and then deflect all his attacks, while dishing basic sword strikes. Once his posture breaks, you can go for the execution to finish the battle.
Defeating this boss will reward you with Prayer Bead.
Tokujiro the Glutton
This miniboss is located in Ashina Depths – Hidden Forest. This enemy is located shortly after you defeat the previous boss; Snake Eyes Shirahagi. He is on the main story path, so he cant be missed.
Either way, you can go to the Hidden Forest idol, and then jump across the trees, where you will come into a misty area with ghost enemies. To your left will be a grapple point to a tree where you can Tokujiro around with some monkeys guarding him.
Tokujiru fights just like Juzou the Drunkyard, but more powerful. The best way to begin the battle, is to first take out his life. this can be done by first taking out the monkeys around, then backtrack until the boss looses sight of you.
Now you need to return to the area and grapple up the tree branch that is above on the right side of this boss. He will not spot you, and you can grapple up behind him for an air takedown.
For the fight, your focus should be to use forward dodge, with another forward dodge and then attack for 2 hits. Repeat this and occasionally heal up if you get hit. The reward for defeating this boss is Unrefined Sake, and Prayer Bead.
Mist Noble
This miniboss is located at Ashina Depths – Hidden Forest, and close to the area where you fought the previous boss Tokujiro. Grapple on the tree branch on the side of the mountain, and towards a bigger tree. From there you will find a temple with someone playing a flute. There is a hole in the temple roof that lets you drop onto the boss.
When you drop on top of the boss, you can go for a stealth takedown. This boss isn’t much of a fight, as it does not attack, doesn’t block any of your attacks and dies in a few hits. What it does though is make the fog disappear, and bring out a few ghost enemies.
Defeating this enemy will reward you with Lump of Grave Wax Prosthetic Upgrade Item.
O’rin of the Water
This miniboss is located at the Ashina Depths – Water Mill idol. Just after the idol you will find a woman playing music, when you walk past, she will start attacking. You cannot miss this boss as it is story related, and advancing requires you to defeat her.
Since O’rin is a ghost, you cannot deal a lot of damage with attacking, and you cannot perform any sort of stealth takedown on her. The best way to win this battle is to deflect all of her attack combinations, while double jump right before her red icon attack pops up. follow that with hits that del massive posture damage.
Dodging her attacks do not work, and you will get hit a lot of times thanks to her flurry of attacks during your dodge. Deflect until her guard breaks, and perform an execution. If you do take any damage, heal up from a distance as her combat is more close ranged.
Keep hitting her with basic sword strikes. Even if she blocks your hits, she still suffers from posture damage. repeat all of the steps to continue depleting her posture. Once her posture breaks, go for the execution.
Defeating this boss will reward you with Prayer Bead, and Breath of Life: Shadow Skill.
Lone Shadow Vilehand
This miniboss is located at Ashina Castle – Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo. After you have killed the Guardian Ape and the Corrupted Monk, you need to go back to the Ashina Castle through the Abandoned Dungeon. There one the tower roofs you will encounter this boss. It is also the room where you previously fought Ashina Elite Jinsuke Saze mini-boss.
The best way to begin this fight is to first have a companion with you to fight. You can use your Puppeteer Ninjutsu to get behind the mob on the left side, backstab him and trigger the Puppeteer skill to make him fight with you.
Though this companion dies fairly quickly, it still allows you to deal a good amount of damage all during the time you both are fighting against the boss. When you are alone, and facing the boss, you can use the same strategy as you used on the Longswordsman miniboss. That is, whenever Vilehand is about to attack you, dodge forward slightly to the left and then go for a Whirlwind Slash Combat Art.
Repeat the step, and the boss will be defeated. In the end, you will be rewarded with Prayer Bead, and Lump of Fat Wax Prosthetic Upgrade.
True Corrupted Monk
This miniboss can be found in the Fountainhead Palace, where you have choose a different ending after staying loyal to Kuro, and defeating the Owl. After talking to Kuro multiple times, head back to Ashina Depths – Wedding Cave Door where in the cave you will see a tent that will transport you to the Fountainhead Palace.
