In this Field of Glory: Empires Regions & States Guide, we will show you how you can manage your Regions, and how your state government and rulers can have a massive impact on the approach of each faction in the game.
Managing your regions include factors such as population, buildings, resources, and trade. The game provides a region management screen that you can view for details about each of these factors.
Details about your State can be viewed on the Nation panel which displays a lot of information about the negatives and positives about your factions. It also contains the government descriptions, and also display progression or regression points.
Field of Glory: Empires Regions & States Guide
Below we have detailed how you can manage your Regions, and how your State containing the government and ruler can progress the civilization in a positive way to make it stronger and better.
The game offers a region management screen that is split into many areas, however, you really only make decisions that are around building the region’s population. The region management panel contains the summary panel on the top left which displays if the region is a capital, the terrain information, region defensiveness, and garrisons, loyalty and revolt risk, and building slots that determine how many more buildings you can have in this region.
The top of the panel is about factors that are impacting the region. These can include rebellions, objectives, famine, etc. The center panel shows the region’s population information, where above this panel is a summary of the population growth. The ethnicity of your population can affect unrest and productivity in your region
There are also two social classes in the game which are citizens and slaves. Slaves are either bought or captured from battles, while citizens grow from your population growth. Slaves are most productive working on food or infrastructure, while citizens are good for all kind of production.
On the right-hand panel displays the region’s resources used and generated. This includes items like food that is used to feed the population and supply armies. The infrastructure material for building and construction, money that is used for building and maintaining armies, and culture which is used to counter decadence and impacts empire progression
A Region’s reserves of food, infrastructure, and equipment are regional resources. Any other resources are used empire-wide.
Buildings can impact the resources of a region and provide trade goods, boost production, allow special units to be built, and many more useful things. The six categories that buildings fall in are:
- Food: for food production
- Health: for population growth and healthcare
- Infrastructure: for construction and maintenance
- Military: performing armies
- Money: for income and wealth
- Culture: helps with loyalty, religion, and science.
When you have three buildings within a category, you will be offered a more powerful tier 2 building. If you have six buildings in a category, you may be offered a tier 3 building.
The game gives you a Nation Panel that gives you a lot of details about everything good and bad about your factions. The panel also appears before the start of each turn. The left side of the panel contains the government description, displaying its type, level, and status. While also displaying any progression and regression points, and also if it is in a position to gain or lose these points.
The main focus of the game is also to guide your civilization in a progressive manner. Civilizations develop through three levels. Your civilization develops from a kingdom to a monarchy and then to an empire. These levels impact many aspects of the game that include national decisions, administrative problems, building options, and unit recruitment choices.
Each civilization level is additionally split into five statuses. These statuses may impact aspects such as loyalty, economic performance and unit experience levels. These statuses are:
- Young
- Stable
- Glorious
- Old
- Decadent
To increase a status, your civilization needs to gain five progression points. Status can also decrease if you gain five regression points.
The center of the Nation Panel displays the government or status age. It is effectively a measure of the maturity of your current government status. On the right of the Nation panel is your faction ruler. Rulers are appointed automatically as required such as when the previous ruler dies. You can also look for the bonuses the rulers provide as these could have impacts across your empire for good or bad.
Read more Field of Glory: Empires Guide:
This concludes our Field of Glory: Empires Regions & States Guide. Post your comments below.