Monster Hunter Rise Endemic Life Locations Guide – Where to Find

Monster Hunter Rise Endemic Life Locations Guide

In this Monster Hunter Rise Endemic Life Locations Guide we will guide you on the locations of all of the Endemic Life found in Monster Hunter Rise. Endemic Life is not a new addition to Monster Hunter Rise but now these creatures come with various bonuses that greatly enhance your gameplay. Because of this, these are now critical to your missions, and finding them will allow you to complete the missions with various boosts such as increased Attack Power, cripple monsters, and much more.

Endemic Life Locations Guide – Monster Hunter Rise

Our Monster Hunter Rise Endemic Life Locations Guide details everything that you need to know about Endemic Life Locations in Monster Hunter Life.

Monster Hunter Life has five different categories for all the Endemic Life that you can find in the game. These include:

  • Buffers
  • Crafty
  • Hunting Helper
  • Miscellaneous
  • Ensnaring Life

We have detailed all of the Endemic Life categories below along with where you can find them.


Buffer Endemic Life will either grant you a temporary or a permanent stat boost for that particular mission. These include:

Endemic Life Where to Find Stat Boost
Butterflame Shrine Ruins Increases strength
Clothfly Flooded Forest, Shrine Ruins Resistance against injury
Cutterfly Shrine Ruins Increases critical hit chance
Green Spiribird Shrine Ruins Increases max HP
Orange Spiribird Shrine Ruins Improves defensive stats
Peepersect N/A Reduces stamina
Red Spiribird Flooded Forest, Shrine Ruins Increases the overall attack power
Vigorwasp Shrine Ruins Players are able to scatter mist
Wirebug Shrine Ruins Wirebug Gauge is increased by +1
Yellow Spiribird Shrine Ruins Increases stamina


These Endemic Life give you different crafting materials when you use them. These include:

Endemic Life Where to Find Resources
Boulder Lizard Shrine Ruins Minerals
Rock Lizard Shrine Ruins Rocks and Minerals.
Scale Lizard Shrine Ruins Claws and Scales

Ensnaring Life

These Endemic Life will help you affect monsters in different ways such as blinding them or slowing them down. These include:

Endemic Life Where to Find Effect
Flashfly Shrine Ruins All nearby enemies are flinched.
Giganha Flooded Forest When fully fed, increases damage.

Hunting Helper

Hunting Helpers are the most useful of the Endemic Life as you can also store them in your inventory for later use. At one time, you can only store five of each of these Endemic Life in your inventory. These include:

Endemic Life Where to Find Effect
Antidobra Shrine Ruins Increases resistances and cures all status ailments
Blastoad Shrine Ruins Causes a massive explosion that knocks down targets
Brewhare Shrine Ruins Allows players to add nutrients to their food
Escuregoat Flooded Forest, Shrine Ruins Provides healing effects
Firebeetle Shrine Ruins Causes Fireblight
Mudbeetle Shrine Ruins Causes Waterblight
Poisontoad Shrine Ruins Allows players to poison a target
Puppet Spider Shrine Ruins Allows players to cripple a monster
Snowbeetle Shrine Ruins Causes Iceblight
Stinkmink Shrine Ruins Used to attract monsters
Thunderbeetle Shrine Ruins Causes Thunderblight
Trapbugs Shrine Ruins Causes enemies to flinch
Wailnard Shrine Ruins Used to attract larger monsters

Miscellaneous Endemic Life

These are some extra Endemic Life creatures that help you out in the game as well.

Endemic Life Where to Find Use
Golden Spiribug Shrine Ruins Provides an item for the guild
Great Wirebug Shrine Ruins Greater reach than the normal Wirebug and this allows players to reach otherwise inaccessible areas

For more help with the game, check out the guides linked below:

This concludes our Monster Hunter Rise Endemic Life Locations Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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