Once you are here, the True Corrupted Monk will be waiting for you. This boss has three lives, though you can fortunately take two away with stealth kills. To do just that, enter the area where the boss is and grapple to the tree branch on the right. Then the second and third branches after that.
If you do this quickly, the boss will not notice you, and you can jump down for a stealth kill. When he enters the second phase, immediately jump back on the trees and go for the same technique with the stealth kill. This will effectively take two of his lives away.
Now for the battle, all you have to do is span the boss with Firecrackers and then sword slashes. You can also consume Ako’s Sugar for more power, and Ungo’s Sugar for taking less damage.
Once you have defeated the True Corrupted Monk, you will be rewarded with the Memory: True Monk attack upgrade, Dragon’s Tally Board.
Great Serpent
This miniboss is located at the Senpou Temple Mt. Kongo area. To get there, you can take the Senpou Temple Mt. Kongo Idol or fast travel point.
This boss fight also requires you to have the Puppeteer Ninjutsu equipped. This Technique can be obtained by defeating the Folding Screen Monkeys. You are also required to go to the Sunken Valley region to make this boss available to defeat.
From the Senpou Temple Mt. Kongo idol, drop down the cliff to the right where you will spot a single enemy with a lever kite attacked. Use your puppeteer skill on him so that he can be used to pull the level for the kite to hold in place. Now head through the monk forest, through the prayer room, and to the next area where a large tree is on the right.
Now you can grapple the kite and fly to the other area towards the Sunken Valley Cavern idol. The battle is not really a battle, and all you have to do is drop down on the Giant Serpent’s head and execute it. Once defeated, you will be rewarded with Fresh Serpent Viscera.
Guardian Ape Undying
This miniboss is located at the Ashina Depths Poison Pool, where it will be found after defeating the Corrupted Monk. It will be in the arena between the Poison Pool idol and the Hidden Forest idol.
This boss is just the same as the Headless Guardian Ape that you fought int eh second phase of the Guardian Ape boss battle. The only difference is that he is a lot slowe, and has two health bars that deplete very quickly. That is mainly because you are more powerful than before.
His attacks are slow and does not attack much. This allows you to just block one of his consecutive attacks, then hit him with your sword slashes. He will call another ape for his help. This new ape is not that hard to defeat and dies off very quickly. He can be stunned with the Firecrackers and dealt with sword slashes.
When the second ape is gone, focus back on the headless ape. Repeat the same tactic by blocking then attacking. Once defeated, execute it another time by taking out the centipede from inside it, and executing it as well. This makes sure that the Guardian Ape truly dies this time.
Once this boss fight is complete, you will be rewarded with 2 Prayer Beads, Bestowal Ninjutsu.
Sakura Bull of the Palace
This boss is located in the Flower Viewing Stage of the Fountainhead Palace. When you reach the Flower Viewing Stage idol, you can find this bull behind the Mibu Manor. The fight with this boss is exactly the same as the one you had early on in the game before you reached Ashina Castle.
This boss will be a lot easier to defeat, mainly because of how powerful you are from the last time. Dodge forward towards its ramming attack, and slash your sword as you are placed behind the bull.
Once the bull is defeated, you will be rewarded with Prayer Bear and A Beast’s Karma Latent Skill.
Okami Leader Shizu
This boss is located at the Great Sakura of the Fountainhead Palace. Once you are at this fast travel point, the boss will be on the next tree ahead. It is also a mandatory part of the story as you have to kill him to progress further in the game.
Once you reach the boss, all you have to do is avoid its lightning attacks and reach close to him where he is left defenseless. From the Great Sakura Idol, grapple to the tree and use the grappling points on the right of the tree to evade the boss’s incoming electric attacks. once you get close, slash him with your sword attacks and he will be defeated.
Once the battle is done, you will be rewarded with Prayer Bead.
Great Colored Carp
This boss is located in the Fountainhead Palace, where it is at the Feeding Grounds idol. The boss can be taken down with a few steps. As there is no combat or any sort of fight involved here, you are expected to poison it instead.
