With Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl out, both the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl versions of the game contain several Legendary Pokémon, along with the handful that is exclusive to both versions as well. This Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Legendary Pokémon Guide will show you where you can find all the Legendary Pokémon in both the games, as well as the ones exclusive to the different versions.
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Below we have listed all the Legendary Pokémon locations in the game.
Legendary Pokemon |
Location |
Articuno (Shining Pearl only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Azelf | Found in Lake Valor when you play the main story |
Darkrai | Found from the event in Canalave City |
Dialga (Brilliant Diamond only) | Found on Spear Pillar when you play the main story |
Entei (Brilliant Diamond only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Giratina | Found on Stark Mountain when you play the main story |
Heatran | Found inside Turnback Cave when you play the main story |
Ho-oh (Brilliant Diamond only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Jirachi | Talk to the NPC in Floarome Town |
Kyogre | Found in Ramanas Park |
Lugia (Shining Pearl only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Manaphy | Mystery Gift that can be claimed before February 2022 |
Mespirit | Found in Lake Verity when you play the main story |
Mew | Talk to the NPC in Floaroma Town |
Mewtwo | Found in Ramanas Park |
Moltres (Shining Pearl only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Palkia | Found on Spear Pillar when you play the main story |
Phione | Breed Ditto and Manaphy in the nursery to get Phione |
Raikou (Brilliant Diamond only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Rayqauaza | Found in Ramanas Park |
Regice | Found in Ramanas Park |
Regirock | Found in Ramanas Park |
Registeel | Found in Ramanas Park |
Shaymin (Land and Sky) | Found in the Seabreak Path Event on Route 224 |
Suicune (Brilliant Diamond only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Uxie | Found in Lake Acuity when you play the main story |
Zapdos (Shining Pearl only) | Found in Ramanas Park |
Read more Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl guides:
This concludes our Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pear. Post your comments below.