Mega Man 11 Items and Parts Guide – How to Unlock

Mega Man 11 Items and Parts Guide

In this Mega Man 11 Items and Parts Guide, we will guide you on how you can collect all parts and items found in Dr. Light’s Lab. At the beginning, all items will be locked and you will need to unlock them throughout the game by completing different tasks and stages. Once an item has been unlocked, you will also need to purchase them using screws.

These items are meant to make your game much easier as they will help you in various scenarios throughout the game. If you plan to keep the game challenging, it is vital that you do not use these items. Nonetheless, this Mega Man 11 Items and Parts Guide will help you unlock all the items and parts just in case you want to use them later in the game.

Items and Parts Guide – How to Unlock

Our Mega Man 11 Items and Parts Guide details all items and parts found in the game and how you can unlock them in Mega Man 11. The game features a Newcomer difficulty as well so if you are playing the game on the easiest difficulty, some of the items will be unlocked for you much quicker than other difficulties.

Mega Man 11 Items and Parts Guide

We have detailed all parts and items below and how you can unlock them.

Awakener Chip

Beat Dr. Wily to unlock the Awakener Chip.

Buster Plus Chip

You can unlock the Buster Plus Chip by shooting 500 shots from the Mega Buster. On Newcomer difficulty, you will only need 250 shots to unlock it.

Cooling System

To unlock the Cooling System, activate the Double Gear system 100 times on other difficulties or 50 times if playing on Newcomer.

Cooling System Infinity

Beat Dr. Wily and you will unlock the Cooling System Infinity.

Capsule Catcher

To unlock the Capsule Catcher, you must completely use any special weapon or Rush ability over 30 times until the gauge is drained.

Energy Catcher

To unlock Energy Catcher, you must die and reach the ‘Game Over’ screen over 10 times.

Power Shield

You will unlock Power Shield once you get a total of 200 points of damage on other difficulties or 100 points of damage on Newcomer difficulty.

Screw Catcher

You can only unlock this on a Saturday. So wait until Saturday or if you are in a real hurry, you can set the time of your platform to Saturday.

Pierce Protector

You will unlock the pierce protector after being killed by spikes five times.

Speed Gear Booster

You will unlock Speed Gear Booster automatically once you have activated the Speed Gear for 50 times on other difficulties or 25 times on Newcomer difficulty.

Energy Balancer Neo

To unlock the Energy Balancer Neo, purchase the Energy Balancer from Dr. Light’s shop.

This concludes our Mega Man 11 Items and Parts Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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