First, you need to activate the Feeding Grounds idol, talk to the NPC there and ring the bell to call the Great Colored Caro. To reach the Feeding Grounds, head back to the start of the Palace Grounds idol, and reach the Palace Grounds. Now take a right turn in the next building where behind it you can grapple to the roof and from the to a tree branch, temple roof, and finally the Feeding Grounds. Now you have to talk to the blue fish NPC, and ring the bell so the Great Colored Carp appears.
Next you have to teleport to the Hirata Estate from the Feeding Grounds and talk to the Scare Merchant there. Buy any items that cost 7 Scales. As this will open another option to talk to him, and give you the Truly Precious Bait
Head back to the Feeding Grounds, and feel the Carp the Truly Precious Bait. This will poison the carp. Now you have to go to the Sunken Alley Guardian Ape’s Watering Hole. This is where you will find the Great Colored Carp’s body with a glowing item that you can pick up. Once you pick it up, the battle is over.
You will be rewarded with the Great White Whisker trophy/achievement.
Headless Boss in Ashina Outskirts
This boss can be found in the Ashina Outskirts – Outskirs Wall Stairway. Form the location where you previously fought General Tenzen, head to the right and jump on the tree branch by the cliffside. Now you need to jump down towards a cliff below that you can hang on, and then jump over a dark cave where the boss is located.
To defeat the Headless boss, you need to use the Divine Confetti to damage it and a Pacifying Agent to protect yourself against its Terror Attacks. since you are much powerful at this point, he is quite easy to take down.
You will be slowed by his mist, but you should just attack him with sword slashes. Once the effect of the Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent wears out, you can just heal and hit the sword strikes.
Once defeated, you will be rewarded with Ako’s Spiritfall.
Shichimen Warrior
This boss can be found in the Abandoned Dungeon – Bottomless Hole. From where you fought the Lone Shadow Longswordsman, swim through the well to reach the Bottomless Hole. Next to the idol in the dark arena will be this boss waiting for you.
Again like the previous boss, you should consume the Divine Confetti and the Pacifying Agent to protect yourself from its Terror Attacks. These attacks can instantly kill you. Evade all his Terror Attacks.
This boss will then teleport away and uses a massive beam that he uses for a a few seconds. Run sideways until this beam attack stops and then go towards him with your normal sword attacks. repeat this step until you defeat the enemy. also do no forget to keep consuming your Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent when their effects run out.
Once defeated, you will be rewarded with the Ceremonial Tanto
Chained Ogre in Ashina Castle
This boss will be found in the Ashina Castle – Upper Tower Antechamber. From the Antechamber, drop down the inside of the tower where you will find this Chained Ogre at the bottom.
The fight will be exactly the same as the one your previously had with the Chained Ogre in the Ashina Outskirts. Use your forward dodge when he attacks, and then slice him up with your sword. Once you have defeated this enemy, you will be rewarded with Prayer Bead, Shinobi Medicine Rank 3 Latent Skill.
Lone Shadow Masanaga the Spear-Bearer
This boss can be found in the Ashina Castle – Great Serpent Shrine. From the Old Grave, youneed to walk to the Great Serpent Shrine idol, and then you will fin this boss. He is only accessible in the end game.
Before you start the battle, you need to kill the three wolves that are just before the boss. Then you need to crouch and sneak around to the left of the Shrine where the boss is located. Just as you are behind him, go for a backstab to take one life of his away.
The main fight is just the same as the Lone Shadow Longswordsman. When he attacks, you need to forward dodge to his left, and use the Whirlwind Slash Combat Art. Keep repeating this step to defeat this boss.
The Whirlwind Combat art is easy follow up once he has missed with his attack. once defeated you will be rewarded with Yellow gunpowder Prosthetic Upgrade material, and Prayer Bead.
Headless in Ashina Outskirts
This boss is located at the Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Stairway. From the place where you last fought General Tenzen, you need to go to the right and jump on the tree branch that is near the cliffside. Now jump down towards the cliff where you can hang on to. From there you can jump in a dark cave where this boss is located.
Before you can begin this boss fight, you have to consume the Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent to protect yourself from its Terror Attacks. Since this is the end game boss, and your strength would be too powerful at this point, it is fairly easy to deal a ton of damage to this boss.
His mist will slow you down, this is where you should just attack with your normal sword slashes. When he attacks, you can block though it will still deal damage to you. And keep the consumption of Divine confetti and Pacifying Agent repeatedly once their effects are depleted.
