Dead Island 2 Weapons Maintenance Guide – How to Repair and Upgrade Weapons

Dead Island 2 Weapons Maintenance Guide

Weapons play a vital role in Dead Island 2, and it is important that you look after them in order to ensure that they remain in their best shape when you really need them. Dead Island 2 offers you tons of different weapons to use in the game and you can further customize them as well. We have curated this Dead Island 2 Weapons Maintenance Guide for you in which we will tell you how you can repair and customize your weapons in the game.

Weapons Maintenance Guide – Dead Island 2

This weapons maintenance guide has two sections, the first will tell you how you can repair your weapons while the second will tell you how you can upgrade your weapons.

How to Repair Weapons in Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2’s version of Los Angeles, HELL-A features plenty of Workbenches in different locations and if you want to repair your weapons, you will need to visit one of these workbenches. For your convenience, you will find these marked on your map as well. Once your weapon has broken and is nearing low durability, you can use the Workbenches to repair the weapons to their full health.

You will need materials and money to repair the weapons as well so the rarer the weapon, the more resources and money you will need. You can also scrap the weapons for raw materials at the workbenches that you do not want to use and get some raw materials right on the spot on the workbench. The option of repairing your weapons is always there so if you manage to break your favorite weapon, instead of throwing it away, just find a Workbench and repair the weapon in order to continue using it.

How to Upgrade Weapons in Dead Island 2

Apart from repairing weapons at the workbench, you can also upgrade and customize your weapons at these workbenches. Upgrading a weapon is really simple and if you want to upgrade a weapon and bring it to your level, simply hold F1, X, or Square depending on your platform, and you will upgrade your weapon of choice to your own level which makes it more powerful and durable. For this, you must have enough money and raw materials with you.

If you want to change the working of your weapon and want to modify it, apart from the money and raw materials, you will also require a blueprint for the modification that you want to do on your weapon. These blueprints are scattered all over HELL-A and some are given to you as rewards for completing main missions, side missions, and challenges or you will find them as random loot. Sometimes a powerful zombie may drop them as well.

Once you have everything you need for the modification that you need to do for your weapon, you can choose the weapon at the workbench and hold F2, Y, or Triangle which will open the modification screen for you. Once here, you can choose the mod that you want to purchase and then apply it to the weapon. Some of the advanced weapons and mods will also require exotic body parts which can be earned by maiming zombies. Make sure you go loaded with everything you need for modifying or repairing your weapons.

That is all for this guide. If you want more help with Dead Island 2, check out the guides linked below:

This concludes our Dead Island 2 Weapons Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.

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About the Author: Umair Khalid

Founder of GamesHedge, Umair enjoys a wide variety of video games ranging from RPGs to racing games. Currently busy with The Crew Motorfest and Kingdom Rush 5: Alliance.

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