In this FIFA 20 Offense Guide, we will show you all the offensive tactics and what are the best tactics you can use, along with some attacking tips to better your offense by dodging away defenders and making successful passes along the field.
The game offers many attacking styles with the formations that will help you with your attacking style. The offense styles can be adjusted to your preference, along with the formation that you thin would work best with the type of opponent that is you are playing against.
FIFA 20 Offense Guide
Below we have detailed all the tactics along with some attacking tips that will help you in the game.
Offensive Style
All the Offensive styles are listed below:
As you can guess, players will want to get more of the possession and will target the ball more during passes or missed passes, and it also works best for passing around with other players when trying to make a play for the goal.
This formation will offer you a well-balanced team that focuses on maintaining the set formation. The players will decide when it is the right time to go for runs and will support otherwise.
Long Ball
With this style, the team will make runs for long balls into space behind the opposing backline, or up to a target man. You will find this playstyle best if you have strikers that are fast and are in good attacking positions.
Fast Build Up
This will allow a play to build up faster, but leaves you open for a counter if you loose possession of the ball.
Offensive Formations
This part of the guide contains all the Offensive formations.
Width Formations
All the Width formations are listed below.
1-3 Narrow Formation
This formation will allow you to center your players from the wide side of the field and focus players in the middle of the pitch. This means that you will have more opportunities to complete short passes.
4-7 Balanced
With this formation, your team will maintain a balanced shape and provide you of various ways to attack.
8-10 Wide
This formation allows you players to be set at the width of the pitch away from the center. This allows your players to push from the wider angles, close to the sidelines. This means that you will have more passing options in the sides than in the center.
Players in the Box Formations
These formations determine how you want the players to be placed in the box.
1-3 Low Formation
This setting allows your players to stay out of the box, but then attack immediately once the pass is made. Your players will prefer staying out the box, and will less frequently run for a cross opportunity.
4-7 Balanced Formation
This is a balanced formation where you will have some players in the box that will run in towards the goal at the right time for a cross opportunity.
8-10 High Formation
This is a high formation meaning more players will be in the box that will look for more opportunities of a cross. As more players will prefer being in the box, it can leave you vulnerable for when the opponent goes for a counter-attack.
Read more FIFA 20 Guides:
This concludes our FIFA 20 Offense Guide. Post your comments below.