A trick to deal damage is to lure him towards the little cliff at the top of the area, then stand below the cliff to attack normally with your sword. He will not be able to hit you nor drop down back.
Once the boss is defeated, you will be rewarded with Ako’s Spiritfall.
Underwater Headless in Ashina Castle
This boss can be found at the Ashina Castle – Old Grave, where it will be situated underwater in the pond where the Old Grave idol is. to get underwater, you will require the diving skill that you get by defeating the Corrupted Monk boss in Ashina Depths.
Since this is a Headless boss, and that it focuses on terror Attack, its best to consume Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent beforehand. With the effect of these consumables, all you have to do is hit the enemy with the sword. The boss does not have enough attacks and is slow in attacking. when it is going for a heavy attack, dodge away and get behind it to hit it a couple of times.
Once you have defeated this boss, you will be rewarded with Ungo’s Spiritfall.
Headless in Ashina Depths
This boss is located in the Ashina Depths – Hidden Forest. From this idol or fast travel, you need to jump down and find the Headless under the trees.
Since this is a Headless boss, and that it focuses on terror Attack, its best to consume Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent beforehand. With the effect of these consumables, all you have to do is hit the enemy with the sword. Its best to not have locked on to this boss, and always walk to its left. This gives you some time to slash with attacks.
Not locking onto the headless, means that it is more likely going to miss his attacks when it strikes and when you move to the left. When it does attack though, you take unblockable damage, which is still less than undefended.
Occasionally when you Terror Gauge fills up, back up and consume the Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent. Continue with your attack until the posture of the Headless is broken. Then follow up with the execution.
Once defeated you will be rewarded with Gachiin’s Spiritfall.
Headless in Sunken Valley
This boss can be found in Sunken Valley – Under-Shrine Valley. From this idol or fast travel, turn around and walk uphill. Then you can jump across an abyss to the tree branch. Here you will find 2 Riflemen that you have to kill
Once done, you have to wall jump to their left, lean against the cliffside to walk over to a hidden area. Here you will find a small pool of water that you can dive in. through the pool, you will reach a dark room with the boss inside.
Since this is a Headless boss, and that it focuses on terror Attack, its best to consume Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent beforehand. With the effect of these consumables, all you have to do is hit the enemy with the sword. Its best to not have locked on to this boss, and always walk to its left. This gives you some time to slash with attacks.
Not locking onto the headless, means that it is more likely going to miss his attacks when it strikes and when you move to the left. When it does attack though, you take unblockable damage, which is still less than undefended.
Occasionally when you Terror Gauge fills up, back up and consume the Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent. Continue with your attack until the posture of the Headless is broken. Then follow up with the execution.
Once defeated, you will be rewarded with Gokan’s Spiritfall.
Underwater Headless in Fountainhead Palace
This boss can be found in Fountainhead Palace – Great Sakura. It will be in the big lake of the palace, where you have to dive down deep to reach its location.
Since this is a Headless boss, and that it focuses on terror Attack, its best to consume Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent beforehand. With the effect of these consumables, all you have to do is hit the enemy with the sword. The boss does not have enough attacks and is slow in attacking. when it is going for a heavy attack, dodge away and get behind it to hit it a couple of times.
He has also another weaker headless around which only throws some attacks at you from far away. however, you can easily dodge them. Once defeated, you will be rewarded with Yashariku’s Spiritfall.
Shichimen Warrior in Fountainhead Palace
This boss is in Fountainhead Palace – Flower Viewing Stage. From the Flower Viewing Stage idol or fast travel, head towards the Great Sakura idol. On the way you will find this boss under a bridge that you have to cross.
This boss fights the same as the Shichimen Warrior in the Abandoned Dungeon. Before you begin the fight, consume the Divine Confetti and Pacifying Agent to counter its Terror Attacks.
Start by attacking from behind and hit the boss until it teleports away. now run to the river where it will spawn. This boss always teleports and spawns from the same location. Once it spawns, quickly attack before it shoots a purple beam of laser on you. Its best not to lock on to this enemy as it allows you to get behind the enemy more easily.
