Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Guide – Where to Find, Artifact Abilities

Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Guide

This Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Guide will show you all the Artifacts with their abilities, and where you can find them in the game. There are several Artifacts you can find in the different areas of the game.

Each Artifact comes with its own ability that acts like skills that give additional buffs to your character. However, you first have to find them before you can use them.

Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Guide

Below we have detailed all the Artifacts, their abilities, and locations in the game.




Firework Arrows Fireworks arrow that explodes on target
  • Redstone Mines
  • High Block Halls
Death Cap Mushroom Attack and movement speed increased significantly
  • Creeper Woods
  • High Block Halls
  • High Block Halls
Tasty Bone Spawns a wolf to fight alongside you
  • Creeper Woods
  • Redstone Mines
  • Creepy Crypt
Fishing Pole Grabs the nearest enemy near you and stuns them
  • Soggy Swamp
  • Creepy Crypt
  • Creeper Woods
Torment Quiver Arrows that knocks enemies and goes through walls
  • Creeper Woods
  • Desert Temple
Boot of Swiftness Movement speed is boosted temporarily
  • Creeper Woods
  • Creepy Crypt
  • Desert Temple
Harvester Release souls in an explosion
  • Soggy Swamp
  • Redstone Mines
Lightning Rod Use souls to summon a bolt of lightning to an area
  • Soggy Swamp
  • Obsidian Pinnacle
Totem of Regeneration Creates a circle where you and teammates inside it can heal automatically
  • Soggy Swamp
  • Fiery Forge
Wind Horn Enemies are pushed away and slowed down temporarily
  • Pumpkin Pastures
  • Cacti Canyon
Flaming Quiver Get 7 burning arrows
  • Pumpkin Pastures
  • Fiery Forge
Light Feather Stun and push enemies as you glide
  • Pumpkin Pastures
  • High Block Halls
Wonderful Wheat Spawns a Llama to your side
  • Cacti Canyon
  • Obsidian Pinnacle
Corrupted Beacon Fire off a high powered beam that damages mob
  • Pumpkin Pastures
  • Cacti Canyon
  • Redstone Mines
Totem of Shielding Shield from projectiles
  • Cacti Canyon
  • Desert Temple
Shock Powder Stuns enemies nearby
  • Desert Temple
  • Obsidian Pinnacle
Ironhide Amulet Defense is boosted temporarily Fiery Forge

Read more Minecraft Dungeons guides:

This concludes our Minecraft Dungeons Artifacts Guide. Post your comments below.

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About the Author: Salik Shah

An ardent lover for first-person shooter games, Salik has been part of GamesHedge all through its journey. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter-Strike and Call of Duty, and now can be seen lurking in Valorant and Rainbow Six: Siege.

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