In this Dreams Beginner’s Guide, we will guide you on how you can start playing Dreams. Media Molecule has released their ultimate creator game Dreams in Early Access on PS4. Media Molecule is the developer behind Little Big Planet and their latest project is Dreams which is even bigger than Little Big Planet when it comes to creativity. At the start of the game, the game will guide you on the basics and then you are on your own.
We have curated this Dreams Beginner’s Guide in which we have detailed the starting few hours of Dreams and how you can get started with the game. We will detail some of the in-game mechanics here so you can easily get up to speed with the game mechanics and quickly get in the game to begin your creative journey.
Beginner’s Guide – Dreams
In this Dreams Beginner’s Guide, we will detail everything that you need to know about playing Dreams and beginning your creative journey. One thing to note here is that since Dreams is still in Early Access, expect things to change in the final version or as new updates are released for the game in the future.
Choose your imp
The very first step in Dreams is to choose your imp. Imp is your alive and cute cursor in Dreams that will be part of your journey throughout the game. The game will present you with a variety of options to choose from. They all serve the same purpose so you can pick anyone that visually appeals to you.
Using your imp, you will be able to possess a multitude of items in the game which can be interacted with or used in a specific way. You can possess light bulbs and turn them on and off. You can possess vehicles and drive them around. If you possess the cone, it will give your imp a physical body and your imp will be able to move around in it.
You can also customize the look of your imp in Dreams. To do so, simply head to the Your Profile option once you get to the hub. There you will find the option to change the visual appearance of your imp. More details and customization options might be added in later updates or the full version of Dreams.
Understanding Game Modes
Dreams have four main different game modes. You will have access to all of them when you get to the main hub. Once in the main hub, simply press the Options button and you will be able to see all four menu icons on the screen. The four options here will be Homespace Editor, Dream Surfing, Community Jam, and Dreams Shaping.
In Homespace Editor, you can edit your homespace which is also the hub area. You will not find too many options in this section at this point however more options will be added in the future. If you head to Dream Surfing, you can try out levels created by other Dreams’ players.
Community Jam is a special mode where Media Molecule will set a theme for a specific time and players can create their own custom levels based around that theme. The developer will keep rotating the theme after a specific time to keep things fresh. If you want to create your own levels, Dream Shaping is your destination where you will find all the required tools to play around your level.
This concludes our Dreams Beginner’s Guide. If you want to add any tips for other Dreams beginners, feel free to use the comments section below.