Once it is defeated, you will be rewarded with Lapis Lazuli.
Seven Ashina Spears – Shume Masaji Oniwa
This mini-boss can be found in the Ashina Castle – Ashina Reservoir where he spawns only after you have defeated the Divine Dragon main boss. go to the Ashina Reservoir idol, and he will be standing right in front of the idol.
The boss will have random regular enemies around him. Sneak past these small enemies by using the Gachiin’s Sugar. You can also use your Puppeteer Ninjutsu to make one of the smaller enemies fight for you.
When the boss is distracted by the smaller enemy, you can land some hits from behind. Once the first life of the boss is gone, the mob will die. Your battle now should focus on using the Firecrackers and Fistful of Ash. Use Firecrackers to stun the boss, and then attack with the Ichimonji Double Combat Art. This attack combo will deplete his guard very quickly. When his posture is broken, go for the execution.
Once you have defeated Shume Masaji Oniwa, you will be rewarded with a Prayer Bead.
Shigekichi of the Red Guard
This mini-boss can be found in Ashina Outskirts – Outskirts Wall Stairway where he will spawn after you have defeated the Divine Dragon. First you need to go to the Old Grave idol in Ashina Castle, and then drop to the bottom after Old Grave idol. A bridge will now be lowered that leads back to the Ashina Outskirts where you fought General Tenzen.
This boss fight is the same as the Juzou fight in Hirata Estate, though there are a lot of smaller enemies guarding him. Kill the mobs around the idol so that they do not alert the boss.
Now you need to backtrack until the boss looses sight of you. Then sneak up to the boss from behind for a backstand, which will take on of his life away. now you just need to forward dodge left whenever he is about to attack, then land a couple of hits from behind.
Additionally, you can also use your Puppeteer Ninjutsu to make a smaller enemy fight with you against this boss.
Ashina Elite Ujinari Mizou
This boss is located in the Ashina Castle – Upper Tower – Ashina Dojo. This enemy spawns only after you have defeated the Divine Dragon. From the Ashina Dojo idol, walk downstairs and turn around. From here and to the other side of the stairs is a paper wall that you can cut through to find a secret passage leading to this boss.
To stealth this boss, you need to lure him away far enough that he looses sight of you. Then go for a stealth hit. The Shadowrush Combat Art is overpowered against him as he cant block it. Keeping your distance makes sure the boss’s attacks don’t reach you. Go for a Shadowrush and then jump back to retreat. Repeat this step until you can execute this boss.
Once this boss is defeated, you will be rewarded with Prayer Bead.
Lone Shadow Masanaga Spear-Bearer
This boss is only accessible in the Purification Ending, and can be found in the Hirata Estate – Bamboo Thicket Slope. This boss will be at the end of the Bamboo Thicket Slope where originally you got the key from dying Shinobi Owl.
The first thing you need to do is to take down all the smaller enemies that lead up to the boss. Once you are done, let the boss spot you and then run towards the bridge. The boss will always get stuck on the stairs. When he is stuck, get behind him and start with your sword strikes to push him down the stairs and towards the bridge. This will allow the AI to not attack you as it is out of bounds.
Now you can just keep attacking until you can execute him. this is the easiest way to take down this boss without having to deal with any attacks. Once this boss is defeated, you are rewarded with Prayer Bead.
Juzou the Drunkard 2nd Version
This boss is only accessible in the Purification ending and can be found in the Hirata Estate Main Hall. He will be at the same place where you fought him before.
The fight is exactly the same as the first fight with Juzou, while the only thing is that there will be a lot smaller enemies around him. You need to take out the smaller enemies around first and then fight Juzou.
Additionally, you can also use the Puppeteer Ninjutsu to make a mob fight with you. This can allow you to hit Juzou from behind while he is busy fighting the mob. Once defeated, the you will be rewarded with Prayer Bead.
For more Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice guides, check out the links below.
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Boss Battles Guide
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Beginner’s Guide
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Prosthetic Tool Upgrade Guide
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Prosthetic Tool Locations Guide
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Gourd Seed Locations Guide
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Prayer Bead Locations Guide
- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Treasure Carp Scales Guide
This concludes our Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Mini-bosses guide. Post your comments below.